The little boy heard Zhao Xincheng say that, of course, he also understood the truth of Zhao Xincheng, but he could not help thinking like that.

He always felt that if he could find someone who was aware of these things, it might not happen again.

But after all, even if Zhao xinchengdu said so, of course, they would accept Zhao Xincheng's words a little. After all, before that, it was because they didn't believe Xu Haojie's words that so many things happened.

Now the little boy looked at Zhao Xincheng, shook his head and sighed. Then he said to Zhao Xincheng, "brother Zhao Xincheng, when are we going to find brother Xu Haojie? Now I really feel worried.

After all, we saw that pool of blood just now. I really don't know how Xu Haojie's brother is now? Is he in any danger? I really feel worried. "

Because the little boy thought of the blood that they had encountered before, he felt that Xu Haojie must have encountered some kind of danger and difficulty.

However, he couldn't get to Xu Haojie as soon as possible. He was so worried and helpless. Zhao Xincheng heard the little boy tell him that he was also very worried about Xu Haojie's safety, although he didn't show it on the surface.

However, his heart was full of confusion. The bloodstain was said to be more or less, but he always felt that the danger Xu Haojie was facing must have been something that they could not guess and guess.

Although the two of them had walked in the forest for such a long time, they did not encounter any danger, but it did not prove that he was not in danger.

It may be that all those dangers are concentrated and Xu Haojie may not be sure. After all, Xu Haojie is alone. Moreover, if Xu Haojie is seriously injured and falls off the cliff, he will certainly encounter some troubles.

If all go to attack Xu Haojie alone, then how can Xu Haojie resist? It was he who agreed very much with what the little boy said.

He also wants to find Xu Haojie quickly, and then help Xu Haojie to resist those dangers and difficulties. He can't let Xu Haojie face them alone.

The little boy and Zhao Xincheng have the same ideas. They both think that Xu Haojie may encounter some dangers, difficulties and other troublesome things.

They must find Xu Haojie as soon as possible, and then fight side by side with Xu Haojie. They must not let those dangers knock him down.

It is impossible to stop them from looking for Xu Haojie by the current dangers, which is absolutely impossible.

"Or we should go to find brother Xu Haojie in two ways. It may not be helpful for us to walk around like this, although I have a hunch that brother Xu is in front of us.

But I also know that my premonition may not be 100% correct. Otherwise, we will have to search for it in two ways to see if we can find Xu Haojie's brother. "

The little boy thought about it. He decided to divide the army into two ways, because he felt that they would not have any effect if they went on like this.

He is afraid that they are going in the wrong direction. Although his premonition has always been correct, there will inevitably be omissions. In case his premonition is not correct this time, is it not worth the loss?

That's why he put forward it like this. After hearing the little boy's proposal, Zhao Xincheng seriously thought about it. He still felt that he should not do this first, and should not be divided into two ways.

Soldiers may be divided into two ways. On the surface, it seems that they can have more choices and hope, but in fact, there are many dangers.

What if the little boy or he is in danger and neither of them can solve it by themselves? Although two people go together, it may be a waste of time and resources.

But at least they can take care of each other when they are in danger. This is a very good thing.

He didn't think it was very reliable for the boy to put forward the situation of dividing into two routes, so he said to the little boy: "when we were in the desert, we were divided into three groups, and then we wasted a period of time. Still, we did not find anything and did nothing.

We still do it together. When we encounter danger and difficulties, we can also think about how to solve it together. "

Of course, the little boy also knew this. He also knew that before they were in the desert, and even in the third level before them, soldiers divided into several routes, and then went to look for those things together.

But after all, the situation is different now. Before they looked for those things, even if they could not find them, it had an impact on them, but the impact was so great.

But now, if he asked them to find Xu Haojie as soon as possible, Xu Haojie would certainly cause some very bad things. So he was afraid, so he thought that he would divide the army into two ways to find Xu Haojie's whereabouts.

But now hearing Zhao xinchengdu say so, the little boy can only nod his head and agree. Although he is worried about Xu Haojie, he also knows that Zhao Xincheng's worries are no less than his.Since Zhao Xincheng said that it is better for two people to go together, of course, he should obey Zhao Xincheng's advice. He must not act arbitrarily or do those things on his own. That is certainly not possible.

But even if things happen like this, he still thinks it would be better to be able to do something else.

But he doesn't know how to do it or how to do these things well. Things are stuck there, they can't go up or down.

Although the little boy is really worried, but he also knows that worry is useless. Anyway, the idea that soldiers are divided into two ways is also disturbed.

He also knew that they had to find other important things, they had to find those ways, and maybe they would be better.

But now that things have happened to the present situation, they are thinking about other things, perhaps it is not possible, but even if no longer possible, he will try hard to try, which may be better.

The little boy said to Zhao Xincheng, "brother Zhao Xincheng, it doesn't matter if he says that he can't do some things at present.

As long as we work hard and work hard, we may be able to do it. Because we have no way, and we still have to go together in two ways, but I believe my premonition should not be wrong

Because the little boy felt that since they couldn't separate, they still wanted to go together, so they would certainly try harder to guess.

Xu Haojie's choice is not in this direction.

Although he wanted to divide the army into two ways, it was because he was in a hurry that he came up with some solutions. In fact, he still felt that they had chosen this road, which must be Xu Haojie's road.

Otherwise, how could he have such a strong premonition? The little boy has always had a high accuracy of premonition. He has never had such a strong premonition before.

They chose the right direction, so he didn't say anything else because Zhao Xincheng didn't have the ability.

But he saw little boy Zhang say so decisively that Xu Haojie must be in their direction, and they have seen traces of some people walking before, and also saw a pool of blood.

So it proved that they must have chosen the right direction. That's why he said that the little boy's proposal that soldiers should be divided into two ways was unnecessary.

After all, they already know Xu Haojie's specific direction now. They don't know to go in the same direction, so they might as well go together.

That's why Zhao Xincheng refused the little boy's proposal. If the little boy knew about it, it might be better, but he didn't bother to talk about it.

And the little boy has also listened to what he said, no longer to think about those things, so it is very good.

Zhao Xincheng and the little boy went on. When the little boy followed Zhao Xincheng, they were very fast.

Because the two of them want to find Xu Haojie quickly and hope that Xu Haojie will not suffer more danger because their movements are too slow. This is certainly not possible.

Because both of them know that now Xu Haojie must have met with some big troubles and threats. They must find Xu Haojie as soon as possible.

We must send their help to Xu Haojie as soon as possible, and fight with Xu Haojie side by side, which may be better.

Otherwise, it will certainly not work if some unnecessary things are caused. However, although they only know the direction of Xu Haojie in this way, they only know the general direction of Xu Haojie, and they don't know where it is.

However, it is good to have this general direction, which is better than that they don't know anything. In comparison, knowing the general direction is also a very good thing.

But now I don't know how to guess, and I don't know how to guess.

The two of them didn't say anything else along the way, because both of them now know that they must get to Xu Haojie's side as soon as possible.

Their goal is very clear, so they act quickly. They keep going forward, but the more they get to the front, the more strange they feel.

But when they came to a small clump of grass, Zhao Xincheng suddenly saw another pool of blood here. Although it was not a lot, through his intuition, he felt that Xu Haojie must have left them.

Did Xu Haojie really encounter any kind of danger and difficulty? Because they have come out of so much distance, but there is still blood, which proves that Xu Haojie must have been bleeding.

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