Even he could not do such a simple thing as comforting Fang Fen, so he still felt very lost in his heart. Ye Wuwei felt that the leader of the Warcraft tide seemed to have some sense of loss at the first time.

It seems that the leader of the Warcraft tide is a little sad about this matter. Ye Wuqian also knows that the leader of the Warcraft tide said that he was upset. If it was him, he would feel very sad.

After all, it's really difficult to do this thing, but ye Wuqian also knows that many things can't be done according to his own ideas or what he wants. Even if the Warcraft tide leader is sad, he can adjust himself.

"Ye Wuqian, leader of the Warcraft tide, I know it's not good to go on like this, but I just can't control myself. When I think of Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy, they will feel remorse when they see me when they come out.

Therefore, I still decided not to think too much. Even if there are many problems, even if there are many problems, I will try my best to solve them well, "

Fang Fen thinks that he should adjust his mind well and never let his mind become so collapsed.

This is a very bad thing for anyone, he also wants to make himself good, just think about how to do it.

When they heard Fang Fen say this, they knew that Fang Fen must be interlinked now, so they didn't talk about those words any more.

Because they also know that it is useless for them to say more than that. They can only rely on Fang fennel to figure out, and they can only rely on Fang fennel to figure out.

Otherwise, what they said was so clear that he would promise no matter how good, in fact, to let him go at the end of the day, there was still no way to do what they said.

Let Fang Fen not be alone, let him think about how to do these things well. The Warcraft tide leader and ye Wuqian left fangfen for a while.

Fang Fen thought about it by himself. Ye Wuqian and he Warcraft tide leader went to other places, and they thought whether they should do something.

At least they should let Fang Fen not be so worried. Now ye Wuque, the leader of the beast tide, is still a little sad. Although ye Wuque thinks it is unnecessary, the loss of the leader of the Warcraft tide is due to him.

So he still had to persuade the Warcraft tide leader, and he said to the Warcraft tide leader, "Warcraft tide leader, it's useless for you to be so sad. Your ability is already very strong.

As the guardian of the third level, you can protect Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie, the little boy and Fang Fen, and they have made great contributions. Why are you so sad and so sad? "

Originally, the Warcraft tide leader was not willing to think about it or say anything, but now he feels very sad when he hears Ye Wuliang ask this question.

So he said his idea. He said to Ye Wuqian: "in fact, I feel in my heart that since I know the skills of customs clearance and how to do it, there are certain rules and restrictions, so I can't say these things.

I'm already very sad. Now I see Fang Fen so sad, but I can't make him come out of the sad experience. I feel very disappointed. You know, I treat you as my good friends. "

In fact, even if the Warcraft tide leader doesn't say it, ye Wuqian can guess what the Warcraft tide leader said in his heart.

He was also surprised why the Warcraft tide leader was like this, but after all, it was like this, even if he wanted the Warcraft tide leader not to think about these things.

But like what he said to Fang Fen before, he didn't think about anything. Wouldn't they really think about it?

Now ye Wumian also knows that he must let the Warcraft tide leader think clearly, so that it will be better. He said to the Warcraft tide leader:

"Warcraft tide leader, after all, we are good friends. After all, we have been together for a long time, so we all understand that we are familiar with each other and how we should think about each other. In fact, you have not It is necessary. "

When the Warcraft tide leader heard Ye Wuqian say this, of course, he also knew that it was unnecessary to think like this. He still felt very sad and felt that there were many things that could not be done according to his conjecture.

He still felt that it was very bad, but he also understood that since many things could be done according to their conjecture, what was the difference between him and fennel?

The Warcraft tide leader took a deep breath, and then he said to Ye Wuwei: "but actually, I understand what you say. You don't have to worry about me. I will handle these things well myself, and you don't have to worry about so much."

"I believe you can handle this matter well. You have always been a very insightful person, and I believe in the next time.

You must be able to manage your mood well, and I know that you regard us as your good friends. You can rest assured that we also regard you as our good friends. "When the Warcraft tide leader heard Ye Wuqian say this, he was really happy. He thought that he was just wishful thinking that he could be their good friend.

In fact, several of them disdain him to be their good friends, but now hearing Ye Wuqian say so, he knows that his efforts are actually rewarding.

He knew that Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie, the little boy, Fang Fen and ye Wuqian were still willing to accept him and let him be their friends. In fact, it was very good, and it was very good.

Anyway, in the eyes of the Warcraft tide leader, although he stayed in the third level in the underground palace, he lost a lot of things.

Warcraft tide leader he is very confident in himself, he also feels that there are many things, in fact, there is no need to consider too many things.

Especially now, after hearing that, he felt very happy. He also felt that there were many things that he should not think about, as long as they were natural.

In fact, it is not right for him to look for some troubles for himself. If he looks for his own troubles, he will only hurt others and hurt himself, and he will put himself in a very difficult situation. In fact, it is very bad.

Although he knows that this is not good, although he knows that this is not good, then he should not think like this, he should actively adjust his own mentality, actively adjust his mood to the most perfect state.

It might be better for them. After all, in the eyes of the Warcraft tide leader, he can't be like fennel, can't be like fangfennel.

He must adjust his mentality, so that he can do a lot of things in the next time, in the next things, which should be very good.

Anyway, in the eyes of the Warcraft tide leader, as long as he can let Ye Wuxiang admit that they are all good friends, and he sometimes thinks that when he is in the third level, is it not good for them to do these things?

But on second thought, it was all the rules of the underground palace. The rules of the underground palace were like this, and he could not resist. So he still thought that they should have this opportunity to be good friends.

Although he also knew that he could not leave the underground palace, and he would not leave the underground palace, he could know so many good friends in such a short period of time, which was unprecedented for the Warcraft tide leader.

He never dared to think about it. Now that these things have become reality and become reality, he thinks it's very good.

Although there will still be many problems, there will still be many problems waiting for them to solve, but it does not matter.

They always have to learn these things slowly, and believe that no matter how much they say, he can do these things and do the best.

Ye Wumian saw that the Warcraft tide leader's state had almost recovered, and then he and the Warcraft tide leader returned to the place where Fang Fen was.

Now see Fang fennel after hearing what he said, in fact, he also figured out a lot of things, fangfennel also did not get into the bull's-eye any more.

And I believe that after fangfennel should not get into trouble again. Thinking of this, ye Wuwei really feels that there are too many things that they can solve together.

Anyway, there are a lot of things that they don't want to say or do. They don't want to consider what kind of problems will come next.

They can only seek truth from facts. They can only do these things naturally. Anyway, they don't know what kind of problems will happen next.

It's not necessary for them to think about these things, so now they all decide to observe Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng, and the little boy.

Don't think about unnecessary things. It will only lead to a lot of unnecessary things, which is not good for them.

For Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, the little boy is also not any help, since there is no benefit, there is no help.

What do they say these things do? If they want to do this thing, it's better to keep their physical strength and energy.

Maybe they will be allowed to put them in by the rules of the underground palace, so they all feel that everything is possible.

Now when Fang Fen saw that the Warcraft tide leader and ye Wuqian had come, Fang Fen took the initiative to say something to the Warcraft tide leader and ye Wuqian.

"The Warcraft tide leader lady, ye Wuxiang, you two can rest assured that I will not always be a top dog, although I know that many things can not be done according to our ideas.

But at the very least, I can adjust my mentality and meet Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng in the most perfect state, and return to them. "

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