Many things need him to consider, but he always to the economic ability, and now he has promised Zhao Xincheng will be the little boy from the state of coma antidote to come.

Then he must do a good job in this matter, absolutely can not put these things in other places, because he knows that if these things are put on the other side.

Then they will certainly not have too much time and no more opportunities to solve these problems. They must not let these things happen.

I feel very sad inside, and I don't know how to do these things well, but it doesn't matter. Even if there may be many unnecessary things, there will be many unnecessary troubles.

But he really felt that if he could, he would like to do these things well, although there are still a lot of things now.

But he believed that as long as they were united, they would be able to rescue the boy from the coma of the police, and now he has successfully developed the antidote.

He does not believe that there is an antidote in hand, he will not be able to do those things well, those things should be very simple for him.

There should be no danger or difficulty. His only worry is that he can't solve these problems well.

But he also felt that since he had chosen this step and had done these things well, why should he think about those things that might not have happened?

Anyway, for him, as long as he can successfully do these things and solve these problems smoothly, no matter what will happen next, it is acceptable for him.

It's understandable that they still have a lot of things to do, and there will be a lot of things for him to complete. He has absolute time and plenty of time and energy to do something.

So now, although I'm worried, no matter how worried he is, he knows that he can't play.

Can also be very good to adjust their own mentality, because he thinks the antidote is his configuration, if he can not believe that he can not solve.

Believe that they can save the little boy from coma, then the blood red crow and Zhao Xincheng will be very worried.

And now the meaning of the little boy is very clear, like the little boy also know what happened to them, if let the little boy feel that he can't get out of the coma quickly.

Then the little boy must be very nervous and flustered, which is very bad for any of them. He doesn't want this to happen.

Anyway, they still have a lot of work to do and a lot of way to go. Why should he be in such a hurry? Although he knows that it is better to solve these problems as soon as possible.

It may be better to solve these problems as soon as possible, but if there is no way to solve these problems as soon as possible, what can we do?

So what can we do? In any case, he can do these things well. He doesn't need to think about those things. Anyway, for him, he thinks that as long as he works hard, he can do it well.

And he also believes in his own ability, also believes in the little boy, let him get along with the little boy and Zhao Xincheng for a short time, but he can feel the halo of Zhao Xincheng.

Feeling the brilliance of Zhao Xincheng, he felt that Zhao Xincheng must be able to, and believed that he must be able to trust him, no matter what happens to them next.

It doesn't matter whether this matter can be solved well or not. They all work very hard to solve it. They must be able to do these things well.

They don't need to worry at all, and they don't need to feel that there are some problems that they can't solve. Anyway, there are a lot of things that they can't do according to their ideas.

There is no need for them to complain and think about things here. As long as difficulties arise, there must be solutions.

As long as there are things, they can be solved smoothly. They are just a matter of time, just a matter of time.

They don't have to worry too much. They worry about too many things, which will only make them feel that there are many things that are very bad.

This is certainly not going to work, they just hope that they can solve these problems as soon as possible, so it is good.

If it can't be solved, it doesn't matter. Anyway, for them, as long as these things can be solved, then there is nothing.

Cool ice grass did not think about anything more, and after the blood red crow returned to the place where the water source was guarded, he was also thinking about what to do next.What's the next idea? If he can't put his own ideas, those things all right, then there may be some unnecessary trouble.

He doesn't want to keep bothering him with these unnecessary troubles. He thinks that these things that have been bothering him must be very bad.

But now he doesn't know how to solve it. The current affairs are just like this for the time being. Walking in the blood red crow, he looks at the cool ice grass not far away, and Zhao Xincheng. They have been thinking there.

He felt very sad in his heart, because he felt that he had no way to contribute some good ideas and not to contribute some of his better ideas.

He thought it was unfair. Zhao Xincheng and Dong Tan were there all the time, trying to think about how to deal with it.

How to deal with the next things, the next challenges, if you can well face those problems and challenges, it is better.

But it is because they have no way to deal with these challenges, so on the whole, there are always some bad things, there are always some mistakes.

But it doesn't matter. I believe that they can always do these things perfectly and well. Even if there may be some problems, it doesn't matter.

I believe that they can work hard to do these problems well. If these things are solved well, they don't have to worry about too much.

However, although the blood red crow thought so in his heart, he also knew that he could not be taken lightly, because now they have developed the antidote.

But after all, we don't know how to make the little boy drink the antidote. If they waste the antidote in the end, they can't wake the little boy out of his lethargy.

That's not worth the loss, so they should think about it before they do these things well. They should think about how to do it and how to operate it.

If he can, of course, he hopes that he can operate as soon as possible. It may be better to do well as soon as possible, but if it is really not done well, they will not feel good about it.

They just feel that there may be some unfriendly things in themselves, but they have already prepared for it.

Even if they encounter some not so good things, even if they encounter some bad things, they will be inclusive, because in their eyes.

Although a lot of things can not be done according to their ideas, but after all, it has been done and done well. Is this good?

Although the blood red crow is very worried about him, his heart also knows that he is worried about it. In fact, it is unreasonable for him to worry about him. If he worries about him like this, he will only make himself very uncomfortable.

It's not helpful to solve the problem at all. It's also useless. Instead of worrying here, he should think about how to solve these difficulties.

This is the most important and necessary thing. What can he do and what can he do if he can't?

Anyway, that's what happened. It's already happened. Do you want him to think about other things? This is simply not necessary and impossible.

He just hopes that he can do these things well as soon as possible, and after that, he can say anything. As for whether he can do it well or not, how to do it, although it is not worth it, he does not know how to do it for the time being.

But he always believed it. He also felt that although Zhao Xincheng was a human being, he also had some advantages that they could not match.

I believe that they can do these things well. Why should he worry about too many things? The only thing he needs to worry about now is that there are many things.

If you can't do it according to his idea, what should we do next? And he doesn't know what kind of antidote he should take now.

If there is no way to drink the medicine, then it will be OK. He does not know how to do it. This is certainly very bad. But he also thinks that even if there may be some problems now, there may be some problems.

But these problems, these problems are simply that they are not always kept out of the door. They always believe in their own ability, and they always believe that they can solve these problems.

These problems appear, then they will certainly go into to solve, let them try their best to solve, so no matter what kind of problems, they will try their best to get close to what they can and try their best to deal with them.

Anyway, they have a lot of problems to solve, many problems have not been done, but what is the relationship? In their eyes, there are a lot of things that can be well done.

It's very good to solve the problem. The only worry of the red crows is that they have no way to do well in the next time.

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