That's why he was bitten by the wolf. He didn't feel regret, nor did he feel what made him feel. Fortunately, it was he who bit him, not the little boy or Zhao Xincheng.

Fortunately, the little boy and Zhao Xincheng are safe, which is very good. In Zhao Xincheng's eyes, it is good to say that the little boy and Zhao Xincheng are the two of them who can be safe.

As for other things, he didn't want to think about it, and he didn't want to do it. He just thought that it would be better to finish the task well and escape from here.

Maybe as the core of the leadership, his suggestions may not be good enough, but it doesn't matter. As long as he can do these things well, it is already very good.

Moreover, Xu Haojie felt bitten by a wolf. In fact, it could be regarded as some advice to him. Whether he had been very attentive before, he was always distracted, either to look after the little boy or to look after Zhao Xincheng.

Or be troubled by some other things, now at least can concentrate on, to resist the damage these wolves give him, give them some attacks.

After seeing Xu Haojie attacked by wolves, the little boy and Zhao Xincheng immediately became very bad. Both of them were very angry.

How could these wolves be like this? They didn't have long eyes at all, so they came to attack Xu Haojie. Moreover, both of them thought that it was because of the two of them that Xu Haojie would be bitten by the wolf by accident.

If the two of them are more capable, Xu Haojie doesn't have to worry about them all the time. He doesn't have to worry about them all the time. He doesn't have to be distracted because he has to take care of them. Then he is bitten by the wolf on his arm.

The little boy and Zhao Xincheng both feel guilty and self reproach in their hearts. They did not stop the task in their hands.

The werewolves are trying hard to defeat these wolves, but they are not trying to defeat them.

Even if they know that they are facing these dangers and difficulties, they will be more happy when they see them, and now they have succeeded in the attack.

The wolves smell the blood on Xu Haojie's arm. The more excited they are, the more excited they are. They want to bite Xu Haojie's arm.

Xu Haojie is too busy. Even if Xu wants to escape, he always feels that he can't escape. He feels that he has to do some big problems in this respect.

And Xu Haojie also knows that it may be because of his arm that these wolves become more and more excited and excited.

It's really difficult for the three of them to keep fighting. Xu Haojie and the little boy are really overwhelmed.

Xu Haojie, in particular, had already hurt his arm, and the pain from his arm was hard for him to accept.

Now we have to go in and fight against these wolves, even if Zhao Xincheng and the little boy are by his side to help him resist the attack of these wolves.

But how could the two of them resist such a large number of wolves? So now the energy of the three of them is really dangerous, and they are really afraid.

On one side of Fang Fen, he saw the situation of Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng. He was also very worried and worried.

When he saw that Xu Haojie's arm was bitten by the wolf, and saw the bloody arm, Fang Fen was really worried, and he was also very afraid.

I think that if they really did not encounter these things, if Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng and the little boy were among the wolves, what should they do if they were really hurt by these wolves?

And didn't the Warcraft tide leader say that before? It's impossible to take their lives, nor can their hearts hurt them.

But isn't it hurt now? Isn't it dangerous? Fang Fen's heart is really sad, he also felt very angry.

He came to the Warcraft tide leader and asked him why Xu Haojie was attacked by wolves and why Xu Haojie was bitten by wolves.

Fang Fen also came to the Warcraft tide leader's side. When he saw Fang Fen coming, he could imagine why Fang Fen came.

Because the Warcraft tide leader of course knows, it must be because Fang Fen saw Xu Haojie's arm bitten off by the wolf, and he must be indignant in his heart, so he came to him.

The leader of the Warcraft tide did not wait for Fang Fen to open his mouth and said to him, "Fang Fen, although I have also said that he should be called Zhao Xincheng and the little boy, they will not be in any danger.

But you still have to give him some time to do that, and I said that I would not be threatened, which means that their lives will not be affected in any way.

As for other things, there will be some, and if you think about it, how can you go out and explore without any damage? "

It's true that it's impossible to go out and explore without damage. But after all, the Warcraft tide leader has promised them that Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy will not encounter any danger.But now that so many wolves surround and attack three of them, even if they have great strength, they can't beat them.

These wolves can't defeat them. Even if Fang Fen heard the Warcraft tide leader say so, he is still very angry.

He said angrily to the Warcraft tide leader: "but you told me that they would not be in any danger, but now you see, those wolves are all around the three of them.

There is no way for the three of them to come out. You are Warcraft. You may have some special abilities, but we are not.

We are ordinary, ordinary people. How can we be able to deal with so many wolves? "

The Warcraft tide leader heard Fang Fen say this, of course, he also very understand why he said these things, after all, this is in the eyes of the Warcraft tide leader.

It may also be because he overestimated the abilities of Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy, so he still felt that he would not encounter any danger.

But now it seems that it is not what he imagined, although Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and little boy are not as capable as he is.

In dealing with wolves, it seems that there is a little bit of it that is not very good, and they are not able to get rid of them very quickly.

Although this is the fourth level, it is more difficult than the third level. In the fourth level, it may be more difficult than the Warcraft tide in the original forest.

But it can't explain how, because their wave of Warcraft is at least some Warcraft, Warcraft is something that nature can't exist.

There is nothing in their cognition, but it is different here. In the fourth level, these wolves are all in the real world, and they are all real.

They have no way to fight against the real things, not to mention those Warcraft with special abilities, and the Warcraft tide leader also said these doubts.

The Warcraft tide leader said to each other sincerely, "I did tell you that they would not be in any danger. Now I can tell you clearly.

They will never be in any danger mentally. It's just that you can't say that you can let them roam around here, do nothing, break into any danger. "

When Fang Fen heard the Warcraft tide leader say this, he actually knew it, whether in this underground palace or in the real world.

As long as they decide to do something, there will be some harm in this thing. The child may be physically hurt or invisible.

It's a blow to one's own ability, or to say, to hurt one's own psychology. It's inevitable that they can only cope with difficulties.

But even if Fang Fen knew these things, he knew he should think like this, but he was still angry in his heart. He still felt that the real world was different from this underground palace.

The rules to be observed in the real world should not be obeyed in the underground palace. After all, the Warcraft tide leader is a person with special abilities.

If he wants to, he can help Xu Haojie, the little boy and Zhao Xincheng, and save the three of them effort.

Even if you don't take the initiative to help the three of them, you can at least attack those wolves from the side, and don't let those wolves attack them.

But Fang Fen knew that the Warcraft tide leader did not do so at all, and the Warcraft tide leader seemed to think it was useless to do so.

Fang Fen also knows that the Warcraft tide leader may not have the ability to intervene in this matter. After all, as the guardian of the third level, the Warcraft tide leader certainly can't do something in the fourth level.

Even if the Warcraft tide leader can do these things, it is estimated that he will not and can not do them.

The Warcraft tide leader will not break the balance of these levels, and it is impossible to break the rules of these officialdom. Although Fang FeNi has been blaming the Warcraft tide leader.

But he can understand these things and think through these things. Even if he thinks that the Warcraft tide leader may not have done this, he should have done his duty, and he should have done these things.

But it doesn't matter. It may be better if the Warcraft tide leader can tell him something. Fang Fen also knows that he doesn't want to let the Warcraft tide leader come to help him or help him for some reason.

He knew that the Warcraft tide leader was not willing to say that even if he could, he didn't want to force the Warcraft tide leader to do these things. If he could, he would do it.

Although Fang Fen is still angry all the time, he can think it out. Even if he can let the Warcraft tide leader tell him, it doesn't matter.

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