In fact, cool ice grass is worried that the blood red crow will not agree with it. After all, the blood red crow's main task now is to protect the water source.

Now he says that he wants to let the little boy take a bath in the water. Going there for a medicated bath will definitely make the blood red crow feel very uncomfortable, and it will also make him very angry.

However, let him know that the blood red one may be very angry after listening to him. But now, apart from tentatively saying this sentence, is there anything else they can do?

He just wanted to do well if he could. If he didn't, there was no other way. However, to his surprise, although the blood red crow did struggle after hearing this, he agreed.

Because the blood red crow mouth, they have paid close attention to the predestined people. The little boy went to their water to have a medicated bath. It seemed that there was nothing important and nothing important about it, so he agreed.

Cool ice grass is also very happy to see the blood red crow agree, because he thought that he thought the blood red crow would refuse him.

But now you see the blood red crow, not only did not refuse him, but also took the initiative to help him, still feel very good, you know that in fact, everything can be solved smoothly.

Although in the past, they did not find a better solution, nor did they find a better one that could let him drink the antidote smoothly.

Even if they have done these things now, they are also very good. After all, in their eyes, there are many things that can not be solved as far as possible.

They can only see and do things according to their own ideas. Now they are doing these things according to this idea, so they are not worried.

I don't think there will be any danger or trouble in this matter. Anyway, no matter what kind of danger or trouble we will encounter.

They are sure to successfully solve the dangers and troubles. In their eyes, as long as they can solve these troubles, what kind of problems will happen next is regardless of their affairs.

They will also work hard to do these things well. No matter what will happen next and how many problems they can not solve successfully, they will be able to reduce their worries.

If you can do this thing perfectly and thoroughly, just like their most important thing is to quickly prepare the antidote.

Because lengbingcao thinks that although he has solved all the problems now, there is still a key problem that he needs to take a medicine bath.

At present, the number of streets is not enough, but it's good. He knows the best proportion of the best prescription, so what kind of problems will happen next is also very good.

So now he felt that the things that should be done well must be done as much as possible, so he asked Zhao Xincheng to take good care of the little boy.

He was here to quickly knot the antidote, not a long time to adjust all the antidotes, and then he put the antidote into the water.

Zhao took a new bath for a little boy, but he didn't help him with the new bath for a while.

The three of them are also waiting for the little boy to wake up from this state as soon as possible, although it seems that they have not been washed.

But they also know that no matter what they do, it must take some time, and since they are looking for an antidote, they have put so much effort into the preparation of the antidote.

Moreover, the little boy was in a dangerous situation for a long time, so it was impossible to wake up from the coma in such a short time. They could understand that.

Even so, he still thinks that what should be done must be done as well as possible. They should try their best to wait and wait patiently.

They must be able to see the little boy wake up from the coma. The three of them did not make any noise. The disturbance was also on the side, waiting for the little boy to wake up from the coma.

The little boy began to adjust his breathing when he went to the water. Although he may feel that it is difficult for him to breathe on his own, he has started now.

Although cool ice grass and blood red crows and Zhao Xincheng can't see the change from the appearance, the little boy can actually feel some subtle changes in his body.

Before he felt that he was not breathing, and he could not feel whether he was breathing, but now it seems obvious that he began to breathe autonomously, which is very good.

It proves that he is actually effective now. When he is taking a medicine bath, those things on his body have actually been untied by cold ice grass.

As long as there is enough time, as long as there is enough time, he must be able to wake up from the state of lethargy as soon as possible after taking a medicine bath.So he quickly fixed his mind, rather than to imagine those things, the little boy was there very hard, very hard to absorb the antidote in the water, to let him wake up from the coma as soon as possible, let them save his physical strength.

Enough to let him now also very hard to enjoy the melancholy there, and although he also knows that this medicine bath is among the students, then he is also very self reproach in the solid.

He also felt a little embarrassed. He also knew that the main task of the blood red crow was to protect the water source. But now the blood red crow gave the water to him to take a medicine bath. He really felt very moved and felt very good.

If he can, he hopes that he has successfully solved all the problems and won the final prize.

In any case, he did not know what the ultimate reward was, nor did he know what the ultimate treasure was, but he also understood that no matter what it was, he must insist on going on.

And he didn't want the treasure, but because he wanted to do some other better things.

As for whether he can do it or not, whether he can do it well, in fact, he has no confidence in his heart, and he doesn't know how to think about it, but he thinks that he can come to the fifth level.

Must have been able to solve all these things, it is not very good to believe that he can quickly get used to from the state behind.

At that time, no matter what kind of things happen, he believes that he must be able to solve these things perfectly, and he doesn't worry about them at all.

His only worry is how many difficulties and obstacles he will encounter if he can't wake up quickly from these comatose states.

He didn't know and shouldn't, didn't know how to think and how to do, but now he felt that he had to calm down and enjoy the medicine bath.

Then he can wake up from this state. He doesn't worry about him at all. His only worry is that these people may have more problems and more troubles.

He has no way to predict, but even so, even if he has no way, what can he expect? As long as he works hard and perseveres, then he can say that he has no way, what can he expect?

He just hopes that he can wake up from this state as soon as possible. No matter what kind of problems will happen next, what kind of things will happen next, he will try his best to highlight his ability.

So no matter what kind of problems will happen next, he said. They are all acceptable, even if there is no way to draw antidote from this medicine bath, he is also acceptable.

After all, now he also knows that cool ice grass and blood red crows, and Zhao Xincheng, in order to help him, really pay too much, if he caused some unnecessary things here.

He must be very bad if he is here, but he also knows that even if his current idea is like this, he can't think about other things.

He only hopes that he can do these things as soon as possible. As for those other things that can do a lot of good things, if not, he has no way?

The little boy was sitting quietly in the water, although he didn't know if he would wake up from his lethargy.

But now he is also very obvious to feel that his body has undergone some subtle changes, although these changes are really very subtle, dispersive, is a continuous accumulation.

Cool ice grass has some obvious changes, even standing outside the blood red crow, and fennel, they all saw the little boy's face is much better than before.

The previous two times were quite pale. Although I could not see any signs of pain, it was obviously worth it. The little boy was also very uncomfortable.

Now I see that the little boy's face is ruddy and glossy, which proves that he must be absorbing the antidote ingredients in the water source. I believe that before long, he will be able to relieve the sleepiness of his body.

When the time comes, he can talk to them and wake up. Zhao Xincheng is really excited because he has been looking for a long time and has done a lot of things.

His only hope is that the little boy can wake up from the coma as soon as possible. Now that he has almost woken up, he feels very happy and is waiting there more patiently.

Because he also knows that even if he thinks he may like it soon, but after all, those things have not happened, and those things have not been done well, and he can not easily know these things.

Because if he takes it lightly, there may be more problems and more problems. He doesn't want to have such problems and problems.

He only hoped that he could solve these problems as soon as possible, and no matter what kind of problems happened in the future, they could be easily solved.

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