If let small white fox see, small white fox is not willing to take them to continue to go down, what should be done? The little boy and Zhao Xincheng were there discussing.

I hope they can discuss a way to let Xu Haojie put down his bad feelings towards little white fox. The little boy said to Zhao Xincheng, "brother Zhao Xincheng, you see, brother Xu Haojie does not agree with us doing these things.

But I don't think there is anything bad about little white fox. Why does brother Xu Haojie think little white fox is a bad person? So many people think that this little fox is really good. "

In fact, not only the little boy, but also Zhao Xincheng thinks that this little fox is really very good. He has said so many things about the checkpoint. How could it be dangerous or deceptive?

And if this little white fox is really like the wolves or poisonous snakes before, it will certainly hinder them at the beginning. Why say these words and do these things with them?

So Zhao Xincheng, after he heard the little boy say that, he also felt that the little boy's words were quite reasonable. Indeed, why did Xu Haojie want to trouble himself? Why did he want to find so much unhappiness and unhappiness for himself?

Mingming can be very happy, can quickly follow the little fox to other places, Mingming can quickly pass the fourth level, and then enter the fifth level. Why do you still feel that there are so many things to do when you have to pass through to suspect.

"Yes, little boy, I think it must be Xu Haojie who thinks so much, because I think the little white fox doesn't seem as dangerous as Xu Haojie thinks.

His understanding of the fourth level is to help us leave the fourth level as the guardian of a level, just like the Warcraft tide leader we met in the third level before, he is the guardian of the level. "

When the little boy heard Zhao Xincheng say so, he naturally agreed with him very much, because in the eyes of the little boy, it was really like this.

Indeed, this meeting is the guardian of the level to help them continue to move forward. They encountered a lot of difficulties in the fourth level.

Even every difficulty is not as bad as the third level, so difficult, but so many not too difficult questions together, can withstand a big difficulty, OK?

Although they don't seem to have a big problem, they are really difficult to solve. So the little boy thinks so in his heart, and that's what he hears.

The little boy thinks it must be that brother Xu Haojie has some bad feelings in his heart. Maybe his brother is a little nervous.

The little boy said to Zhao Xincheng on the other side: "yes, brother Zhao Xincheng. In fact, I really don't think it is necessary.

In fact, there is no need to do these things. If I can, I am still willing to believe some things and many things. "

For the little boy, he really believed in the little white fox. He felt that the little white fox must be able to do it. This matter will never let him down.

The white fox has not done it since it was a child.

If it is a bad person, there will definitely be a bad side. If there is no bad side, it will prove that this little white fox is good, and it is impossible for him to do something not so good.

Zhao Xincheng and the little boy have been discussing how to let Xu Haojie down. They have a bad opinion about the little white fox. They both know that they can't come up with one of them.

Because they do not know why Xu Haojie has such an idea, why Xu Haojie is not willing to give little white fox more trust?

Clearly in the eyes of the little boy and Zhao Xincheng, the little fox is so trustworthy, so docile, so clever, how can it be a bad person? How could there be any danger.

Now their heart is also more distressed, clearly they can quickly follow the small white fox down the barrier, together to leave the fourth level.

But because Xu Haojie still had a little doubt about the little white fox in his heart, they stopped the little boy who didn't have much time to go down here.

He said to Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng: "brother Xu Haojie, brother Zhao Xincheng, we must continue to go down, or we will stop here.

What if more of those animals came in? If we can get out of here as soon as possible, we can leave as soon as possible, and we should not waste too much time

The little boy really thinks that if they spend more time here, they will definitely waste some more time. As a result, they can't continue to go down. This is not good at all.

Xu Haojie heard the little boy say this. In fact, he also understood that the subtext of the little boy was to make him believe in the little white fox and let him agree with the three of them to follow the little white fox.

In fact, Xu Haojie really doesn't think it's necessary. He just thinks that this little white fox may not be a good person or a person to be provoked.It's not right for them to follow little white fox down like this. It's not good. But even if Xu Haojie thinks so, Zhao Xincheng and little boy don't think so.

Zhao Xincheng and the little boy are trying their best to let Xu Haojie follow them and walk down with little white fox and leave the fourth level together.

Xu Haojie really thinks that the little white fox has a problem, but he doesn't know how to explain it. If he says something about the problem of little white fox.

Xiang believes that Zhao Xincheng also thinks that he will be sad, will feel that he has nothing to look for, and Xu Haojie is not good at saying it.

After Zhao Xincheng and the little boy's trial and error, he finally agreed to follow his little white fox and walk along a path called "you can leave the fourth level immediately".

Zhao Xincheng and the little boy were very happy when they saw that Xu Haojie had agreed. They felt that Xu Haojie finally agreed. It was really a very good thing to follow little white fox with them.

Because in the eyes of the little boy and Zhao Xincheng, if they waste more time here, they will increase some danger and waste more time.

It will make them more dangerous. Fortunately, now Xu Haojie has agreed. Fortunately, Xu Haojie thinks that they must be able to do these things, which is very good.

Both of them thought that if they could, they would do these things as soon as possible, instead of dawdling around here and doing unnecessary things.

Now Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng still want to come, and the three of them set foot on the path that little white fox said, and little white fox walked in front.

Zhao Haojie and Xiaohu have not talked to each other for a long time.

After all, even if Xu Haojie agreed to follow them forward, Xu still has a lot of things to do. We must also be on guard. We must be alert that this little white fox will do something harmful to the three of them.

This is certainly not possible, so Xu Haojie did not have much thought and little white fox, as well as little boy, Zhao Xincheng, they discussed these things.

The little boy and Zhao Xincheng just think that Xu Haojie must have some disagreements in his heart, so they don't want to talk.

In fact, the two of them think that Xu Haojie is just thinking too much. Why did that happen? That's not going to happen.

Xu Haojie thinks about it like this. In fact, none of them is a good thing. But Zhao Xincheng and the little boy also understand.

Now let Xu Haojie laugh with them and follow the little white fox, which is a very bad thing. Of course, they will not for some other reasons.

We need to let Xu Haojie have the same idea as them. They are sure that they will not do such a thing. They also think that since Xu Haojie doesn't believe it, when they finally leave the fourth level and enter the fifth level, they should believe it.

In the heart of Zhao Xincheng and little boy, they both believe in little white fox very much and agree with what little white fox said.

They believe that little white fox will lead them out of the fourth level, and then smoothly into the fifth level, for the little boy and Zhao Xincheng.

The little white fox may be the guide of this level. I believe that the little white fox can take them away from here. Anyway, the little boy and Zhao Xincheng have such ideas in their hearts.

So no matter how they say it, they will not think of the little white fox. Instead, it is Xu Haojie. The more he looks at it, the more he thinks that the little white fox is very wrong.

The more he looked at it, the more he felt that there was something wrong with the decision made by the little boy and Zhao Xincheng. But Xu Haojie also knew that if he said these things now.

It will certainly arouse their dissatisfaction and make them feel that he is looking for fault, or will disturb both of them. Therefore, even if Xu Haojie is very suspicious in his heart.

Even if he felt that little white fox was really in trouble, he would not say it. He wanted to find a solid evidence.

In this way, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy will agree with what he said, and will not think that he is not cheating, or that he is not looking for trouble.

Now the little boy and Zhao Xincheng, both of them completely believe that the little white fox will take them away from this place.

It's useless for Xu Haojie to say so much. Xu Haojie knows that no matter how much he says, it will only disturb Zhao Xincheng or the little boy's mood. There will be no substantial help at all.

Because in Xu Haojie's eyes and Xu Haojie's heart, he also knows why Zhao Xincheng and the little boy should make such a decision.

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