So the little boy can still think of these things clearly in his heart, so that he feels that no matter what he says, they must be able to stick to it and all the difficulties can be solved one by one.

"Brother Xu Haojie, I don't know what will happen next. Maybe it's all three of us working together, and we can solve it."

When the little boy said this, Xu Haojie nodded, and then he continued to say to Xu: "Zhao Xincheng, even in the face of danger and difficulties, it must be solved.

As long as we work together, as long as we work together to face, there will never be anything that can embarrass us

When Xu Haojie heard Zhao Xincheng and the little boy say these things to him, his heart is very happy. After all, Xu Haojie is worried about Zhao Xincheng and the little boy. They can't face these dangers well.

But now it seems that he just thinks too much. Xu Haojie is not as fragile as he imagined. In the face of these dangers and difficulties, they are very powerful.

It is absolutely impossible to become confused, uneasy and afraid when facing difficulties. In fact, it is just that he thinks too much.

Xu Haojie also nodded with a smile, and then said to Zhao Xincheng and the little boy, "yes, no matter what kind of danger and difficulty we encounter, I believe you can overcome the difficulties. I believe you and our whole team."

Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy all trust each other very much, and they also trust themselves very much. They think that they can do these things.

On the other side, Fang Fen saw Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy. Their performance was also very happy there.

Because Fang Fen thinks that Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie and Xu Haojie can do those things, although now they have not found the flaw in the fourth level, even water and food have not been found.

But Fang fennel also knows that this is inevitable. After all, there is nothing and nothing in this desert.

There is no way to find some water and food, it is really very difficult, even if Fang Fen knows that they have not found anything for the time being, it does not matter.

Fang Fen knows that it takes time to do these things. He can't do them because they want them to do them quickly, and then plant everything to let him finish as soon as possible.

Fang Fen is willing to give Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng more time. He is also willing to spend some time to see how the three of them are going to solve this problem.

Ye Wuqian, on the other side, of course, thinks the same way, because ye Wuqian originally wanted to cultivate Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy to solve problems independently.

The former fennel was also cultivated by leaf Wuwei. Although it is said that the fennel has been eliminated by the rule of the underground palace, but ye Wuqian can see the performance of fennel, and it has become very powerful and powerful.

At least now Fang Fen knows how to solve such problems, and he also knows how to adjust his emotions. Moreover, Fang Fen has not come to Ye Wuqian for help, nor has he come to help him. What should he do.

If Fang Fen's ability is a little weak, he will be in a mess now. Then he comes to ask ye Wuwu how he can help Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy.

But so far, Fang Fen has never asked such a question. He has never asked Ye Wuqian how to help Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy escape from the fourth level.

Ye Wuqian thinks that it may be the biggest change of fangfennel. If it is before, fangfennel will come to ask him at the beginning.

How can we help Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy escape from the fourth level and then enter the fifth level smoothly. Up to now, we have not asked.

Prove Fang Fen is really grow up, really grow a lot of, sharpen his will. Ye Wuqian also knows that it may be because the fennel is used to it.

When he was in the virgin forest before, he didn't feel the help of the leaves. He didn't seem to have any other things except the smell of the leaves.

Moreover, he thought that all these things might all come from their beliefs, because Fang Fen believed in Ye Wuwei very much.

I believe he felt the breath of Ye Wuque, that is, ye Wuque has been protecting them silently by our side, so we will be able to move forward bravely and continue to move forward.

Fang Fen also knows that Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie and the little boy even if they can't feel their breath, or how it doesn't matter.

I feel that they have no way to help Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy. They can only let Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie and the little boy solve these problems and do these things by themselves.They have no way to help them or do other things, so it doesn't matter whether they ask or not. It doesn't help if they know the solution. It's better to know than not to know.

"Ye Wuqian, do you think that Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boys are going to encounter dangers and difficulties in the future. Are they really dangerous?"

Fang Fen also knew that what he asked was just a question that had already known the answer. Since it was said to be dangerous and difficult, it would certainly be very dangerous and difficult.

However, he still wanted to ask and get a reply from ye Wuqian, because Fang Fen was still worried. He was worried that Zhao Xincheng and the little boy would not be able to withstand those dangers and difficulties.

In his heart, he really believes in Fang Fen's ability, so that they can do something, but the situation is not the same.

Now the situation is really something wrong, that's why he asked. Ye Wuqian heard what Fang Fen asked, and he also knew what Fang Fen was thinking.

Ye Wuqian also wanted to give Fang Fen some encouragement, so ye Wuqian said to Fang Fen: "don't worry, Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy didn't do as we expected.

Their ability is still very strong. As long as we give them enough confidence and strength to believe that they can do these things, we should not think about it here. "

When Fang Fen heard Ye Wuqian say so, he nodded and didn't say anything else. After all, he also knew that since ye Wuque had said that, since Ye Wuqian had said that, since ye Wuque felt that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng were very similar.

The three of them can definitely think about those things smoothly. In fact, there is no reason for him. He also knows that he is only worried about several of them, so he has been asking ye wukuo indefinitely here.

In fact, Fang Fen also knew the answer he asked. He already knew it well. Even though the little boy may not be able to find food and water for the time being, their unremitting efforts and the three people working together to do these things will surely do better.

They won't worry about these things at all, and they won't be sad at all. Even the little boy didn't worry about himself before. What else can he worry about?

Anyway, I know that as long as he tries his best to help them, to see how they can solve these problems, it is good to do and think about other things.

"I know what kind of people Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy will meet next. I believe they will do the best, and they will finish the task very well.

And no matter who these people are, they will be kicked out by the rules of the underground palace, and they will soon accept this reality

Fang Fen he did not speak, he now suddenly said this sentence, ye Wuqian heard, he also nodded with a smile.

Because ye Wumian thinks like this in his heart. Anyway, there must be a lot of things to do, and there are still many things to do. They feel that they have been persisting in and entangled in the affairs of Xu Haojie and the little boy.

It doesn't have any effect. Anyway, what fangfennel needs now is a firm consolation, so ye Wuqian will surely see a very difficult one, which may be better.

Anyway, ye Wuqian knows that Fang Fen has never been an indecisive person, nor a very procrastinating person. Ye Wuqian also knows why Fang Fen has been asking questions here.

It is also because he is worried about Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy, and also because he is very concerned about the three of them, so he will always be like this, very uncertain.

As long as he gets a more clear answer and gets a more clear answer, he should not be so worried, he will not be so afraid.

The Warcraft tide leader is on the side. He sees the interaction between Fang fennel and ye Wuwei. The Warcraft tide leader also knows what Fang fennel is doing.

He also wanted to give Fang Fen a clear answer, because he knew that what Fang Fen needed most was a very clear and firm answer, which might be better.

In fact, the Warcraft tide leader also knows that there are many dangers and difficulties encountered in these levels in the underground palace.

In fact, it is also because Fang Fen is very concerned about Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, as well as the little boy. The three of them are their best friends, so that's why they are like this.

If they were ordinary people and ordinary people, they would surely feel that it was none of their own business. Therefore, the more Warcraft tide leaders saw Fang Fen, the more he appreciated Fang Fen's love and righteousness, and the core feeling of their whole team.

Warcraft tide leader he really felt that their team was really the best team he had ever seen. He said that he had already known that their team's ability was very strong.

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