"Now I'm going to use the pollen on my body, and then match it with the pool of spring water guarded by the blood red crow, and let the little boy drink it. He will surely wake up from the deep state."

Red crow heard cool ice grass say so, he also nodded. Indeed, he felt that things were not bad to what extent. Now everything still has room for maneuver. There is no need to worry, despair and disappointment.

There are a lot of things that can be solved easily. If you think too much about it, it can't be done. He also agrees with lengbingcao very much. The cool icegrass and the blood red crow must be very happy.

Zhao Xincheng was very happy when he heard the words of cool ice grass and blood red crow. He was worried that the little boy might not be able to wake up from his coma.

He was also worried about the blood red crows and cold ice grass. They might not think of a way to save the little boy. Now he heard cool ice grass say that he can rescue the little boy from his lethargy.

Then he also felt very happy, and he also felt that such a topic was very good. If he could not rescue the little boy from coma, then they might have to stop at the fifth level and have no way to go on.

In their hearts, of course, they also hope that they can continue to go down. Now, when he heard the words of cool icegrass, he of course felt very happy and surprised.

However, no matter what, as long as you can continue to go down, it is already very good, as long as you can continue to let them go down the barrier, then he will also feel very happy.

So now, they are very happy. They say to the blood red crows and cool ice grass: "I am not afraid that the situation of the little boy is too dangerous, and there is no way to continue to go down?

Because after all, although we are in the underground palace, but we still have to protect their lives, said his life was threatened.

Then I will certainly summon the master of the underground palace and let him take us out. Otherwise, if anything happens, I can't help it

Cool ice grass and blood red crow two of them heard Zhao Xincheng say so, they both nodded to show that they understood what he said very much.

In fact, Zhao Xincheng had such considerations, which they expected. If Zhao Xincheng did not have these considerations, they would think that Zhao Xincheng was not a human being.

Now that this has been said, they will certainly do a good job. No matter how they say these things, he still feels that there is no need to worry about too many things.

They believe in their ability and believe that they can solve these problems in the future. As for other things, they don't have to think about them or worry about them.

Anyway, they will be able to solve these problems easily. Therefore, no matter how many difficulties they are doing, they are not problems or difficulties. They will solve this problem very well, and there is no need to worry about too much.

Cool ice grass according to their own said these, put on their own body after a little pollen out, and then let the blood red crow get some water out.

But they didn't have anything to hold, no containers for water, so they decided to look for other plants, although it was a little difficult to find these plants.

After all, in the fifth level, when the temperature is so high, where will there be any plants, let alone plants with such large leaves as containers for them.

They also think that forget it, or do not use plants, directly let the little boy drink pollen and water like medicine, although the little boy can not drink it on his own.

At that time, there will still be some solutions. So, now they are also the antidote that they have been working on. However, although the antidote sounds easy, it is very difficult to prepare a more perfect proportion for the little boy to take.

Cool ice grass he has been thinking about, in the end to what proportion to deploy this antidote, this he also know for sure. To prepare a more perfect antidote, the perfect proportion, otherwise it may fail.

So he is also at ease waiting beside, blood red crow has been looking at cool ice grass to do, this antidote, he did not know what to help.

He only knew that as long as he could be quiet beside him, it was already very good, and it was already the greatest help to cool ice grass. Otherwise, if they said they were talking all the time, they would certainly not be able to do it.

Although cool ice grass and blood red crow and Zhao Xincheng are all busy there, they do not speak.

Because they know that to create a relatively quiet environment, cool ice grass can be patient and calm down to make this antidote, so that the little boy can wake up from coma, which may be better.So they don't know what's going to happen next? I don't know if they can accept these things better.

But they always believe in their own ability, also believe in themselves, can solve these things perfectly, other things do not have to worry about, do not care too much.

Even if they are worried, even if they are together, there is no way to do it well, so let them also have a lot of confidence in themselves, and also believe that they must be able to complete these things.

As for other things that can be completed, they will not feel much if they can't, they will only feel a lot of things, if they can be finished, it will be better.

But if it doesn't end, it doesn't matter. They will try their best to finish it, especially liangbingcao. Since he has promised Zhao Xincheng that he will help the little boy and help him wake up from coma.

Then he must be in accordance with his own heart of those ideas, good to deploy the most perfect proportion, let the little boy take.

Let the little boy really be able to get out of the state of deep sleep, the little boy and Zhao Xincheng can smoothly leave the fifth level, and then enter the sixth level.

This may be very good for any of them. In fact, it is also very unexpected for him. It is said that he had thought about it before.

One day, there will be a human to break through the fifth level, and then come to meet him, but he has never thought about who it will be, but he has also fantasized that those people will be as bad as those described in other people's mouth.

It's a person with evil and evil deeds. But now that he has seen what he thought before, he is actually thinking too much. He will not be like this at all.

In fact, there are a lot of things that can be done according to their ideas. If they can, of course, they hope to have a lot of things. If they do well, they will do good things. If they are not done well, they will not feel good.

When he saw Zhao Xincheng looking for him, he was actually very worried. He was afraid that the society would hurt him. Although he felt that his ability to escape was very good, his mobility was still very agile.

However, he still couldn't help his curiosity and wanted to see what kind of things would happen. He wanted to see what kind of things Zhao Xincheng was looking for.

If it is really a very bad human, if it really wants to hurt him, then he will run away as soon as possible.

Anyway, his moving speed was incomparable, but later he found out that he was actually a very good person, a very kind person.

Even if he stood by Zhao Xincheng's side, Zhao Xincheng did not force him to help the little boy, but patiently told him that the choice was entirely to let him have his own hands.

If Zhao Chengliang doesn't want to rescue Zhao Chengliang, he won't be good if he doesn't want to be a little boy.

I also think that if I can, of course, I hope I can help the little boy and help him. Zhao Xincheng hopes that Zhao Xincheng will not be so worried about his achievements.

Although they have a lot of things to do next, he thinks that as long as they can help some people, it may also be good for them.

But for his ability to improve, anyway, he also knows that he has been in the fifth level for a long time, in fact, it is very boring.

Being able to help others is also regarded as a kind of fun in life. Anyway, they have something to do next, just like they have a lot of things to think about.

He doesn't want to waste his life and time on these things. If he can, he certainly hopes that he can do these things well as soon as possible.

He always felt that there were a lot of things that could not be regarded as immortal by their consideration, but cool ice grass felt that as long as he worked hard, he tried his best to complete this thing, and tried to help the little boy extricate himself from the state of lethargy.

No matter whether they go or stay, it doesn't matter. At least he has improved his ability, which is the best thing for him.

For him, it is a very lucky and celebrated thing. As for other things, he doesn't want to think about them, and he is too lazy to think about them.

Anyway, there are a lot of things that can't be done according to his ideas, if all the things in the world can be done according to his own ideas.

That is the world is absolutely chaotic cold ice grass, although not as agile as the original thinking, cool ice grass's heart is also clear, in fact, human can not kill all people.

It seems that all people are very bad and bad people. In fact, they are also good people. Therefore, in fact, lengbingcao knows that he can't think too much.

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