Fang Fen was still a little worried, but he was still a little confused. In case of any difficulties, it would be bad.

That's why he said this to Ye Wuqian. After hearing Fang Fen said this, he had already considered what fangfen thought.

However, he thought about it, but he still felt that there was no need to think about it too much. Anyway, let nature take its course and the boat will go straight to the bridge.

Since they choose to continue to break through the barrier, they will certainly have other ideas, so in fact, there is no relationship.

There is no need to think about these things, so that they can do well is already very good, as long as they can put their heart to do those things, do the most perfect, do the best, in fact, very good.

It's not necessary to think about everything, to do everything, to intervene in everything, which is not good.

"Fangfen, let's just let it be. Let's see what they want to do. We need to give them enough confidence so that they can achieve the amazing effects. It's unnecessary to think too much about it."

when Fang fennel heard Ye Wuqian say this, he nodded. Of course, he also knew what ye Wuqian said. In fact, he didn't think much about it.

He just thinks he wants to be very curious and wants to know how much time it will take for them. Moreover, he always thinks that ye Wuxiang is very powerful, which should be foretold.

So let him still say to Ye Wuqian: "ah, I'm just curious, and I don't have any other ideas. Tell me about it. I want to know."

"It's not that I don't tell you. I don't know. I don't have the ability to predict. They should be able to get through the fourth level, but I don't know when.

You see, the tigers are still following them. In fact, I don't know whether their strategy will succeed or not. I just say that their strategy will succeed. "

What ye Wuqian said is a big truth. He always thinks that what they have done is very good. It is very good, but it is not very good. All of them are very good. They can do those things well and do them perfectly. This is certainly not right.

In fact, the Warcraft tide leader still felt that it would be better to keep going down and look down. Otherwise, there was no need.

Fang Fen heard the Warcraft tide leader, ye Wuque, speak. He also knew what ye Wuqian meant by this remark. Of course, he also understood that he was just thinking about it.

It's just a waste of time and energy here. He still thinks that it's good to be able to do simple things well. He doesn't want to go much for those specific things.

"Well, since you don't know, we'll just watch them quietly and see what they can do next. Anyway, I believe in their ability. I believe they can do it. "

Ye Wuqian heard Fang fennel say so, he nodded, knowing that fangfennel to do it was also figured out, but often for a long time to come.

Should not ask him about these aspects of the matter, although ye Wuque does not feel Fang Fen annoyed, but the waste of time on this matter, in fact, is not necessary.

In fact, ye Wuqian also understands Fang Fen very well. The reason why Fang Fen is so worried now is not that he has no sense of security in his heart.

If Fang Fen had a sense of security, how could he ask so many questions? Although Ye Wuqian also knows these things, he still thinks that if he can, it may be better to let Fang fennel put down some bad feelings in his heart.

Because he also knows that Fang Fen has been worried about Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy. In fact, he is also too worried about their lives being threatened.

Although he and the Warcraft tide leader mother have been trying to comfort Fang Fen, they hope he won't think about it, because they believe that the owner of the underground palace is absolutely impossible to do something like that.

The master of the underground palace will definitely protect the lives of the three of them. It is impossible that they do not have to think about so many things and worry about so much.

At the very least, the lives of the three of them are absolutely not in any danger, and there will be no problems. Therefore, ye Wuqian also hopes that Fang fennel can understand these.

Even if Fang Fen didn't understand, he would still be worried, but it didn't matter, because it was human nature, and Fang Fen's worry was normal.

Ye Wumian suddenly felt that fangfennel was thinking more, but he would not say something that would not let Fang fennel continue to think more.

Because ye Wuqian also knows that he wants to go on like this. In fact, there may be nothing wrong with him. As long as Fang Fen can figure out himself, he can see through it.

As for other things, you don't have to think too much, and don't do them. No matter how much you go along like this, it's already very good. When it's really the same, you don't have to think about so many things.

"Fang Fen, now the three of them have been walking all the time. Seeing that their plan is on the right track, we will wait patiently and watch what they do. We will not think about it."Fang Fen heard Ye Wuqian say so, and he agreed at that time, because he also felt that he didn't need to think so much. Since things are as they are now, it's good to do them.

As for other things, they don't have to think too much. After hearing Ye Wuqian's words, Fang Fen waited to see what Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy would do next.

It's very good that the three of them will have a choice next. Anyway, they have come up with a better plan. It's good to wait and see how they can solve it.

As for other things, just let it be. As for other things, they don't have to think about too much.

When Fang Fen heard Ye Wuqian say this, he didn't say anything else. On the other side, Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng, and the little boy all the way along, playing leisurely there.

The tiger followed them and didn't know what medicine they were selling in the three gourds. Even the tiger began to relax.

Especially when he heard the three of them talking and laughing, he thought they were very funny there, but the tiger didn't have so much fun.

He just thought that these three people were so playful, how could it be that they had to wait for so many people in the underground palace. Therefore, he also thought that they might be the owner of the underground palace. How could it be several of them?

Although tiger is contemptible to the three of them now, they are not vulgar when they come to the fourth level. They know that they want those treasures.

Now the tiger thinks that the reason why they will come back is that they have come to the fourth level. It must also be because they have taken a fancy to the treasure. They must think that the final treasure is very attractive, so they will go down like this.

If it was not for the support of the treasure, they might have been baffled by the difficulty of the level before, how could they continue to go up?

When the tiger thought of it, he despised Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy. In the tiger's eyes, the three of them were really greedy and greedy for money.

If it wasn't for money, how could you have come here? So the tiger thinks that the three of them don't have to follow him.

And he also let the three of them not want to hurt his behavior, although he also felt that the three of them did not have the qualification and the ability to hurt him.

But he still felt that since they had this idea, it proved that their hearts were also very kind. Since the three of them only cared about playing and ignored the words of going forward, then he did not want to pursue anything.

Although he has always followed them, he has relaxed his vigilance against several of them. He thinks that Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie and the little boy are not qualified to let him be vigilant. The three of them are just empty vases and have no other role at all.

If Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy know what tigers think now, they will be very happy.

Because at least they have achieved what they want to achieve, but now Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy do not know what the tiger thinks.

They thought that since it was a play, it must be better to do the whole set, so the three of them continued to pretend that they liked the scene here very much and didn't want to go down the barrier.

Now Zhao Xincheng deliberately said to Xu Haojie and the little boy, "Xu Haojie, little boy, don't you think this scene is really good.

I don't think it's useful for us to continue to go through it. There are so many difficulties every time, which makes us hard to die. It has no effect at all.

Anyway, we're not short of money. We might as well go out directly. Anyway, we've come to experience it. "

Zhao Xincheng said on purpose that he was not interested in going through the barrier at all. He hoped that the little boy and Xu Haojie could go back with him.

The tiger behind them heard Zhao Xincheng say so. The more he despised Zhao Xincheng, he was really that kind of rich man's virtue.

It is clear that they can continue to go down, but it is still the case. As expected, curiosity drives them to come here. The tiger thinks that the three of them have no quality worth following.

However, he still has to continue to track down, so that there will be some unnecessary trouble. Xu Haojie and the little boy are also very cooperative with Zhao Xincheng's performance.

Because the two of them heard Zhao Xincheng say so and know what Zhao Xincheng's intention is. Since Zhao Xincheng has said so, they must cooperate quickly.

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