Then the little boy must be very sad. What's more, they don't think so in their heart. They don't think the little boy is their burden.

On the contrary, they think that because of the little boy, they have added a lot of fun, and the existence of the little boy really improves their ability and many things.

Of course, they are willing to continue like this, which may be a very good thing. Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie do not want to consider too many things.

When he saw that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng looked relaxed, he still felt very happy in his heart. The little boy knew Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie, and they must have recorded his words in his heart.

They will not worry so much about him. Otherwise, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng will still be sitting there worrying about his safety as before.

However, if he can solve these difficulties, now seeing that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are so relaxed, they naturally understand that they will not be because he thinks that those things have changed.

The little boy really feels very happy. If he can, he can do it by himself. He can still hope that Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie don't worry about themselves any more. This is very good.

The three of them had been thinking about it all the time. All of a sudden, they disappeared and ran towards them at a very fast speed.

All three of them felt very strange. The snake they were waiting for now was waiting for the white thing to rush towards him.

Because they also understand that this thing can not escape, can not hide, it is better to face it directly, this may be better.

Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy have been waiting for the snow-white thing, and the two poisonous snakes are approaching them, which may be better.

All of a sudden, the snow-white thing came to them. After a close look, they found that it was not a white ball, but a white fox.

They think it's strange, but although they feel strange, they won't be as fussy as before, because they also know.

In this underground palace, there are too many things that can't be explained by science. Even if there is a very fast snow-white fox, they will not feel how.

What's more, they think the white fox should be psychic. When they look at the white fox's eyes, they all think that the white fox is very spiritual.

So they also want him to tentatively come to a small white fox's side, and then said to the white fox: "little fox, do you have anything to say to us? Are you a good man or a bad man

The little boy can see that the white fox is not bad, because the white fox's eyes are very gentle.

So the little boy bravely went to talk to the little white fox. When Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng saw the little boy talking to the white fox, they did not stop him.

It is also because the white fox seems to have no offensive to them, but even so, I still feel that the minimum sense of prevention still needs to be.

In particular, Xu Haojie thinks that the white fox is strange. He always feels as if things are not as simple as imagined. He doesn't know where the problem is and how to think about it.

He can only be in the heart of the alert white fox, he heard the little boy asked him, he tilted his head, and then looked at the little boy, did not say anything.

After a long time, he said, "what is a good man or a bad man? I'm a little fox. How can I be human? I'm a good fox

The little boy was very happy when he heard the little fox say so. The white fox was still very good. It was very good to hear them.

Just now when they were dealing with those boys, it was because the wolves could not understand human language, so they could not communicate, which led to so many things.

Now the white fox can understand what they say, it is very good, it is very good, the little boy is too straight very happy.

He thought it might be better to let the white fox teach them how to solve the fourth level. The little boy said to the white fox:

"little fox, do you say that you are here to help us? Or to stop us, you can just say what you want

White fox heard the little boy say so, timidly made a very pleasant voice there, and then said his intention to the little boy.

In fact, the little boy, Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie felt very good after listening to it. They didn't expect that they could meet some methods to help them escape together in class 4.

When several of them were discussing here, the two poisonous snakes came back to them.

When they appeared, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng were very defensive. When they were about to attack, the white fox jumped up and subdued the two snakes in an instant.Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, both of whom were not ready, saw that the white fox had brought the poisonous snake to justice with such a fast speed.

Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie are stunned, especially the little boy. He is also like this. The little boy thinks that the white fox is really coming to help them.

Otherwise, how could they solve these poisonous snakes? It might be a very good thing. The little boy also thought it was very good.

If the white fox is really a good fox, then they will certainly take less detours and escape from the fourth level as soon as possible.

The little boy said to the white fox, "little fox, you are really good, but you can subdue these poisonous snakes in an instant. Brother Xu Haojie and brother Zhao Xincheng are my brothers.

But the three of us have been running for a long time before we decide to face their attack. Before we attack them, you have come to beat them. Thank you very much

Hearing the little boy's thanks, Bai Hu didn't say anything. He closed his eyes slightly and arrogantly, and felt as if to him, these are nothing at all. They are just a piece of cake. They are nothing at all.

White fox he did not say anything more, Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng, the little boy, they saw white fox like this to know, and then certainly in the heart is more arrogant Jiao.

He didn't say anything to them, but Xu Haojie always felt strange when he saw the white fox. He just felt that the white fox appeared inexplicably and helped them inexplicably.

Is this the same as the little boy said, the white fox is their fourth level guardian, is to help them?

According to their previous ideas in the third level, shouldn't the guardian of the level come to increase the danger and difficulty for them? How could you take the initiative to help them?

Xu Haojie has this idea in his heart, but he also knows that since he can say these words, he can't ask them out.

In this way, it may make the white fox feel very bad, and also make Zhao Xincheng and the little boy think that he thinks too much. Even if he thinks it is a little strange, Xu Haojie will not ask these words out.

And Zhao Xincheng and the little boy, they two people see white fox so powerful, they really feel very happy, especially the little boy and Zhao Xincheng.

They always thought that they would waste a lot of time in the fourth level as well as in the third level, but now with the help of white fox, maybe they can leave as soon as possible and leave here as soon as possible.

"Fox, are you here to help us

White fox heard Zhao Xincheng say so, he nodded, and then responded: "yes, can't you see that I'm here to help you? Because I know you've been here for a long time.

You were also besieged by those wolves before. I can tell you that those wolves are of no use. They are just a large number of wolves who bully people. There is no need to be afraid of them. "

Originally, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy wondered why the little fox suddenly appeared. Now that the white fox said something about the wolves, the more they believed that the white fox was coming to help them.

The white fox has put down the guard of the white fox, or some of them believe that they are going forward.

The two of them think that if they can, they can find the exit of the fourth level with the white fox, and then they can leave the fourth level smoothly and enter the fifth level smoothly. This may be a very good thing.

"In that case, I'd like to know why those poisonous snakes attacked us just now."

Now Zhao Xincheng asked the white fox these questions, not because he suspected the white fox, but because he was really curious about why those poisonous snakes attacked them in the wolves.

Why didn't the poisonous snake chase them all the time? Is there any kind of situation? White fox heard Zhao Xincheng asked this question, he did not say anything.

Because white fox, he felt that there was no need to say these snakes, of course, because they were the tests in the level.

They will attack them because it is their mission and responsibility. Why they have to leave if they can't attack them is also because they feel that they have more perseverance than normal people.

If they continue to chase, it is likely that they will not be able to reach the end, and it will not have any effect, so they will not pursue it.

Originally, Baihu didn't intend to say it. He saw the little boy and Zhao Xincheng looking at him with such eager eyes, or said to them.

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