Fang fennel know that now may only be able to like Ye Wuqian said, can well observe their three expressions, sort out a set of better methods.

When they finally meet, he can tell them his idea, and then tell the three of them not to make detours in the future.

There are some better solutions directly, which may also be a remedy and a better method. So Fang Fen nodded and did not think about other things and did other things.

I feel that no matter what, they must be able to do something, let him think about it, it will only make them more and more bad, only make them feel very bad.

Although the three of them seem to have no way out on the surface, he has always been aware of their abilities.

It seems that they have done nothing, and they can't say that they didn't think of anything. Since Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, the three of them have been very persistent.

I'm confident in myself and careful with the whole team. How can we give up halfway? How can we be frightened by these difficulties.

Although the number of wolves is very large, it seems to be very worried and creepy, but it does not mean that there is no way to solve it.

The three of them, especially the little boy, thought that they could do it well. The little boy was always willing to do something like this.

He is willing to take all the things on his shoulders, and he also knows that this matter is definitely not possible. If he is willing to do so, he will be able to solve all the problems.

Then it is certainly not possible. The little boy's heart is there to relieve his heart and comfort himself. Don't let himself delay the process of this matter because of self blame and guilt.

A lot of time has been wasted in the third level. We should seize the time here. We can't repeat the mistakes and waste so much time.

In addition, Zhao Xincheng and the two of them clearly felt that the little boy must have really figured it out. They would not have spent too much time and energy in the third level because of what they had spent there. They were very sad and self reproached there.

This certainly will not happen, Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie, they both feel very good, if the little boy is because he wasted a lot of time and energy in the third level.

If you are very sad there, it will certainly cause some unnecessary difficulties and unnecessary troubles for their next things.

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng also looked at each other with a smile. They felt that what they said to the little boy was really heard in their hearts.

The little boy will no longer abandon himself or have some other bad ideas because of the third level, which may be better.

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng both think that since they have figured it out, then don't get entangled in this issue.

They have to think about other solutions, which may be better for their team and for their processes.

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are also there thinking about how to solve these wolves in front of them, so as to solve these difficulties.

What's more, the little boy knows that although these wolves seem to be in large numbers, they are not as fierce as those in the real world.

They could use some of the things he had read about wild exploration in the book. He suddenly remembered that wolves were very afraid of open fire.

Maybe they can take this as a breakthrough to think about how to solve these wolves and how to drive them away.

So now he said these thoughts. The little boy came to Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, and then he looked into the eyes of Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng.

He said to them: "brother Xu Haojie and brother Zhao Xincheng, in fact, you two may have overlooked that wolves are afraid of fire.

We can use this as a breakthrough to drive these wolves away, so that we can drive them away without harming them, which is actually very good

After Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie heard what the little boy said, they suddenly realized that they had really forgotten this point.

Wolves are really afraid of open fire, although there must be some differences between the wolves in the underground palace and ye Wuke in the real world.

But since they are wolves, there must be something in common, that is, their fear of fire. If they take this as a breakthrough, they can certainly solve some problems.

So Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng thought about it. Then Zhao Xincheng said to Xu Haojie and the little boy, "yes, we didn't think of it.

Maybe we should have thought about it before. Maybe it's not as hard as we think. Maybe we didn't think of it.In fact, the wolves are afraid of fire. Now we just need to get some open fire, and then we will certainly not cause any more reasons. Maybe we can drive these wolves away

Zhao Xin really thinks that the little boy is really too powerful in this respect. They can't think of these in two people. The wolves are very afraid of open fire.

Now after the little boy's reminder, they suddenly think of many ways, but they still have difficulties.

Now that they are going to make an open fire, they must look for something that can burn. Now they have nothing but sand.

Can the sand burn? The answer is No. they knew for a long time that the sand couldn't be burned.

So how do they solve these difficulties? How do they find something that can burn? Can we find some trees and firewood in this desert?

It's impossible. Xu Haojie also told Zhao Xincheng and the little boy, "wolves are afraid of open fire, but we have something to burn. We don't have wood to make a fire. Even if we have a fire, we don't have anything to burn.

Now these wolves are so many and so large that we can't get them with a little fire. "

Zhao Xincheng and the little boy heard Xu Haojie raise this question. They both knew that Xu Haojie's question was indeed a big one.

Because the two of them also know that these things need to be solved by them. There is no wood that can be burned.

In addition to the sand is the wolf pack, do they all have sand, is it the burning of wolves, let alone intensify the contradiction.

At that time, these wolves saw that their own kind was used by them to set fire to them. They must be angry there and launch a fierce attack against them there.

"Yes, we don't have wood at all, and we don't have wood. How can we do these things?"

The little boy was also talking to himself there. He felt that he was really afraid of fire in the past two days, but they had no fire at all and no wood at all.

How they want to do this thing, how to do these things the best, the most perfect, the little boy has been thinking about, always thinking about how to do this thing well.

But Zhao Xincheng in the side, after hearing Xu Haojie said, originally there are some happy mood, instantly become a little bad.

It is true that he did not consider, did not consider clearly, if he was more thoughtful, think clearly, perhaps he would not ignore this point.

They did not find any wood at all in the fourth level. They did not find any wood that could be burned.

In this way, it is really difficult for them to solve these problems. Now Zhao Xincheng feels a little unhappy in his heart.

All of a sudden, he felt that if he could do something good, he couldn't do it. Xu Haojie was really miserable.

When Xu Haojie saw Zhao Xincheng and the little boy heard him say these words, they immediately lowered down. In fact, Xu Haojie also felt a little unbearable in his heart.

But even if he has now become very intolerable in the heart, but what? We still have to talk about these things, or we have to say that there is no way to light an open fire.

Otherwise, it would be even worse to have been jubilant and encouraged here and cause some unnecessary troubles.

Zhao Xincheng became so sad and sad when he heard Xu Haojie say that there was no way to light the fire. He still felt that he should tell these things.

Xu Haojie continued to say to Zhao Xincheng and the little boy, "if you think about it, if we can't find some open fire, even if we know that wolves are afraid of open fire, what can we do?

We just think in our hearts, we have no way to help them do these things

Zhao Xincheng and the little boy agreed again, but Xu Haojie said these words, because they both understood that they had not thought clearly before, but they did not think about it clearly.

If they think about it clearly, they can do it. But because they are not considerate enough in doing these things, even if they find the reason why wolves are afraid of fire and why they are afraid of open fire, what can they do?

They have no way to do these things. They all think that it might be better to think of new ways to do other things if they can.

Now Zhao Xincheng and the little boy are there discussing how to solve these difficulties. After that, he said something to the little boy and Xu Haojie.

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