So they thought in their hearts, maybe when the little boy came out of the water, and after the medicine bath was over, they could explain more to the little boy how to deal with the difficulties.

Otherwise, if some bad things happen in the future, they really don't know what to do.

Cool ice grass he said to the blood red Crow: "no matter what kind of problems and problems will come next, wait for the little boy when he wakes up.

Let's talk more with him. Now that he hasn't woken up, let's not worry too much and think too much about it. "

The blood red crow nodded when he heard the cool ice grass say so. Indeed, he can only think about too many things like Pan Pan.

Because they think too much, in fact, it is unnecessary and useless, even if they may see the little boy encounter a lot of dangers and difficulties.

But now that this is the case, and this is the case, even if they know that the little boy will encounter danger and difficulty, they can only make them not worry so much.

Next, if something bad happens, maybe they can try their best to do what they should do.

But what else can they do if they can't do it well? It is not only possible to take a step by step, although they know that the little boy may encounter some dangers and difficulties in the following observation.

He didn't realize it at all. As outsiders and bystanders, they didn't need to remind them.

Seeing that Zhao Xincheng was so worried, they suddenly thought, whether Zhao Xincheng also considered this point, cool ice grass he came to Zhao Xincheng's side.

He said to Zhao Xincheng, "little brother, are you worried that you will be kicked out by the rules of the underground palace after you get out of the fifth level, and then the little boy will have to go on going through the barrier alone.

In the face of danger and difficulties, he must use his own strategy and his own thinking to deal with those things. You are afraid that they have a way to deal with them, right? "

Zhao Xincheng heard cool ice grass say so, he was a little surprised, did not expect to help cool ice grass people know what he thought in his heart, but even if he knew what to do?

Does the rule of the underground palace agree that he can follow the little boy to go down the barrier? It is certainly not possible. After all, as they said, there are rules for all this.

If the rules of the underground palace are willing to let them go out, it is OK, but the rules of the underground palace are not willing to let them go out at all, although it is difficult for him to say.

Although he would like to continue to break through the barrier, but now he knew that he could not be allowed to rush with the little boy by the rules of the underground palace.

Even if cool ice grass says so, he also knows that cool ice grass can't satisfy him, so even if he is very uncomfortable, he can only nod.

Then he said to cool ice grass: "I really want to continue to break through with the little boy, because I am afraid that when he encounters those dangers and difficulties again, he will not be able to solve those problems in the first time.

If this is the case, he may encounter a lot of difficulties. I am really afraid that he will be exposed to some dangers. I am afraid that he will receive some bad treatment, which will be very bad. I hope you can help me if you can

In fact, after Zhao Xincheng said so, he also knew that maybe cool ice grass and blood red crows could not help him.

Even if cool ice grass and blood red crows can understand their thoughts, Zhao Xincheng knows that, after all, these are the rules of the underground palace.

If cool ice grass and blood red crows help him without thinking, it is likely that they will be punished for breaking the rules of attack.

In any case, it is certainly not good, and it is certainly not worth the loss, although Zhao Xincheng hopes that cool ice grass and blood red crows can help him.

But if the blood red crow also wants to help cool ice grass, because he said some bad treatment, he is not willing to do so, he is not willing to hurt others.

He only hopes that he can do the things that should be done well as soon as possible. He only hopes that he can solve all the things he should do as soon as possible, so that he may be better.

No matter what problems will happen next, no matter what kind of things will happen next, he only hopes that he can do the things that should be done well as much as possible. This may be a very good thing for anyone.

What's more, he doesn't know what the next difficulties will be, and he doesn't know what difficulties the little boy may encounter next.

The only thing he could do was after the little boy came out of the bath and woke up from his coma, he could talk to him about those things.Let the little boy know the next thing to face, the problem to be solved is absolutely not so simple, that must be understood by the little boy, and then he meets the problem that can be solved by something, which is absolutely impossible to be so simple.

He must think about what he should do in the next period of time. Otherwise, if he wants to keep going, he will not be able to do so.

Even if he continues to go down in this way, he must make some psychological preparations. Otherwise, if he does not do any psychological preparation, and waits for some accidents, which will lead to some dangers and difficulties, it will certainly be more than the gain.

Even if he feels that there may be some things that don't need to think about too much, he also knows that he must do a good job of preparing for the future.

Otherwise, if there are some bad situations and some things that they can't accept, it will be very bad.

Even if they knew there might be a lot more to come. They must remind the little boy well, hope that the little boy does not fall into the trap set by the rules of the underground palace, so that he may be better.

Zhao Xincheng didn't know that the little boy was the one who was destined for the underground palace, but he always felt that the little boy could continue to go down. It must be in the dark, and he would decide by his own will.

The rules of the underground palace also select the talents they need, so he can understand it. The only thing he can't let go is that he is afraid that the little boy will encounter some danger.

Although the owner of the underground palace must be to protect the little boy's safety, may guarantee his life, will never let his soul be threatened.

After all, this is not the first time that something in the underground palace will suddenly get them at the third and fourth levels.

It's not that he will be bitten by some animals in the underground palace, so he has to think about these things, and he can't let them become very uncomfortable and self reproach.

Now the only thing he wants to do is, if he can, he hopes to finish these things as soon as possible, and do the things that should be done well as soon as possible.

This may be a very good thing for anyone, but let him know, although he does not think so.

But some bad things are inevitable. I just hope they have blood red crows to help him.

He also understood that this requirement was indeed a little overwhelming, but he also understood that even if it was a little bit taken away, he would certainly do the best of these things.

No matter what kind of problems, no matter what kind of things, he will accept all of them, even if it makes people feel uncomfortable.

Even if he feels that many things are beyond his ability, it doesn't matter. It's important to be able to do his own things well.

As for other things, it doesn't matter. As long as the life of the little boy can be guaranteed, the other things have nothing to do with it.

It doesn't matter if you let him suffer more, even if you let him spend more time in the fifth level, so he hopes that cool ice grass and blood red crows can listen to him.

After hearing what Zhao Xincheng said, they both knew that Zhao Xincheng was worried about the little boy.

But they also feel that even if they know that Zhao Xincheng is very worried about the little boy, they can't help Zhao Xincheng to do something.

Because they also know that these are the rules of the underground palace, if they break the rules to help Zhao Xincheng, so that Zhao Xincheng and the little boy can continue to go down the barrier.

Then what they earn is violating the rules of the underground palace, which will cause some unnecessary things to happen, and they are not willing to have such problems.

It's not because of fear, nor because of what, but they always feel that since the rules of the underground palace are there, they can't touch, touch or violate.

If they violate the law, they will be punished, but if it affects Zhao Xincheng, the little boy and the whole team, it will certainly be very bad.

They just think that what should be done well must be done well. If they can do it, they will certainly help Zhao Xincheng.

But after all, this thing is really a little difficult to operate, so they also know that they can not do so, so now cool ice grass and blood red crows are there to comfort Zhao Xincheng.

I hope Zhao Xincheng doesn't worry or think about it any more. No matter how it is said, the little boy is a friend of his underground palace. He will never encounter any danger and difficulty.

Even if there is any danger and difficulty, I believe that through the intelligence limit of the little boy, I believe that through the efforts of the little boy, all those problems can be solved.

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