But let him feel inconceivable a scene happened, he caught out, unexpectedly only caught a shadow, this bodyguard was surprised!

Not only this bodyguard was surprised, but also other bodyguards. They didn't expect Ye Xiao's speed to be so fast? One by one quick reaction came over, immediately toward Ye Xiao, but they have lost the best opportunity!

Where can still block Ye Xiao, it's just a moment, ye Xiao has passed through the crowd!

At this time, we can see the strength of these bodyguards around Liu Yu. Even when ye Xiao was surrounded, two bodyguards were escorting Liu Yu all the time. When ye Xiao came through, the two bodyguards responded directly!

Liu Yu did not give the order to kill, they naturally can not move the gun, but even so, this is not an ordinary bodyguard can match!

I saw one man protecting Liu Yu behind him, while the other rushed to Ye Xiao, blocking his running route. As long as he blocked his momentum, even if he really had two sons, he would buy time for his companions. At that time, several people would surround him, and he would never hurt Lao ban any more!

However, this bodyguard still belittles Ye Xiao

Or, he underestimated Ye Xiao

Facing the bodyguard, ye Xiao didn't mean to dodge at all. Instead, he pushed hard to the sand. His speed suddenly doubled. His seemingly weak body hit the bodyguard like a locomotive and ran into the bodyguard's arms

"Bang..." The bodyguard felt that he had been hit by a cow. His chest was full of Qi and blood. His body flew out of control and flew to his companion in the rear. He had to catch him. But the huge force made him retreat again and again, and finally stopped after three or four steps!

At this time, ye Xiao's body has already run past from the side, came to Liu Yu's back, a direct blow to Liu Yu's back heart!

Such speed and strength shocked all the people on the scene. Even Liu Yu didn't expect that the boy's skill was so good. When he felt the power of that terrible fist, his body suddenly flashed to one side!

Ye Xiao is also slightly stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect that this guy is also a practitioner. However, if he didn't hit the opponent with one punch, he already grasped Murong Mingyan's wrist and gently pulled Murong Mingyan into his arms

Feel Murong Mingyan that some hot body, feel her some rapid breathing sound, ye Xiao is sure that she is really drugged!

Liu Yu a stagger, has stabilized the body, and the other bodyguards also quickly rushed over, will ye Xiao round in the center!

Seeing ye Xiao holding Murong Mingyan in his arms, Liu Yu's eyes are also full of anger. This son of a bitch, he actually destroyed his good deeds, but where did he learn such skills? Even oneself suffer a loss!

"Liu Yu, what happened?" Just when Liu Yu was ready to let his bodyguard rob people at all costs, Tan Jitong, who took a group of girls to swim, came back together, and Annie who deliberately seduced Ye Xiao!

"What's the matter? The boy didn't know what to do, and he broke my business!" Liu Yu looks cold to tan Jitong said!

In the heart is a burst of depression, is not your boy out of the bad idea, if it is not your boy, how can things make such a situation? Now it's stealing chicken and not eating rice!

But fortunately, he has a special identity and no one around him dares to watch

"Oh?" Tan Jitong shouts, then turns to look at Ye Xiao, but suddenly sees Tan Xiaoxiao, who has come to Ye Xiao's back, and his face changes

Seeing that Liu Yu was about to issue an order for the bodyguard to start, he grabbed Liu Yu and said a few words in his ear. Liu Yu's eyes also flashed a little surprise. He swept tan with a smile and snorted coldly!

"Go..." He is really very oppressive, but since Tan Jitong has said so, what else can he do?

If Xiaoye is bullied, it is not worth the gain or loss!

He is one of the twelve giants in Jinghai City, but his sphere of influence is only limited to Jinghai city! Besides, entertainment is always inferior to other industries!

Tan Jitong also didn't say anything more, so he asked everyone to leave with Liu Yu!

"Wait..." Ye Xiao is also a little surprised, but he just clearly felt that Liu Yu was going to start, but Tan Ji said a few words in his ear and then gave up such an idea?

Why? Of course, he noticed that they looked at Tan Xiaoxiao. Was it Tan Xiaoxiao's identity?

"What else do you want, boy?" Liu Yu was angry. I didn't say anything after such a big loss today. What do you want?

"Antidote..." Ye Xiao light way, he just does not care who you Liu Yu is, today did not deal with you on the spot, also is his kindness!

"I'll be fine in half an hour!" Liu Yu cold finish this sentence, never look back directly toward the changing room!Of course, with their identity, the dressing room is also independent!

A group of people quickly left, those who watched the excitement in the distance were also amazed. Some people who didn't know Liu Yu were better, but some people who knew Liu Yu saw that he had suffered a loss in this group of young men and girls, but in their hearts they were shocked by the huge waves. What is the identity of these young boys and girls? Even let Liu Yu such a character also dare not rage?

But no one came forward to ask!

When such a thing happened, ye Xiao was not interested in playing. After Murong Mingyan's physical strength recovered, the party was ready to leave. Tan Xiaoxiao and her friends were here and did not leave with them. However, ye Xiao also knew that she owed Tan Xiaoxiao another favor!

Although she is curious about Tan Xiaoxiao's identity, ye Xiao doesn't ask more about it. This is her friend's privacy. As a friend, she should not ask other people's privacy. Isn't Tan Xiaoxiao asking his identity.

In a villa in the east of Causeway Bay, Liu Yu, wearing only a loose bathrobe, fiercely pressed the woman named Annie under her body, sprinted heartily, and patted Annie's buttocks constantly. He hated this woman. If she was not useless, he would have won it today!

Now he just wants to vent his anger on her!

Annie ate pain, but there was a different feeling in the pain, the mouth constantly issued a hum-a-hmm cry, which added to Liu Yu's anger!

Not far away, Tan Jitong, and several other company bosses are also pressing a woman to sprint. Here is simply a group P party!

Wait until after venting, Liu Yu and other talent will those women call out, and then one by one so covered in bath towel sitting on the sofa!

"You say she's from your family?" Seeing Tan Ji Tong sitting opposite, Liu Yu said coldly!

This guy is not irresponsible when things get to this point!

"Well, I saw her at the clan meeting last year. She was the granddaughter of the old guy!" Tan Jitong's face is also a little ugly!

Although he is also a member of the tan family, he is a distant cousin. In terms of seniority, he is a distant cousin of Tan Xiaoxiao. If it was not for blood relationship, with his ability, how could he have reached his present position!

"How did that kid get involved with her?" Liu Yu is very dissatisfied!

"It should be classmates. You should also know what students like to do in school now! But if you just want to deal with that boy, the tan family will not pay attention to it! " Tan Ji with light said!

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