In fact, it's pretty good. Now, no matter what, the little boy asked Zhao Xincheng. Both of them felt that Xu Haojie had such a change would be very good.

They can't make Xu Haojie accept that little white fox is a kind-hearted person, and can't make Xu Haojie change his impression of little white fox all of a sudden.

At least they can let Xu Haojie understand these things through other things, and let Xu Haojie know these things slowly, which is already very good.

The little boy also felt very happy. The little boy continued to say to Xu Haojie, "Xu Haojie, you see, little white fox is very good to us. Take us out of the fourth level.

When we enter the fifth level, I believe there will still be many people to help us, our luck is really good

In fact, the little boy said this on purpose. He wanted to let Xu Haojie know that the little white fox was really thinking about them and considering them, so he brought them here.

It's not what Xu Haojie thinks in his heart, but even if the little boy says so, Xu Haojie will not completely put down his guard against the little white fox.

Because Xu Haojie thinks that the better Xiaobai fox is to them, the more he has to strengthen his prevention. Isn't it right? The more beautiful and dazzling things are, the more poisonous they are, the more frightening they will be.

Now the little white fox is so good to them and good to them for free. It's really strange that they met the Warcraft tide leader in the third level before.

The Warcraft tide leader is really very good, although said is a Warcraft, but at least, the Warcraft tide leader also thinks for them.

But even so, the Warcraft tide leaders are not going to come up with some problems, or test them, and control them with illusions.

So in the fourth level here, how could such a good thing happen? How could a little white fox come to take them away from the fourth level without any reason.

They clearly came to break through the barrier. How could it be so easy to get out of the fourth pass? Xu Haojie still had a lot of doubts in his heart.

He still wants to get some answers to his doubts, but he also understands that he can't say it. If he does, it will only cause Zhao Xincheng and the little boy to be unhappy.

He didn't want to disturb the atmosphere, although Xu Haojie understood that Zhao Xincheng and the little boy were completely confused by what little white fox had done.

But he will not do anything. He thinks that as long as he can take precautions and meet anything, he can protect Zhao Xincheng and the little boy in the first time, which is very good.

And now look at the scene around them is indeed some different, there are some different things, if really like Zhao Xincheng and the little boy, they two people think.

This little white fox is really not a bad man. He really wants to help them. It's OK. Then he won't do any bad actions or say some bad words.

But if the little white fox just wants to use some tricks to deliberately say these things, then he will definitely deal with the little white fox, and will not let the little white fox hurt the little boy and Zhao Xincheng.

This is what Xu Haojie thinks in his heart. If they can really leave the fourth level, he will make a serious apology to xiaobaihu and say something sorry to him.

But now he can't really put down his mind on the small white fox, can not really put down the heart of the small white fox this kind of prevention.

Because he really feels very bad, he can feel that something he can't stop is about to happen. He really wants to do this well, and he really wants to do it well.

It's not good to let yourself not think about other things because of these strange things.

Xu Haojie also has a little boy, Zhao Xincheng. Although the three of them have been moving forward, they are all thinking of different things in their hearts.

Xu Haojie thinks about how to protect the little white fox, and how to protect Zhao Xincheng and the little boy. Xu Haojie and the little boy think about how to make Xu Haojie believe in little white fox completely and completely.

Let Xu Haojie know that little white fox is a good man, really want to lead them out of the fourth level, and then let them enter the fifth level smoothly.

They really hope that Xu Haojie will not think about it any more, because Xu Haojie will only make his heart very unhappy.

They will only make themselves feel that there are some other things. Since they are really not good at all, but even so, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy also understand that they can't force others into difficulties, and they can't let Xu Haojie understand these things in an instant.

They believe that after these things, Xu Haojie must be able to let go of his resentment towards the little white fox.It must be able to understand that little white fox is a good man, which is already very good. Zhao Xincheng now said to Xu Haojie:

"Xu Haojie, I know you still have some other ideas in mind, but we believe that in the next observation.

You will believe little white fox as much as we do. You will not have any other ideas. This may be better

When Xu Haojie heard Zhao Xincheng say this, he also understood that Zhao Xincheng must be like a little boy, but he could not comfort him with these things because the little boy and Zhao Xincheng at the same time.

Zhao Xincheng and the little boy can't comfort him, so he can't let go of the bad feelings in his heart. It's impossible at all, but he really doesn't want to disturb the thoughts of Zhao Xincheng and the little boy.

I don't want to disturb their good mood. If there are any dangers and difficulties in the future.

So he is willing to take on the responsibility, he is willing to solve it by himself, and now he doesn't want to do those things, and he doesn't want to say those things that disturb their mood.

Xu Haojie said to the little boy and Zhao Xincheng: "I know what you are thinking in your hearts. You can rest assured.

Since I can follow you two down here, I'm sure I won't think about those things much. You two can't think about them any more. It's not interesting at all

The little boy and Zhao Xincheng were very happy when they heard Xu Haojie say so. They thought that Xu Haojie had completely put down his resentment to little white fox in his heart.

Has fully believed that this little white fox is a good man, the little boy is really very happy, after all, he thinks the little white fox is for their sake.

The little white fox certainly won't do something bad for them. They just three people will continue to go forward and follow the little white fox.

Little white fox also felt that Xu Haojie would not easily put down his own resentment. Now after hearing Xu Haojie said so, he also felt that Xu Haojie might have been like a little boy and believed him very much, which was already very good.

Little white fox thinks that he can immediately achieve the heart to do those things, so it has been very good, has been very good.

Little white fox turned his head. Originally he wanted to say a word to Xu Haojie, but he saw the alienation and indifference in Xu Haojie's eyes, so he immediately abandoned those thoughts in his heart.

He knew that Xu Haojie said that because he didn't want to let the little boy and Zhao Xincheng worry about him.

As for whether Xu Haojie believed him or not, xiaobaihu knew that Xu Haojie didn't believe him at all. Xu Haojie was very firm and did not believe him.

There is still a very big guard against him, small white fox he also feel very funny, how he just can't change Xu Haojie's mind.

How can Xu Haojie still guard against him? Xiaobai Hu thinks that if there is no Xu Haojie, how good it would be if there were only Xu Haojie and the little boy.

Then he wants to do those things should be able to proceed smoothly, but now Xu Haojie has been here, which is really in the way.

Xiaobai Hu really thinks that Xu Haojie is really a superfluous person. He really hates him. He thinks about whether to leave Xu Haojie in the desert.

Otherwise, his kindness is regarded as a donkey's liver and lung, which is not good at all. The little white fox is also very unhappy. Originally, he has been pressing his emotions.

But now he let it out carelessly, and let Xu Haojie see that Xu Haojie had doubted little white fox. Now he saw the mood of little white fox and saw the expression of little white fox.

Xu Haojie more and more confirmed, this small white fox is a problem, he had seen before the small white fox has taken them away from the fourth level.

But now Xu Haojie thinks that he must have thought too much. It must be some tricks done by little white fox. He must have done some tricks. It is impossible for these situations to happen.

Xu Haojie also thinks about other things in his heart. He also thinks that he can't be confused by this little white fox.

He felt that he should take these responsibilities. Even now the little boy and Xu Haojie both think that little white fox is a good man.

He thought that the little white fox would help them get out of the fourth level and then enter the fifth level, but he believed that it was absolutely impossible.

Because he saw the cunning side of the little white fox and the strange side of the little white fox, he also knew that the little white fox could not make such an expression without any reason.

Making such an action proves that there must be some other ideas and proofs in Xiaobai Hu's heart. It is impossible for him to know whether this little white fox is a good man or not.

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