When the little boy heard Zhao Xincheng say this, he gave a sweet hum, and then they continued to go down, although they did not see any trace now.

But after all, they already know that Xu Haojie must be in front of them. They are still moving fast. They have an established goal, so they will continue to move towards the goal they have set.

In this way, they really moved very fast. Just as they were walking, the little boy suddenly exclaimed. He saw a pool of blood in the grass.

Although he said that he would disappear soon, he knew that Xu Haojie must have owned this, because he really had a premonition of what kind of difficulties Xu Haojie was encountering.

When the little boy exclaimed, Zhao Xincheng had already seen the bloodstain. He didn't know what happened. He didn't know whether Xu Haojie was in danger?

Seeing this pool of blood, he said that he was very worried and nervous. Originally, the two of them had put down the spirit of relaxation and became worried again at this time.

Both of them know that they must settle down and relax their emotions, so that they may think of a better way.

They both took deep breaths and deep breaths at the same time, and then found that their emotions had settled down. After that, Zhao Xincheng said to the little boy:

"speak what you think in your heart, but you should know that in fact, what I think in my heart may be the same as what you said. Just say some key points."

In order to save time, Zhao Xincheng had to do this to the little boy. When he heard Zhao Xincheng say so, he knew why he said so.

After all, these traces on the ground are slowly recovering. If they can save a little time, it may be very good, so the two of them decided to move on.

As he ran, the little boy said, "brother Zhao Xincheng, I think brother Xu Haojie must be in danger. Otherwise, where did these bloodstains come from?

And these traces slowly recover. We must seize the time. We can't imagine what happened. I'm really afraid of what kind of problems Xu Haojie will encounter. "

What kind of danger does the little boy worry about Xu Haojie? The traces they now encounter are slowly recovering.

They don't know what happened to them, and they don't know how many or how many of these blood sacrifices are. They are very worried when they see this pool of blood.

Now the little boy is really worried. Zhao Xincheng knows what the little boy is worried about. In fact, he is also very worried about what will happen.

He can't say these things too absolutely or too well, although he is also there now and is very worried.

Maybe I know that the blood volume of the boy recovered a little bit before, because I think the blood volume of the boy is smaller.

I really can't guess what will happen and what kind of problems will happen to Xu Haojie? I'm really afraid that it will make me very sad

Because the little boy also knew that if he could not let them find out these clues as soon as possible, he was afraid that Xu Haojie would encounter more dangers.

After all, according to the current situation, there are a lot of things hidden by the inexplicable ability, they do not know what happened.

If he knew what was going on, maybe he could find some other ways to solve it. But now he knows that Xu Haojie is in danger and that the bloodstains are ingredients.

The other simply do not know anything, the little boy is really very worried, in addition to the little boy, Zhao Xincheng and he is not.

Of course, he also knows that there are some things that he can't do. He also knows that there are many things that he has to think about, what happened.

After he heard the child say this, he also looked at the ground with a very dignified expression. He knew that their time was running out and they had to move forward.

They said as they ran, but they didn't think of a better way. Now they know to continue to move forward, and they know that they have been persevering and working hard.

Let's see if we can find the blood from the arm bitten by the wolf before. They don't want these injuries to be new. What should we do if they are new ones?

Xu Haojie hates it as soon as possible. They don't have a good way to solve it.

Xu Haojie is worried about them. Because both of them are disobedient and because they believe in little white fox blindly, they suffer from such danger and suffering.

No matter Zhao Xincheng or the little boy, they were both very sad in their hearts, and both felt that they had done too much this time.

If they had listened to what Xu Haojie said before that little white fox was not a good man, then they might not have been like this.Now Xu Haojie will be in danger, most of the reason is because they are two people. If not because they are not willing to listen to Xu Haojie's words, how could so many things happen?

They are very sad, also very self blame, but they also understand that even if it is sad, even if it is self blame, there is no effect.

They just can only look like this. They both don't think about these things for a while. They both go straight ahead to find out where Xu Haojie is.

Xu Haojie doesn't know what the situation is like now, nor does he know how his injuries are. If Xu Haojie encounters new injuries, he will think about what to do.

So they are very worried about each new one, and they feel very sad and uncomfortable. But what can they do now?

"Brother Zhao Xincheng, I don't know how Xu Haojie is now? I thought that he might be injured, and that there might be some danger now.

I feel very uncomfortable, and I can't stand it in my heart. In case Xu Haojie's brother is really in danger, what should I do? "

Zhao Xincheng heard the little boy say so, in fact, he is also very uncomfortable, even if the fear and how? They are not only able to walk step by step, but only temporarily.

If they know how to solve the problem, it may be better if it goes on like this, but now they don't know anything at all, they don't know how to solve it, and they don't know where to go.

It might be better if they knew what to do with it, but now everything that has happened has already happened.

They can only do what they want in their hearts, so they don't know what to do in their hearts, and their hearts are particularly uncomfortable.

Fang Fen saw the little boy and Xu Haojie on one side. Zhao Xincheng and they were so tangled here. He felt very sad and wanted to help.

However, he also knew that he could not help. He had already been kicked out by the rules of the underground palace. If he could help, why should he be mentioned.

Fang Fen felt very sad and could not stand it when he thought of these things. But even if he could not stand it, what could he do? He can only be like this for a while.

He also knew that he could not say these things, because he knew that even if he said it, it would not have any effect. However, ye Wuque was on the side, although he felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

However, he was willing to tell us something first, at least let Fang Fen know that no matter what difficulties they encountered, they would not die.

And now he's only seeing the surface, although it seems that the little boys are in danger.

Xu Haojie may encounter these dangers. Zhao Xincheng and the little boys may not be able to help Xu Haojie. In fact, this is actually the test of the checkpoint for them.

If they can pass smoothly, it is also a great opportunity for them, and for them, it is also able to improve their ability, which may be the best thing.

Ye Wuqian said to the other party, "you should think about the benefits. Although the three of them are now facing unprecedented difficulties, they can also smoothly improve their ability.

Isn't it good to be able to improve their ability a lot? If you think from another angle, you may feel better. "

But even if Fang Fen heard Ye Wuqian say so, he couldn't make his heart feel better, because Fang Fen felt that no matter how he said it, it was different from him.

When he goes through some difficulties himself, he can accept them, and he can also understand them, because he can accept all kinds of dangers and difficulties he has suffered.

Zhao Haojie and his little friends can not accept all the difficulties and personal dangers they face.

When he did not let the three of them face it, he did not feel a bit relaxed or relaxed when he heard Ye Wuqian say so. He still felt very sad.

Ye Wumian knows that the fangfennel he said first may not listen to it, but he still has to go to the other party. He knows that if he doesn't comfort Fang Fen well, it may make Fang Fen feel even worse.

He had to pacify Fang Fen well before he could let the matter go on like this. Ye Wuqian said to Fang Fen:

"Fang Fen, in fact, at these checkpoints, they are set according to their abilities and abilities. If their abilities are very low, the difficulty will be reduced Yes.

Do you want to see their abilities are low? Now that they have made it so difficult, it just proves that their ability is very high. You should be happy for them. "

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