I hope Zhao Xincheng won't worry about him any more. The little boy is always there to comfort Xu Haojie. He also thinks that Xu Haojie is too anxious.

But they couldn't find water and food, and they were very sad there, so they had these hallucinations.

"Brother Xu Haojie, why don't we take a rest in the same place first and don't let us go up. Even if we keep going, we still don't have the time and energy. "

The little boy thinks that Xu Haojie may be because he is too tired, so he will think so much and have so much confusion, but in fact, it is not for this reason at all.

In order to make Zhao Xincheng and the little boy not to worry too much about himself, Xu Haojie agreed with the little boy's words and took a rest in situ.

This may be a better thing for the little boy, and it may also be more comforting for him, so now the little boy is very happy to see Xu Haojie resting in situ.

When Xu Haojie was resting at the same time, he said to the little boy, "no matter whether it's my auditory hallucinations or not, we still need to be vigilant.

After all, we haven't found any flaws in the fourth level for the time being. We still need to pay attention not to be attacked secretly, which may be better. "

When the little boy and Zhao Xincheng heard Xu Haojie say so, they both nodded and of course agreed with Xu Haojie.

They must not relax their vigilance. They must do these things well. Otherwise, if they let themselves encounter some accidents and let themselves fall into some dangerous situations, it is definitely very bad.

Now that Xu Haojie has proposed it, they must follow Xu Haojie's words to think about it and see if they can do it well or not.

If they can't do these things well, they can say it in advance, and then don't waste too much time and energy.

This may be good for everyone and everyone, but it may not be good to let them know that they think and talk like this.

There may not be any solution for them, but the matter is like this now. Of course, they can only look like this first.

The three of them were resting at the same place. The little boy wanted to say something irritating to Xu Haojie, and wanted Xu Haojie not to worry about so many things.

Don't worry about so many things. Now continue to let Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng rest in the same place. Then the little boy feels that he should not say any more disheartened words and say some bad things.

But even if he didn't say it, he would still see the little boy's appearance of being eager to talk and stop talking. The little boy might be afraid that Xu Haojie would think more, so he held back in his heart.

He felt that since they were going to go down the barrier together, they would have to tell everything they knew. They would not have to think about so many things. If they wanted to speak, they would just speak freely. Therefore, now Zhao xinchengcheng has replaced the little boy to say what he wants to say in his heart.

He said to Xu Haojie: "Xu Haojie, maybe we should think about it. From other aspects, maybe just like you said, maybe there are some strange sounds.

It's just that we haven't felt it for the time being, but we haven't considered it for the time being. In case there are really some strange things, we can take precautions in advance. Are you right "

when Xu Haojie heard Zhao Xincheng say this, he thought it was just because he didn't notice it, not because it didn't exist In.

Xu Haojie is not his own can imagine, he really heard some strange sounds, from far away to their side ran.

Just like when they met those Warcraft tides in the third level before, if it is really because of this, then they must take precautions in advance.

In the primeval forest, fennel is around them to guide them to give advice. Now fangfennel is not around them. They must do these things by themselves and think about how to do them.

So now they think it might be better to do these things first, so they don't think about other things or things.

Moreover, Xu Haojie also understood what Xu Haojie and the little boy were thinking. He also understood that the little boy and Zhao Xincheng were worried about him and that he would do some other bad things, so he said this on purpose.

In fact, even if they don't say it, Xu Haojie also knows that he doesn't want to do some bad things, and he doesn't want to let his emotions affect them.

It affects the development of the whole thing and the progress of the whole team. Even if Zhao Xin has misunderstood him, he will not do other things and will not say what kind of things he will do. He will just explain it well.And now that they are resting in place, he doesn't want to disturb the whole process of the team because of his own thoughts and feelings.

Xu Haojie said to Zhao Xincheng and the little boy, "Zhao Xincheng, little boy, it's possible that I think more about it, and it doesn't matter. Even if we think about it more, we can have a rest here."

Originally, Xu Haojie didn't pay attention to it before. Now he has noticed the little boy's appearance that he wants to talk but stops. Maybe the little boy is very worried. He is afraid that he will think more and he is afraid that he will have some illusions.

So Xu Haojie doesn't want to think about those things any more, because he doesn't want others to worry about him all the time, and he doesn't want to worry about these things all the time. What do you think.

Anyway, since the little boy has such an idea, he has the obligation to do it. Don't let the little boy worry about him. It may be better.

Xu Haojie has always felt that as long as he can do something well, as long as he can let the little boy not worry too much about him, he may be better.

Xu Haojie thought it was good for the little boy to have a rest for a while. He said to the little boy, "forget it, we still go ahead and rest here, but there is no progress."

The little boy and Zhao Xincheng both nodded when they heard Xu Haojie say so. They also knew that it might be better to move on.

It's enough for them to have a rest in place for a long time, which will only waste their time and energy, which is not good at all, so now the three of them continue to move forward.

Although the little boy and Zhao Xincheng think that Xu Haojie said that he heard some strange sounds before, it was his own thinking.

But they will still listen to Xu Haojie's words and listen to them carefully to see if there are some strange sounds in Xu Haojie's mouth.

If there are, they will also have a good look at what kind of things, what kind of reasons.

Zhao Xincheng and the little boy, although they think Xu Haojie may have been tired, they have hallucinations. In fact, there is no strange sound at all.

But the two of them still felt that since Xu Haojie said it, it was certainly not groundless. They were still willing to listen and observe what happened and why.

The three of them still worked hard and tried hard to listen to the strange sounds. Although Xu Haojie did not continue to talk about it.

But Zhao Xincheng and the little boy all know that since Xu Haojie has said it, they will certainly listen to it, and they will certainly try very hard to listen to what strange sounds there are.

The three of them are very hard to observe, to think about whether there are any strange people, whether there is any strange things.

Don't let go of any clues. Although the little boy and Zhao Xincheng think that it may be because Xu Haojie has thought too much, they can't Miss Xu Haojie's strange voice.

They can't think that they can't hear anything here, but now they can't hear anything, so they feel very strange. However, no matter how strange, they are still willing to explore and have a look.

If it is just because they did not do these things, just because they did not notice, so they did not hear, they are not willing to let go of these clues, but do not want to let go of this matter.

Now they still don't hear it. They still think that Xu Haojie's statement may have some basis, because he is like this, or he has not heard any strange voice.

The little boy also began to worry. Maybe this is also a kind of psychological suggestion. He is more willing to believe that it may be a kind of premonition.

The little boy said to Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng: "brother Xu Haojie, brother Zhao Xincheng, don't know whether it's psychological hint or how to say it.

All of a sudden, I also felt that there was something dangerous. I was slowly approaching us. We should take more precautions

The little boy didn't say it was OK. As soon as he said it, Zhao Xincheng suddenly felt that there was a kind of feeling in his heart, as if there was some danger approaching him.

He wanted to get rid of this idea and see what happened, but the more serious he wanted to think and feel, he couldn't feel it.

Now, even if it's strange, I don't know how to solve such a problem.

"It's really special. I have the same idea now. I always feel as if there is something strange or dangerous. I can't tell what kind of thing it is."

"Yes, I also have this idea in my heart. I feel as if something is approaching us, but I can't say clearly that the way is unknown."

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