We can't all let them break through the barrier here, and at the same time, we should also make something. The most important thing for them now is to transform all the suffering words into a kind of enjoyment.

Although they may be suffering from hunger now, at least they can hone their will and make themselves better. That's good.

Anyway, both Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng have great confidence in themselves. The little boy is no exception. He hears the dialogue between Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng.

There are also some worries in the little boy's heart, because he also knows that as long as they can keep going, they will be able to do these things.

The little boy said to Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng: "brother Zhao Xincheng, brother Xu Haojie, you two need not worry so much. As long as we can go for a few days, we will certainly be able to solve these problems."

Little boys have always believed in their own personal ability. Even if they may not have a clue or a thought when facing these difficulties, there is no way to do it, and it doesn't matter.

As long as they can work hard to go on, it is already very good, and in the eyes of the little boy, although there may be all sand, maybe all desert, maybe they can't find a more correct method.

But that doesn't matter, as long as they can do these things well, they are already very good, there is no need to do these things, do these things.

"Brother Xu Haojie and brother Zhao Xincheng. In fact, I always think that although we can't find a correct way, we will certainly get something if we try and explore together."

Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie both heard the little boy say so. Of course, they agreed with him very much.

Even if they can't find the right path now, they can't find the right direction. But it doesn't matter, they try hard to try, they work hard to do, will be able to harvest.

They may not be able to use these gains for the time being, but for their later development, for their personal gains, it is also a very useful thing.

Therefore, Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie sympathize with the little boy's words, especially Xu Haojie. He thinks that he must think about a lot of things and do a good job of it. This may help their whole team.

So now after the little boy finished, Xu Haojie said to Zhao Xincheng and the two of them: "yes, just like the little boy said.

In fact, as long as we continue to move forward, as long as we persist in the end, there will be harvest, more or less there will be a lot of harvest, we do not have to worry about so much. "

The little boy and Xu Haojie two people heard Zhao Xincheng say so. In fact, it was in his heart that he thought so, but Zhao Xincheng first said it.

In fact, it doesn't matter if he doesn't say it. They must be able to do these things.

"Oh, Xu Haojie, don't talk about it again. We all know the truth and there is no solution. We might as well go on and explore where there is water and food."

Moreover, Zhao Xincheng thinks that the little boy was not very interested in the books about survival in the wilderness before. Did not he learn this knowledge?

Maybe now we can let the little boy mobilize his knowledge and solve the problem together. Can we find some better methods in the desert.

Can we find some ways to solve them and help them find water and food as soon as possible. Now Xu Haojie has put forward these ideas.

Zhao Xincheng said to the little boy, "little boy, you didn't like to watch some programs and books about survival in the wilderness. Can you think of it now? Where do we start to look Water and food? "

When the little boy heard Zhao Xincheng say this, he pondered for a while, and then shook his head. In fact, he had thought about it before, and he really liked to read this knowledge before.

I like watching programs about survival in the wilderness, but after all, in this project, the situation is very special and weird, which is very different from that in the real world.

Those things he learned, let alone on paper, even if not on paper, even if he really went to the actual, but here in the fourth level, here can also be applied, also can be used?

This is a very confused place, so now the little boy heard Zhao Xincheng ask him, he is also embarrassed to shake his head.

Then he said to Zhao Xincheng, "brother Zhao Xincheng, I'm not going to do it. It's just that I think the things I've learned and the knowledge I know may not be useful in solving the fourth hurdle.

After all, they are not the same thing. There is a big gap between the underground palace and the desert in the real world. "Originally, Zhao Xincheng thought that these things could be done, which would make him think that he could mobilize the little boy's knowledge about survival in the wilderness.

Then he helped them to find water and food together. But now hearing this from the little boy, Zhao Xincheng felt a little sad in his heart.

Because Xu Haojie thinks that since even little boys have never learned this knowledge, it may be more difficult for them to find out.

After all, he and Xu Haojie do have a little bit less knowledge in this area, and they really can't think of a good way to find water and food.

Therefore, after hearing the child say this, not only Zhao Xincheng, but also Xu Haojie are a little disappointed and a little disappointed.

However, the two of them were not upset because the little boy did not know, but because they could have had a clue now, but the little boy was broken.

That's why both of them will feel sad, and there will be some sad.

The little boy saw that Xu Haojie or Zhao Xincheng became so sad and sad. In fact, he felt that he had a place to use himself.

It is not easy to let him play a role, but he can not play, but he can not do this thing, the little boy's heart is also a little uncomfortable.

Because the little boy also knows that he wasted a lot of time and energy when he was in the third level, when he was in the primeval forest.

Now he clearly can do these things, but for some other reasons, he can't do these things. He also feels very sad and regretful in his heart.

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng did not notice that the little boy began to have these thoughts in his heart, because both Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng felt that.

No matter how delicate the little boy's mind is, he will not always hold on to this point. After all, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng had already known the situation of the little boy before.

Even if the little boy may have wasted their time and energy in the third level, it doesn't matter, they are willing to do it.

Because even in the third level, they wasted time and energy because of the same thing, but they were also affected.

They have indeed gained some development, indeed, some good things for them, although it may be a better thing.

But it is not good to hold on to it all the time. If the little boy can think about this clearly and understand it, it may be better.

But now Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are two of them. Neither of them thought about it. They did not notice.

In fact, the little boy's heart has started to feel a little sad, but they are still willing to go on like this. They think that as long as they can do this thing well, it is already very good.

They just hope that they can do it well, which is already very good.

As for the other things, let's put them first. Otherwise, if they think about it, they will only waste more time and let me give them more energy.

They don't want to do too much of such thankless things, so now the little boy is alone there, and no one pays attention to his things and pays attention to it.

Although the little boy's heart was sad, no one said these words, no one came to do these things, although he did not feel sad, nor did he feel neglected.

Because he also knows that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are too busy to deal with these problems in the fourth level, because they want to solve this problem.

So now, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng have been very busy and have a lot of energy to take care of him. He will not feel sad or angry because Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng did not pay attention to their own mood and emotions.

The little boy is also a more reasonable person. He will certainly give Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng some time and space. He does not want Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng to understand these things.

He didn't like Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng. They stopped because of him and his emotions.

The little boy thinks that this situation may be the best. He doesn't like that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng will be more upset because of themselves. It's not good at all.

The little boy quickly put away his ideas, he is not willing to let play, because of his reason, will think of some more sad things, this is not very good at all.

Now Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng don't know what they are thinking, but even if he does, he can't help the little boy with these things.

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