Because he thinks these things are obvious and must be considered clearly. Even if he thinks that saying so will only make Fang Fen a little sad, he also feels that even if he is so sad, he must consider clearly.

Because these things are not to say that they can be solved in a short time and a half. They have to think about it in a long time. Now he also sees that Zhao Xincheng and the little boy have no way out of the fifth level.

Even if he knows that it is useless to worry, even if he knows that there are many things, but also worried that it may not have any effect.

I still hope that he can solve these problems as soon as possible. Now he reminds Fang Fen that he is very worried when he sees Fang Fen become so sad.

He also knows how to worry, but it must be said that fangfen should have a psychological preparation. Otherwise, if there is not a good preparation in fangfennel's heart.

Next, if something happens that even he can't predict, then Fang Fen may not be able to accept it for a while.

This is certainly not good, Xu Haojie will say that, even if he now saw Fang Fen become very sad, he did not have much self blame.

He felt that these things must be done and said. Otherwise, it would be like that he would have too many problems, and there would be too many problems that they could not foresee.

This kind of thing is certainly not good, but even if he knows now, there are many things that can not be done according to his own ideas, he will also try to think and do.

Next, they may still encounter a lot of problems and things, but it doesn't matter, as long as they try to do it.

No matter how many problems can be solved, for him, there is nothing to worry about, he will encounter.

When he does not encounter these situations again, he will cause some unnecessary troubles. He also thinks that if he encounters these difficulties himself, he will cause some bad troubles because of some bad things.

He doesn't know what he should do when he encounters these problems. He knows now. We have to solve these problems in front of us.

Otherwise, just like he will encounter a lot of problems, he will encounter a lot of problems, he does not want to be like this, even if he knows that some unnecessary things may happen next.

Now that things have happened, what else can he do to think about it? He can only muddle along, not like this.

Otherwise, if a bad thing happens because he has no way to think of some better solutions, he will only feel that he is really too wrong.

I still think that he should be, should not be, and there is nothing to show off and nothing to think about.

But now I also want to hope that he can solve these problems as soon as possible. I am not looking around here.

If he is not here, he feels as if he has no way to solve anything, although Xu Haojie knows that his own ability seems to be inferior to their own.

It seems that for them, in fact, there is not much advantage, but he feels that he has more perseverance, and even he has more self-knowledge.

He knows that in front of Ye Wuqian and fangfen, he may not be able to compare with much, but he will always work hard to make himself perfect. He tried to make himself better.

As for the other things that can be done well, it doesn't matter if the good things are bad. He just likes to do all the problems.

All things can be easily solved, instead of being stuck in these problems like now, but he also knows that in the final analysis, his ability is not enough.

It is because his ability is too low, otherwise it is impossible to solve anything when these problems arise.

There is no way to come up with any problems. Now he can only wait there to see what will happen next. If he can, of course, he hopes to do well and solve them as much as possible.

He also knows that even if what happens now, he can't predict it, and he can't do it, because his ability is not much advantage.

Although his ability seems to be better, he has nothing to do at all. In fact, Xu Haojie is very sad.

But also saw Zhao Xincheng, and the little boy, they two people delayed from the fifth pass out, he really feel can think from other places.

But he also knows that even if he thinks so in his heart, he doesn't know what kind of problems there will be?

If you can, of course, I hope that everything that has just been done is done well. Now Xu Haojie doesn't want to let himself think too much.

Because he also knows that if he is like a lot of things, there will be too many words in the future. He will let him solve it after school, and he is not willing to have such a thing happen.Because such a thing is actually very difficult for him to solve. Now there are leaves and fennel around him. Maybe he doesn't need to consider his things or solve his things.

One day, he will certainly leave their side, and want to wander about some other things, in case they are not around him.

Then if he can't do it by any means, it's not too bad, so he's actually very sad now.

I hope that I can do these things as soon as possible, instead of thinking too much here and not here. I feel like everything can be done.

Now, after hearing the conversation between Xu Haojie and Fang Fen and ye Wuqian, the Warcraft tide leader on one side actually knows why this is said like this.

In fact, when the Warcraft tide leader heard Fang Fen say that Fang Fen's parents would be worried, he was a little surprised because he didn't expect that Fang Fen's parents were still waiting for them outside.

In other words, fangfen's parents still know that they come to the underground palace, because under normal circumstances, those other teams who want to break through the barrier will not tell their parents at all.

Because their parents always think that these things are entrapment and abduction, so they will not let their children participate. Now I didn't expect that fangfennel's parents are willing to let them participate.

In fact, he thought it was fun. The Warcraft tide leader said to the other party, "Fang Fen, do you mean your parents know you're here? Do they know if this is a place? "

Fang Fen heard the Warcraft tide leader say that, his parents did not know that they came to the underground palace, but his parents knew that they were out to play.

If his parents knew that they had come to explore the underground palace, it was OK to say that, no matter how much time they spent, his parents would feel very normal.

After all, in this underground palace, there are the most dangerous and difficult levels. It will take some time and energy for them to solve them well and then make a smooth journey.

Then his parents should not feel much, but because his parents did not know, they actually explored in the underground palace.

So now his parents may do some bad things because they are worried about them, such as calling the police or what will happen.

He didn't want this to happen, because they didn't happen to them. They just had some strange situations here.

Because their progress is relatively slow now, he really does not want to let his parents go to the police or make some other actions.

So he is also very worried now. After hearing the Warcraft tide leader's question, he can only shake his head and then say to the Warcraft tide leader:

"if my parents know that we are exploring in the underground palace, it's fair to say that they won't worry about us. The key is that they don't know that I'm exploring in the underground palace."

When the Warcraft tide leader heard Fang Fen say so, he also nodded clearly.

Yes, if his parents knew that they had come to explore the underground palace, it would not have happened, and they would not worry about what their parents would worry about.

He also felt that maybe he didn't think very thoroughly. It was very hard for him to see Fang Fen so worried.

After all, he thinks he should remind them before, because if they don't tell their parents where they are going.

Their parents must be very worried about them, so he made him feel guilty in his heart. Fang Fen was very sad.

Now, after listening to his words, the Warcraft tide leader seems to be in a low mood. He knows that the Warcraft tide leader may blame all the fault on himself.

So he quickly went to comfort the Warcraft tide leader. He said to the Warcraft tide leader, "you don't have to worry, it's not your fault at all.

Just because before, I didn't make it clear with my parents. Now, although he may worry about me, it doesn't matter.

After all, now that we've been here, we can't go out for a while. I can only take one step at a time. No matter whether my parents will worry about me or not, it will be very good if we do what we should do well. "

Because Fang Fen always thinks that although his parents don't know where he is now, some bad things may happen.

Maybe his parents will feel that there are many things that are not done well enough and thorough enough, but it doesn't matter. As long as they try hard to do the things that should be done well, they are already very good.

As for whether his parents will worry about him, he doesn't want to think about it for the time being, so he doesn't want to let the Warcraft tide leader, because his things are still there, guilt, self blame, which is certainly not good.

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