On the contrary, tiger was very happy because he was worried that Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy would give up halfway and continue to break through.

But now I have heard tiger say this, and heard Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng, and little boy. They just pretended that they didn't want to do anything and didn't want to continue to break through the barrier.

In fact, they still like the feeling of going down the barrier. Tiger still feels very happy. He thinks that as long as the little boy Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng want to continue to go down the barrier.

Well, for him, the other things don't matter. The three of them cheated him before, so they cheated him. He can also accept it.

Anyway, for him, as long as he can continue to break through the barrier, in fact, there is no need for other blame, Fang Fen feels very happy.

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng had been waiting for Fang Fen to pick them up, but now they have not heard the tiger blame them or feel that the tiger is going to do something to hurt them.

Now, Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy think it's very strange. Is it difficult for them to become a tiger? Are they not doing anything wrong?

So they have been waiting there, and the process of waiting is still very painful. After all, they are really afraid that the tiger will do any harm to them.

But they waited and found that they did not make any action to hurt them, so they thought it was very strange.

When tiger saw Xu Haojie and little boy Zhang, the three of them seemed very worried that they would hurt them. The tiger also thought it was very strange. He also thought it was unnecessary.

Is he really that fierce? The tiger said to Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy, "the three of you have just made a look like I will eat you. Am I really so fierce?"

If it were normal, none of Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy would look like this.

It's just because the three of them feel that they are in the wrong in this matter, and the other side is because they really cheated the tiger.

So the three of them will be so devout and modest now. Sometimes, how could they be like this before doing it.

Now when I heard the tiger say that, in fact, the three of them think that maybe the tiger is not angry, maybe it is not very good, but they still think that even if the tiger is not very angry, they should do these things well.

Even if tigers are not angry, after all, they still do these things wrong, and they should punish themselves.

Zhao Xincheng said to the tiger on his own initiative: "tiger, because the three of us cheated you before, so we feel very sorry for you."

Tiger heard Zhao Xincheng say so, but he felt nothing. He felt that compared with the fact that they would give up, the ending was the best.

Although he is the guardian of the fourth level, he is more willing than anyone else and hopes that someone can pass the fourth level. The tiger's role is to prevent them from going down.

But now he is incomparable hope that they do not give up, incomparable hope that the three of them continue to go down, compared with other things.

For the tiger, it is the most beautiful thing and the most important reward to the tiger that they can continue to go down.

Tiger didn't beat around the Bush any more. He said to Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy:

"how could I be angry? In fact, I was very happy when I heard you say that, because I was really worried that you would give up halfway.

I've been guarding here for a long time. You are the first team to break through the fourth level, so I'm really afraid that you will give up halfway

Then he said all the things he thought in his heart before he worried. Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie and the little boy were surprised when they heard the tiger say so.

Originally, they thought the tiger would be unhappy. He thought the tiger would be very angry and angry because of their cheating.

They never thought that the tiger was not angry at all. The reason why the tiger had been following them was because they were worried that they would give up halfway.

If they had come earlier to negotiate with the tiger, maybe they would have saved some time. Now they are negotiating with the tiger.

It turns out that tigers want them to keep going down. Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie and the little boy really feel that there are many things that are really beyond their expectation.

If they had known each other's thoughts before, maybe they wouldn't have wasted so much time. The three of them also thought it was funny.

Tiger knew that the three of them were actually cheating him. In fact, he felt that if it was not because he didn't do these things well at the beginning, if not because he was very vicious at the beginning.Maybe Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy would not have wasted so much time. Tiger also felt that he was biased in doing this.

When he did this thing, he did not do it very well and handled it very well. He thought that he did some bad things in this matter.

So now tiger also said to Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy, "in fact, it's also my fault. Before that, I was so cruel that you mistook me for being vicious.

That's why you've always come up with such a way to cheat me. Although I'm a little uncomfortable with your deception, I'll forgive you for my poor performance

When Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy heard the tiger say that, they thought the tiger was still very good.

Originally, they thought the tiger would be very angry, but now it doesn't seem to be angry. For them, this is very good.

If the tiger is really angry, they will feel very sad. Fortunately, the tiger has not cared so much, so it should be very good.

Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy all know that this is the best way and the best ending.

If something else happens, they may not be able to solve it. Fortunately, the tiger has forgiven them.

Fortunately, even if the tiger knew that the three of them had cheated him, he didn't get angry or angry, which was the best thing for them.

Although some time has been wasted, it doesn't matter. At least they have done a good job in this matter. They think it's very good.

Xu Haojie continued to say to the tiger, "since our goals are the same, then we will not waste more time here. We want to continue to go down the barrier, hope you can help us, is that OK "

because Xu Haojie did not know what kind of punishment would be given to the tiger for violating the rules of the underground palace if he did not know what kind of punishment would be given to the tiger for violating the rules of the underground palace.

And tiger, though he knew he was there, if he really agreed with Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie and the little boy, he would help them to continue to break through the barrier.

What kind of punishment will be given to the tiger, but the tiger thinks that even those who are punished are normal. If Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy knew in advance that tiger would help them, something bad would happen.

It is absolutely impossible for the three of them to let the tiger help them. Unfortunately, the three of them did not know that the tiger did not want Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy to have psychological burden, so he did not say so.

Now the tiger said to the three of them, "I am the guardian of the fourth level. I want to stop you from going forward. Would it be too much for you to ask me to help you now?"

Tiger said it in the form of a joke, but what he said was a real situation. Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and little boy didn't know.

They thought that the tiger was joking with them. They thought that they had wrongly blamed the tiger. The tiger was so kind, and the tiger was so good.

Xu Haojie, the little boy, and Zhao Xincheng all thought that they were really too strong before.

The little boy now heard the tiger say this, he said to the tiger: "tiger, I thought there would be, I know you will help us fight, you hope we can also use, also hope we can continue to go up.

Isn't it good that you give us some help as soon as you can? In this way, we can quickly solve these difficulties, and then continue to break through the barrier

Tiger heard the little boy say that, he did not know how to refuse. Anyway, he thought that as long as the three of them could continue to break through the barrier, he would get some punishment and be hit by some bad things, maybe it could be.

Anyway, in the tiger's eyes, if Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie and the little boy can go up, it may be good for them to continue to go down the barrier.

Anyway, he doesn't think so. As long as they can finish the things they want to do eventually, he also feels good.

He stayed in the fourth level for so long. Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy formed the team, but the first one who could come to the fourth level.

They don't worry, they don't think what will happen. Recently, they think that the person who can do these things well is the best.

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