If they can do the former things, they may be OK to say, but they have no way to do them at all, Fang Fen said to Xu Haojie.

Xu Haojie heard Fang Fen say these two words. He also agreed, but he agreed, but he could not stand it.

After all, in Xu Haojie's eyes, he felt that he should also have the obligation to help Zhao Xincheng and the little boy. He was kicked out by the rules of the underground palace.

But he can't ignore it. If Zhao Xincheng and the little boy really encounter some difficulties and dangers, he certainly has to do it to help them.

Although he knew that it was a little difficult indeed, indeed, it was a little difficult, but so what? No matter how difficult it is, he still has to do it.

It's not necessary to take the time to do these things well. Xu Haojie thinks it's not good to do this thing, and he doesn't do it blindly.

Because Xu Haojie still listened to Fang Fen's words, he also knew that he had no way to transmit his voice to Zhao Xincheng and the little boy.

There is no way for Xu Haojie and the little boy to see themselves. The only thing he can do now is to think about what to do next.

Although he still felt very sad, Fang Fen knew what Xu Haojie was thinking when he saw Xu Haojie like this. Before ye Wuqian and the Warcraft tide leader came to comfort him, it was the same as he comforted Xu Haojie now.

So he was able to guess what Xu Haojie was thinking about, so he continued to say to Xu Haojie: "Xu Haojie, I know what you are thinking now.

You feel guilty about it. In fact, I don't think you need to have these thoughts of self blame and guilt. It's not your fault.

You didn't mean to come out of the level. It's because your ability has met the requirements of the rules of the underground palace, so you don't have to blame yourself

However, Xu Haojie can't do it. He knows he'd better not blame himself, but he can't.

He wanted to think about what to do next, but he also knew that it was useless to think about it.

"But I still feel very sad. I still think it would be better if we could help Zhao Xincheng and the little boy. Look at the pain of the little boy and Zhao Xincheng.

Especially the little boys are so tired and tired that they feel that we can't help anything. I feel very sad

Because Xu Haojie really felt that if he could help Zhao Xincheng, the little boy would be better if he could do something, but now he can't help at all.

It is inevitable that he will be sad, and ye Wuwu, on one side, naturally knows what Xu Haojie is thinking now, so he also goes to Zhao Xincheng's side.

Then he took Fang Fen's words and continued to say to Xu Haojie: "in fact, these are all things that Zhao Xincheng and the little boy have to go through, although they feel that they are really very sad now.

But if you think about it, as long as they get through it, their ability will have a qualitative improvement. It's not worth thinking about it. "

Because ye felt that although it seems that he has encountered some difficulties now, even if he has encountered some difficulties, he can still do this thing well.

Because ye felt that although the difficulties they encountered were really a little difficult for them to do and accept.

Fortunately, there was no problem. Ye Wuqian told Xu Haojie that they were in difficulties, but their ability would be improved at the same time.

After hearing this, Xu Haojie's eyes brightened. He didn't know that they had improved their ability to break through the barrier here.

Now after hearing Ye Wuqian say this, he suddenly finds that some things on his body seem to have increased a lot, although he can't say clearly what it is.

But he did feel that his ability has been greatly increased, so now that ye Wuqian said that, he also felt very happy.

In this case, it is also a blessing in misfortune. If we can improve their ability, it is also very good.

Xu Haojie is also a little relieved for a while, he also knows that even if their ability or improvement, but the process must be very difficult, must be very difficult.

Even after hearing Ye Wuqian say this, Xu Haojie is still in fear after he is a little relieved. After all, if they can't break through the barrier, what can they do even if their ability is improved?

If they can't even pass the level smoothly, their ability will certainly not improve. So now Xu Haojie still feels worried and frowns.

Seeing Xu Haojie like this, ye Wuqian naturally knows that Xu Haojie must be thinking about those things and other difficult things.In fact, ye Wuqian also understands it. After all, ye Wuque knows that if a few simple words can dispel Xu Haojie's worries and Xu Haojie's concerns, then why bother to say something else.

Ye Wuqi looked at Xu Haojie and continued to say to Xu: "are Zhao Xincheng and the little boy a villain in your heart?

You have to believe that even if there are more difficulties and greater difficulties, they will face the difficulties and work hard to do well. There is no need to worry about them. "

But although the words are like this, the words are to let them not worry, but who can really do not worry? I'm not afraid.

There will be a lot of things that are beyond their expectation. If so, they will certainly have a lot of things to do.

He really didn't want such a thing to happen, so even now he heard Ye Wuqian say that, Xu Haojie still felt very sad.

Ye Wuqian also knows that his simple words are definitely impossible for Xu Haojie to dispel his doubts in his heart. Therefore, he did not intend to let Xu Haojie understand these principles once and for all.

He also knows that many things are not what they say, what others will think. Many things have to be heard and thought by themselves.

As long as you think clearly, then no matter how others say it will not be how, but if you don't think clearly, even if you break your mouth, you can't believe others.

Now, ye Wuque doesn't feel discouraged, and he doesn't feel how. Anyway, since things have happened, I still let him feel a little sad for a while.

Otherwise, it is not good enough to let him try his best to suppress his emotions. In fact, it is also a very bad thing for him.

"Anyway, you're right to listen to me. Fang Fen was worried about the safety of you as much as you did before. You didn't pass the fourth level smoothly, didn't you mention it most? Are you going to give up halfway? "

"How could we give up halfway? Even if I encounter any difficulties, even if I encounter great difficulties, I will try my best to solve them. "

Xu Haojie couldn't help saying these words. Then he looked at Ye Wuqian and told ye Wuqian firmly that no matter what difficulties he encountered, he would not give up. How could he give up halfway?

And they have spent a lot of time to get into the underground palace. They can only get to the fourth level and the fifth level. How can they meet a little difficulty.

How could he give up halfway because he had no way to solve these difficulties, so he said to ye Wuque, and ye Wuque laughed when he heard it.

Since he felt sure that he would not give up halfway, why did he know that Xu Haojie and the little boy could not resist these difficulties?

He said to Xu Haojie: "yes, you have also said that you will not give up halfway, nor will you be afraid of sudden difficulties, nor will you give up halfway.

Zhao Xincheng and the little boy must be like what you think. How could they give up halfway because of these sudden difficulties? So you should take it easy and take a good look at their performance. "

After ye Wuqian said that, Xu Haojie also felt that ye Wuqian's words were quite reasonable. Anyway, he would not give up halfway. Why did he think that Zhao Xincheng and the little boy would do such a thing.

Even if there are a lot of dangers and difficulties, they will certainly face up to the difficulties, absolutely impossible to appear. In this way, they will not give up and will continue to move forward.

After all, in Xu Haojie's eyes, they are not people who will give up halfway. Even if they encounter some dangers and difficulties temporarily, they will not let them continue to move forward.

Originally, Xu Haojie was still a little restless, but now he heard Ye Wuqian say so. He thought from another angle. In fact, it was quite good.

Anyway, although Zhao Xincheng seems to have encountered some difficulties and difficulties, both of them are very capable, and both of them are very strong people.

After they come out, their ability will be greatly improved. In addition, they will certainly not give up halfway. He worries that it is unnecessary.

Although now looking at Zhao Xincheng and the little boy is really very uncomfortable, and in the fifth level, because of the impact of high temperature, they both look a little embarrassed.

However, I always believe that the two of them can definitely continue to persist, but it is just a little bit of difficulty. They must be able to kick away these obstacles one by one.

They must be able to do something, so now he has settled down in his heart and thinks that he should give them more trust.

Give them more time. They can't see that they don't seem to have made any progress now. It's unnecessary to worry about them there.

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