He also knows the meaning of Xu Haojie's saying, and he also knows the truth of Xu Haojie's saying. Indeed, there are still many, many, very important tasks to be entrusted to him. He must shoulder these responsibilities.

Otherwise, some other bad things will happen. His ability has been improved and Xu Haojie has recognized him. It is really good to go like this.

He must keep going and continue to do the best and the best in these things. Even if Xu Haojie is also excluded from the underground palace rules, he can do some other things, which is really good.

In the eyes of Zhao Xincheng, his ability is really good, but there are still some deficiencies and immature practices.

Therefore, he is sure to think about how he should improve his ability and how to make himself the most perfect and the best, which may be better.

He nodded his head seriously, and then said to Xu Haojie and the little boy, "you two, don't worry. I'm sure I can do these things.

Moreover, in my eyes, I take all your words as an edict. I will certainly remember them in my heart, so you can rest assured

After hearing Zhao Xincheng and the little boy say this, Xu Haojie is relieved. After all, in Xu Haojie's eyes.

What he was most afraid of was that Zhao Xincheng and the little boy could not accept what he said. If Zhao Xincheng and the little boy thought they would continue to stay in the fourth level, they might encounter a lot of trouble.

Then they are very afraid. What should we do? Fortunately, the two of them have not been defeated by the difficulties in front of them, but are more and more brave.

Even if they have a lot of confidence in themselves, they will have a lot of confidence in them, even if they don't have a good solution at the moment.

After all, in Xu Haojie's eyes, although Zhao Xincheng and the little boy are also capable, they still have some bad points.

If Zhao Xincheng and the little boy choose to give up, or choose something not so good, Xu Haojie will not feel much about it.

After all, in Xu Haojie's eyes, such a choice will happen and it is very normal to make such a choice, but now he still thinks about it.

Or to the little boy and Zhao Xincheng, they said: "Zhao Xincheng, little boy, both of you are excellent, although I'm afraid recently that you can't hold on to the end.

But now after hearing what you said, I believe you can do the best you can

After Zhao Xincheng and the little boy heard Xu Haojie say this, they are very happy now. After all, in Zhao Xincheng's eyes, as long as they can do these things well, they are already very good.

But now they still feel a little uncomfortable in their heart, or they will feel a little uncomfortable, because they also know their own ability, and also know how much they weigh.

If Xu Haojie was kicked out by the rules of the underground palace, only Zhao Xincheng and the little boy were left. Where should they start and how to solve these difficulties.

Because they also know the level of the underground palace, but one level is more difficult than the other, if they really only have the last two people left.

Then they have to choose what kind of method to use and what kind of things they want to do, so that these things can be successfully solved. Now they have no confidence in their hearts and do not know how to do it.

However, they believe in their own ability and believe that they can absolutely do the best in this matter next time. Even if there may be some things now, they have no clue and don't know how to solve them.

But they believe in their own ability, also believe that they can absolutely do these things the most perfect, do the best. That's pretty good.

Zhao Xincheng and the little boy both felt very happy when they heard Xu Haojie say so.

After all, Xu Haojie already believed what they said and understood their abilities. Zhao Xincheng said to Xu Haojie:

"you can rest assured that you don't know the ability of me and the little boy. Even though we may be lower than you and not as powerful as you and ye Wuqian, we still don't have two brushes Worry about us. "

When Xu Haojie heard Zhao Xincheng say so, he nodded and laughed. Then he said to Zhao Xincheng, "of course, I believe in your ability.

But now the situation is different. If you encounter any kind of danger, I really don't know how to do it, and I can't escape the blame

When Zhao Xincheng heard Xu Haojie say this, he nodded. Of course, he knew what Xu Haojie meant. If he and the little boy were left in the checkpoint, they would encounter some danger and trouble.Xu Haojie is sure that he will be sad, but Zhao Xincheng always thinks that although their ability is not very strong, they still have to do some things well.

If they encounter some dangers and difficulties, they believe that they can make these things the best and the best. They don't have to worry about too many things.

Now the only thing they worry about is what kind of methods they will use in the next hurdles? Although the soldiers will block the water and cover the land.

But we still need some strategies and strategies. Otherwise, there will be no strategies or things. It is certainly not good to go down directly like this. Zhao Xincheng is also very worried about these.

After hearing Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie say these words, the little boy also wants these things in his heart.

However, he saw that the scene was so good that he did not say it. If he said it, it would certainly lead to some bad things, so he was not willing to say it.

However, if he is not willing to say it, he is not willing to say it, and it has nothing to do with it. Now the little boy comes to Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie.

He looked at Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie. He said to them: "brother Xu Haojie, brother Zhao Xincheng, now we don't think about that.

Let's take a look at the tiger in front of us. What is he going to do to us? He has been looking at us for a long time. It's really boring for him to stare at us

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng heard this from the little boy. They both felt that the most important thing now was to get rid of the tiger in front of them.

Otherwise, it is not useless to think about other things. After all, they are now confronted by the tiger. If the tiger does nothing, it is better.

What if the tiger did something to hurt them? Both of them knew that the little boy was right.

They have to solve the tiger in front of them and think about other things, so they are thinking to the end and should solve the problem in front of them.

The tiger had been standing in front of them before. Now, although it was lying on the ground, it always felt that there were some strange things and some strange places.

Tigers are just deliberately trying to make them take it lightly, then wait until they really relax, and then come to their troubles. What should we do?

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, as well as the little boy, have been thinking about the countermeasures there, always thinking about what kind of methods can be used to solve the tiger.

However, they did not think of a better method or a more powerful method. It would be better if they could know why these things happened earlier.

But now they are completely in a passive position, just a passive state. They can only solve these problems passively, and they can not attack on their own initiative.

So Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie still feel embarrassed. The little boy sees Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie's difficult expression and looks at their embarrassed appearance.

In fact, the little boy knows that there are many things that can't be forced to do. There are many things that can't be solved at one stroke, but it doesn't matter.

They believe in their own ability, and believe that they will have a lot of things to solve in the future, and he will not get into a corner.

I don't think that if I don't think of a way now, I will never think of it. The little boy is also comforting Xu Haojie and Xu Haojie.

I hope Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng don't feel sad because they can't come up with a solution strategy for the time being.

In fact, in the eyes of the little boy, it's very normal that he can't think of. After all, there are many things that they can't do if they are willing to do them.

There are not many things that they can think of if they are willing to think about it. So they have to think of something else.

Now the little boy said to Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng: "you two need not worry too much, and don't blame yourself too much.

Although we can't come up with a strategy to solve the Tiger now, at least we can stick to this level and it's already very good. Compared with other things, I think it's already very good. "

Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie both nodded after hearing what the little boy said. They knew that the little boy was trying to enlighten them, so they said so.

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