The feeling of the little boy is getting worse and worse. Zhao Xincheng and each other feel that if they can, they really want to help the little boy.

But now they can't even protect themselves, they can't find anything to help the little boy, any way to help the little boy.

They don't know how to solve such problems. Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are two people who really feel worried. But when they are worried, they are more self blame.

I think it must be because I had a bad judgment before. Originally, they judged that they could leave the fourth level and enter the fifth level.

But in fact, it's not like this at all. They have no way to observe well, so the little boy is like this now.

In fact, the two of them did not grasp the actual situation well and did not do the facts well. Otherwise, how could they see the little boy become so difficult and easy to do these things now?

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are both very self reproach. They both know that this is not a good time to blame themselves. It is not a good opportunity for them to blame themselves.

They must do these things well before they can think about other things. They both know that they can't say other things to distract the army.

We must persevere in going forward, so let them follow some poisonous snakes behind them, and pursue them relentlessly. Fortunately, the number of these snakes is also less.

Only one has been chasing them from the beginning to the end. It seems that they will never be tired, but even so, they also believe in their ability.

They must be able to turn evil into good luck and do the best of these things, so even if they see this poisonous snake and keep chasing them, they will not be afraid.

They even thought that the storm would be more violent. If these poisonous snakes wanted to attack them, they would attack them. Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng decided not to continue to run forward, but to face these poisonous snakes directly. The attack on them might be better.

"It's not a matter for us to run. Will we run to the end? And look at these snakes, they're after us.

Instead of running down and exhausting our physical strength, we might as well just stop and attack these poisonous snakes face to face, and then attack them. No matter whether we lose or win, at least we should not be running away. What do you say

Xu Haojie thought about it directly in his heart. Zhao Xincheng and the little boy heard Xu Haojie say so. Both of them thought that Xu Haojie's kind was quite reasonable.

Instead of running down and exhausting all their energy and physical strength, they might as well stop and save their physical strength and energy.

Then they face the attack of these poisonous snakes. Fortunately, they all run away and leave. Only a few of them look very fierce.

Compared with the previous ones, it has been too much less, and it is too simple. Zhao Xincheng and the two of them nodded and agreed with Xu Haojie's words.

But now they are not good enough to run away from the snake.

After the three of them stopped now, the Viper did not immediately catch up with them, so the three of them planned to rest in the same place and nourish their spirits first.

Zhao Xincheng said to Xu Haojie and the little boy: "now that we have decided to stop and face the attack of poisonous snakes directly, we should not think too much. Now it looks like we may be in the underdog position. There may not be many good things to do.

But it doesn't matter, I believe that our ability must be able to do these things the best and the most perfect. We must not believe how difficult we are

Xu Haojie and the little boy, hearing Zhao Xincheng say so, both of them think it's really reasonable. They are waiting here, maybe it's better.

Because what they are running around is actually just a waste of time and energy, and now they have thrown away a lot of the previous ones.

Now the most important thing for them is to directly face the viper's attack on them, which should be very good, so he did not say any more.

"We just have to face the viper's attack on us. Why should we be afraid of these things? We are afraid, afraid to go, there is no way, there is no effect

Little boy, Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie wait there, hoping to solve the matter satisfactorily. It should be very good.

On the other side, Fang Fen was really worried when he saw Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy. They were besieged by a group of poisonous snakes.

He was afraid that Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and little boy would be completely destroyed by these poisonous snakes. He was afraid that they would be attacked by these poisonous snakes.Although Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng still want to let the three of them not be bitten by these poisonous snakes, they still chase after them.

But fortunately, the three of them also want to know how to face the attack of these poisonous snakes on them.

At least now these poisonous snakes have not done other things, which may be the best thing. Now fangfennel feels much better in his heart.

Just now when I saw these poisonous snakes chasing after the three of them, Fang Fen was really up and down.

Xu Haojie is very worried about what the poisonous snake will do to them.

Even if these snakes really want to attack Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng and three little boys, they will certainly not do anything.

Fang Fen thought that it must be like the illusion of the third level, or like those wolves, even if they come to attack them, they are not attacking them for the sake of attacking them.

Although Xu Haojie was bitten by a wolf in these cases, he probably didn't mean to. He just bit the fennel by accident.

Just saw Xu Haojie because of the wound there painful grin, in fact, Fang Fen is very worried, also think if can.

Of course, he hopes to help Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy as soon as possible. They can all come out of this difficulty. There must be better.

He also knew that it was impossible. How could he have helped them? How could it have helped several of them to come out of the illusion.

In other words, it is impossible to help several of them fight against these poisonous snakes. Fang fennel also knows that it is useless to worry about them here.

After all, he has promised Ye Wuqian not to think about these things any more, but to have a good look at how they should behave. This may be better for them.

Anyway, they have come to face these difficulties and things that have a great impact on them. Then they should not doubt and do those things.

Now, although Fang Fen is very worried about him, he can only comfort himself and adjust his mood.

The Warcraft tide leader on the side didn't think so, because the Warcraft tide leader here saw that they had solved the wolf pack's difficulty.

Although he felt that they were really smart in solving the problem of wolves, they could easily deceive the wolves by using their intelligence and intelligence, and they would cheat the wolves around and leave automatically.

After all, there are other things for the little boy. They still think that it might be better to think about them.

So now no matter how to say, ye Wuqian comforts Fang Fen, or worries about Fang Fen very much. Fang Fen still thinks that he should do this well.

Instead of letting Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, the three of them are here, there is no way to do anything, but he also knows that it is useless for him to worry.

No matter how worried he was about Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy, he could not provide any difficulties or help. He could only watch them being chased by poisonous snakes and wolves.

"Fang Fen, if you look at them like this, can you see a flower? Will the three of them become good because of your opinions? It's just impossible. "

He didn't want to gloat, and he didn't want to throw cold water on him, but he thought that since such a thing had happened, they shouldn't have been hoping for it, and they shouldn't think about it.

Because in the eyes of the Warcraft tide leaders, although Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy are said to have some intelligence.

By comparison, the abilities of the three of them are much inferior. Therefore, the Warcraft tide leaders feel that although they have just used their wisdom to deceive these wolves, they have solved a lot of them.

But after all, it is not the same now. If the situation is not the same, then there must be different solutions. Now they want to do this thing is certainly not possible.

Although he knew that there would be some bad things in Fang Fen's heart after he said this, he still wanted to say so.

After all, he didn't think that Fang Fen could not have some unrealistic ideas. After hearing what the Warcraft tide leader said, he felt that the Warcraft tide leader must be throwing cold water on him.

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