"Little boy, my brother Zhao Xincheng and I certainly believe in you. We believe in your ability and believe that you must be able to overcome these barriers and difficulties."

"And then you and I will continue to go down, although we don't know what kind of danger we will encounter next. However, as long as the two of us work together, we believe that no matter what kind of danger, we can solve it well, and we will never let those dangers bring us down

The little boy was very happy when he heard Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie talk about each other like this. After all, in the little boy's eyes, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng were very powerful.

Although it may not be as good as Fang FeNi and ye Wuwu, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are not bad. Hearing Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie comforting him, he also knows what to do.

He didn't want to cause some bad things to happen to the whole team because he was alone. He also listened to what Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie said.

They always want to hear these things in their minds and in their hearts, hoping not to cause some bad things to happen because of their own reasons.

Otherwise, he must be very upset in his heart, and he must feel that there are some things that are very bad, but let him know that, in fact, there is nothing wrong with this.

Because no one knows that such dangers and difficulties will happen in the future. They can only take one step, calculate one step, and only be able to defend the water and submerge the soil.

In case of any difficulties, they have no way to solve them for the time being. As long as they can do this well, it will be very good.

The little boy continued to say to Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie: "brother Xu Haojie, brother Zhao Xincheng, you two can rest assured.

Next, I will cooperate with four people to continue to go down the barrier. No matter what kind of danger I encounter, I will insist on it. I can't give up halfway

After the three of them finished speaking here, they continued to move forward. They knew that the road in front of them was not only the fifth level, but also the danger layer by layer. It was the difficulty created by the danger, but it didn't matter. They believed in their ability.

Believe that you must be able to do these things well, even if it is difficult? They believe that they can make these things the best and the best.

As for other things, he is not willing to think about it, and he is not willing to think about it too much. Anyway, they must be able to do it well, which is already very good.

They kept walking down. As they walked along, the little boy found that Xu Haojie had disappeared. As soon as they turned around, they found that Xu Haojie was not following them.

Because before Xu Haojie knew that he might be kicked out by the rules of the underground palace, he was also consciously or unconsciously walking at the back of the team.

And Zhao Xincheng and the little boy are also aware of Xu Haojie's action, they did not do anything to focus on what do not know the appearance.

In fact, they now know that Xu Haojie must have been kicked out by the rules of the underground palace, although Zhao Xincheng and the little boy do have some loss in their hearts.

However, they also know that this is the rule of the underground palace. They have no way to change it. Anyway, things have already happened.

Now that Xu Haojie has been kicked out by the rules of the underground palace, they can only calm their minds and stop thinking about those things.

No matter what kind of danger and difficulty they will encounter, it doesn't matter. As long as they continue to go down the barrier and continue to go down, they will certainly be able to do the best and will not cause more bad and unnecessary things to happen.

Now Zhao Xincheng sees that the little boy is speechless in front of him. He also intends to comfort the little boy. After all, he thinks that when the little boy sees Xu Haojie suddenly kicked out by the rules of the underground palace, he is worried that the little boy will be afraid.

In other words, there will be some other bad emotions. He will stop and stop the little boy and say to the little boy, "your brother Xu Haojie may have been kicked out by the rules of the underground palace now. Do you feel afraid?"

How could a little boy be afraid? After all, they already knew that Xu Haojie would be kicked out by the rules of the underground palace.

Why is he afraid? It's impossible. Now hearing Zhao Xincheng's question, the little boy shook his head. He said to Zhao Xincheng firmly:

"brother Zhao Xincheng, I'm not afraid, but I do have some worries in my heart. I'm worried about brother Xu Haojie. He's kicked out by the underground palace rules, but there's no way to meet brother Fang Fen and brother Ye Wuqian, What should I do? "

Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie did not think about such problems before, but they thought that since the underground palace was removed, they should not be in danger.

Therefore, there should not be such a situation as the little boy said. Zhao xinchengzhi faintly thinks that if the little boy goes on thinking like this, he may be even more lost.So he quickly said to the little boy, "I don't think since Xu Haojie was kicked out by the rules of the underground palace, just like Fang Fen and ye Wuqian.

So the three of them should be in the same place, and we did not feel that ye Wuwei is right beside us before?

Maybe the three of them should be able to look at the two of us, but we can't see them, so we don't have to worry about too much.

As long as we continue to go down the barrier, I believe they must be lucky people, their own natural appearance, will not encounter any kind of danger. On the contrary, we should solve these problems in front of us. "

He had thought about this before, but he also made him feel that since he would be kicked out by the rules of the underground palace, he would not embarrass them any more.

Only in this way can we say these things to the little boy, hoping that the little boy will not become very lost because of these things, because it is not worth it.

Because he felt that no matter Xu Haojie, Fang Fen, or Ye Wuqian, they would not encounter any danger or difficulties.

They must be far away, or close to them, to protect them and guard them. No accident will happen, he said to the little boy.

After hearing what Xu Haojie said, the little boy also felt that it was quite reasonable. How could the rules of the underground palace embarrass them? How could they be embarrassed to the end.

Since the rules of the underground palace have already kicked them out, it is not impossible for them to be excluded once again and encounter dangers and difficulties.

Anyway, Zhao Xincheng is fascinated by Xu Haojie, Fang Fen and ye Wuqian. He always feels that they will never have any problems.

They must be able to do a lot of things perfectly. As for whether they can have those ideas, he doesn't care.

In the eyes of Xu Haojie, only they can do it well, it is already very good. As for other things, he does not want to think about them.

He thinks about it and knows that there are many things that can't be done in accordance with his ideas. It's better to live in the present.

Zhao Xincheng thinks that even if he and the little boy will encounter many dangers and difficulties in the fifth level.

After all, they have accumulated some experience in the process of the previous clearance. Also know how to do these things, so even if there are dangers and difficulties.

They should also be able to solve well, and there should not be any kind of situation or problem, which should be beyond doubt.

And the little boy certainly thinks so. He thinks that they have accumulated a lot of experience before, and now there should be no problems.

Even if there are problems, they should be able to solve them well. They don't need to worry about these problems too much.

After all, entanglement will only make them feel uncomfortable, which will make them think that there are many things that are really difficult to solve.

Zhao Xincheng and the little boy also continued to move forward. Since Xu Haojie is no longer around them, he has been kicked out by the rules of the underground palace.

Then they should think about it now. If they encounter danger and difficulty, how can they cooperate to solve these problems.

Although they all feel that there are many problems that are difficult to solve, they always feel that since there are problems, there will be corresponding solutions.

As long as there is a problem, they must have a solution. This thing must be mutually generated. It is impossible to say that the difficulty is unsolvable, that is, there is no way to solve it, and this matter can not occur.

Therefore, Xu Haojie and the little boy, although they feel a lot of danger and difficulties, they always believe that no matter how many dangers and difficulties there are, they can still be solved. This is simply that there is no need to worry.

Zhao Xincheng said to the little boy, "I know there will be many dangers and difficulties in the future, but I don't worry because I think it can be solved."

The little boy also nodded. He looked at Zhao Xincheng firmly, as if to say that he believed what Zhao Xincheng said.

Zhao Xincheng received the little boy's eyes, he also felt very happy, as long as think of still believe what he said, it should be very good.

The two of them continued to move forward, and in a short time they reached the fifth level. They felt more and more hot as they walked, and their bodies were also sweating layer by layer.

I really don't know what kind of challenge they are facing. It is obvious that they can feel the air around them getting drier and hotter, and their bodies are getting hotter and hotter and sweating all the time.

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