Even if they may have a lot of things that make people feel uncomfortable now, it doesn't matter, because in Zhao Xincheng's eyes, the cool ice grass and the blood red crows are also very strong.

Although they tried to solve these problems temporarily, there was no way to solve them.

We must be able to solve these problems perfectly. What's good is that there are some solutions. It doesn't matter if you think of them.

As long as they unite as one and think about something, they will think of them. Moreover, cool ice grass and blood red crows have special abilities.

As long as they are willing to work hard to think about one thing, they can find a way to help the little boy wake up from his coma.

Even if they don't think of a lot of things to solve, but they always believe in their own ability, believe in each other's ability, they can never be discouraged.

They must insist on their own confidence and strive to run forward.

Even if they may encounter a lot of dangers and difficulties in the future, they may not be able to solve the problems for the time being, but it doesn't matter.

As long as they forge ahead, they will certainly carry forward the cause and forge ahead, so they really feel that they may have some bad actions in these situations.

There may be some bad things, but it doesn't matter, as long as they work hard, all the things can be easily solved.

All things can be done according to their ideas. They just want a lot of things now. If they can, they can do them well as soon as possible.

But if they really can't do it well, they won't make it difficult for them, and they won't feel that they have done a bad job, because they have tried their best.

They have tried their best to do this thing well. No matter how the outcome is, they will definitely accept it. No matter whether the outcome can be accepted or not, they can only accept it.

Only this way, they have no way to retreat, whether it is cool ice grass or blood red crow, or Zhao Xincheng, their hearts are like this.

They always think that although there may be a lot of problems and problems, they think that as long as they work hard.

No matter what kind of problems appear, no matter what kind of problems, they will also be forced to accept, now they have only one thing, that is, they want to rescue the little boy from the coma of flowers as soon as possible.

They have exhausted a lot of efforts, have spent a lot of thought in, they still have no way, think of a better way.

Let the little boy wake up from the state as soon as possible. There is no way for the little boy to go with him, but even so, they also think that even so, they will come up with a solution.

Now lengbingcao has been thinking about it. He hopes that he can do these things well, and that he can think about these things thoroughly.

But he also knows that he can't, because he wants to make this clear in advance. I feel that many things can't be solved well here.

Although he feels that many things can't be done according to his ideas, it doesn't matter, as long as he works hard.

No matter what kind of problems will happen next, no matter whether these things can be accepted or not, he will try to accept them.

Cool ice grass is now thinking that he is not fooling to some links, the antidote must be drunk with the mouth? Maybe he can think of some other ways. He thinks some other ways can make the little boy take the antidote as soon as possible.

Then he can wake up from the back state as soon as possible. If he has to drink with his mouth, it may not be good.

But if you don't have to drink with your mouth, there may be other ways. Now he is thinking about whether there are other things, and there are no other ways to do this thing well.

He also felt that it would be better if these things could be done well, but if they were not done well, he had no way.

He just thinks that he may have some bad situations, but it doesn't matter. Now he is thinking whether he has won or not. What are the links? He developed it.

And the pollen is also taken from him, cool ice grass thinks that he can think of some other ways to make these things not so difficult to deal with.

If he makes these things difficult to deal with, then there must be some bad things to happen. He really doesn't want to.

He only hopes that he can solve these problems as soon as possible. It must be better if he can solve them as soon as possible, so he thinks whether to change his thinking and think about other solutions.If there are some other solutions, it will certainly be better, but if there is no such solution, I will not force it. But I hope that I can do these things well as soon as possible. If I can't do them well, I won't feel anything.

He just thinks that a lot of things can be done well, and he won't feel how much, but now there will be some discomfort in his heart.

He just thinks that if there are a lot of things to be done as soon as possible, it may be better. So now he is thinking, maybe he can think of other ways.

Now he looks at the blood red crow from a distance, and he is still thinking hard at the water source he is guarding. Even the blood red crow and Zhao Xincheng have been thinking about how he can not say anything and think of nothing here.

Clearly, it was he who prepared the antidote. He came to help the little boy. He had promised Zhao Xincheng that he would help the little boy and wake up from the coma.

But now he has no way to do those things, but he thinks it's really wrong to do these things himself, if he can.

He hoped that he could do well in this matter as soon as possible, but now he also knew that even if he wanted to do these things well soon, there was no way.

It just reduced some resistance. He felt that he had to think about him in a better direction later. Now he felt that he was really wrong.

Because he lacks a lot of help and a lot of thinking methods, he thinks that if he can, he hopes that he can do these things well as soon as possible.

If you can't do it well, he won't feel anything. He just feels that too many things are hard to grasp and too many things you can do.

If he can complete these things as soon as possible and do them well as soon as possible, it may be better. But now he just feels that he has a lot of things that he can't do, and there are many things he can't complete.

He just feel very uncomfortable, let him feel uncomfortable, he is also firm in his own voice, even if feel uncomfortable, he will work very hard to do.

Even if it's hard, is it necessary not to do it? He must abandon this kind of thought. There may be many things that can't be done well.

But it doesn't matter. Lengbingcao has always believed in his ability, and he has been here for a long time in the fifth level, although he may have been here for a short time.

In other words, he may not encounter any big waves here, but he also knows some rules and some customized ones.

It would be better if he could help them to do something, but if he couldn't, he would try his best to do what he should and help them as much as possible.

Do your best to help the little boy and Zhao Xincheng, hoping that they can leave the fifth level as soon as possible, and then continue to go through the barrier.

After all, he also knows that the little boy is the predestined person of their underground palace. If it is said that the little boy can not successfully wake up from the state of lethargy.

Then he will certainly not be able to continue to go down, and he will not be able to continue to break through the barrier. At that time, he will encounter more problems, which they did not expect.

He can't let these things happen. He must try his best to avoid these things, if he can't.

It is certain that he will find some better methods and strategies. Before, he felt that if the little boy could not swallow it, it would be difficult to relieve the sleepiness.

But now I don't need to think so much. Maybe he just thinks too much. Maybe he has come up with an antidote, besides drinking these things.

He hopes that he can think of this problem as soon as possible, and the blood red crow is next to his water source.

Is also in there diligently ponders, hoped may through own ingenious thought, as soon as possible these question solution.

As soon as possible to come up with strategies to solve these problems, so that he may still feel sorry for the little boy.

Because he clearly should be able to do these things, but it is because he did not work hard, or because he did not do some good things before.

So there is always no way to do these things perfectly. He just hopes that he can get rid of this kind of control as soon as possible, so that he can do these things well as soon as possible.

Although now he thinks that such an idea may be very bad, it may have something wrong with them.

But things are already like this, which makes him feel very bad, and makes him feel that there are a lot of things that can't be done according to their ideas. What kind of relationship is there and what is the use of it?

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