"No, no, Shibo, but will it be too fast?" Situ Nan secretly wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and explained quickly!

"Come on? I've been waiting for more than 20 years, is it fast? " Ye Tianlong said, this words, situ Nan immediately closed his mouth, but the mouth corner revealed a bit of bitter smile, this ye family, are also the same strength ah!

But Zhang Mu Yi also opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but facing the natural breath of yetianlong, he dared not say a word, but Murong Mingyan's mouth appeared a faint smile!

Marry early, early marriage can give birth to children early, early child, oneself can early embrace grandson, think of here, Murong Mingyan's eyes have fallen on situ Haoyue's butt!

Although situ Haoyue has been keeping her figure, her butt is also very big. This is definitely a good breezy butt. Maybe she will give ye Xiaosheng a white and fat boy!

Before marriage, Murong Mingyan has thought of a scene of hugging fat boy, and she has to say that her developmental thinking is very strong!

"Old man, the wood is cut. Is there anything else to do?" At this time, the sweat all over the leaves Xiao came in!

"Come here after the chop!" Yetianlong had a drink!

"Oh!" Ye Xiao threw the axe aside with his hand, and directly inserted it on the wood wall, and walked to the body of yetianlong, and then said with a broad grin, "what do you do?"

"Kneel down!" Who expected that ye Tianlong had a cold hum!

Don't look at ye Xiaokou old man a old man's cry, for the old man's words or obedience, although I don't understand why the old man suddenly kneel down, but still kneel down in a disciplined manner, he is the old man raised big, he and the old man feelings, is not ordinary people can imagine!

"Bright moon, you also kneel down!" When ye Xiao kneels on the ground, ye Tianlong says to situ Haoyue again, but the voice is gentle a lot, which makes Ye Xiao jealous, all of them are younger generation, how can the gap be so big?

Situ Haoyue dare not refute, but also the rule of the kneel down!

That is, purple desert carries a tray, and comes out, and there are two cups of tea on the tray. So straight to the two people, there is a faint smile on the cold face. The leaf Xiao looks inexplicable for a while. What is this to do?

Situ Nan saw this posture, instantly understood what to do, Murong Mingyan also showed a light smile, but only open the mouth to move, but dare not say more!

"Haoyue, it's not difficult to serve grandpa a cup of tea!" Ye Tianlong said to situ Haoyue with a friendly face!

"Grandpa, please have tea!" Situ Haoyue, though he didn't understand what was going on, said the old man. Naturally, he would not refute it. He took a cup of tea from purple desert and held it up with both hands!

Yetianlong satisfied to take the tea cup, drink a sip, and put on the tray!

"Ye Xiao, uncle situ is a guest far away. You also give him a toast!" Ye Tianlong finished a cup of tea and said to Ye Xiao again!

"Oh!" Ye Xiao was hazy, and did not understand how to respect tea still need to kneel down, but still brought up a cup of tea, and handed it to situ Nan, respectfully said: "uncle, please drink tea!"

Situ Nan satisfied with the tea brought by Ye Xiao, and tasted it gently. Although Ye Xiao was not named as a certain amount of tea, as long as the cup of tea was drunk, he even had his son-in-law. What did these summaries count for?

"Ye Xiao, from now on, Haoyue is your wife. You should protect her well, no matter poor or rich, understand?" When situ Nan finished drinking the cup of tea, ye Tianlong said!

"Ah..." Ye Xiaoyi Leng, how did situ Haoyue become his wife? He's going to come back and talk to his grandfather? How has the wedding not been held, become their own wife?

When Shi Tu Haoyue was listening to this sentence, she was shy and low. She was also a talented person. How can I not understand what this tea is for?

"What? You took your wife to serve tea to us just now. This family affair has been so. Would you like to repent? My Ye family men are all men standing on the top of the sky, and can't do things that are not trustworthy to people! " See ye Xiao startled Leng appearance, ye Tianlong cold hum!

Ye Xiao is completely dumb, so it has become? I am just a cup of tea, but I did it? It's just too sudden, isn't it? But facing the cold tone of yetianlong, especially the last sentence, we can not do the things that are not believed in people!

He really doesn't say much, look at Ye Tianlong this attitude, is iron heart wants to marry situ Haoyue, since this, even if he said more also useless, for his grandfather's character, he still knows!

"No, I just think it's a bit too hasty? I can't let Haoyue suffer such grievances? " Since there is no way to refute, ye Xiao can only find an excuse for his surprise!

"Haoyue, are you aggrieved?" Ye Tianlong also ignored Ye Xiao, and asked situ Haoyue directly!"No injustice!" Situ Haoyue nodded shyly. If he could marry a strange man like Ye Xiao, what would he feel aggrieved?

"Boy, do you hear me? You've found a woman who understands you very well!" Ye Tianlong points the spearhead at Ye Xiao again. Where does Ye Xiao dare to say more, he can only nod and say yes!

"But this marriage is indeed wronged Haoyue. So, ye Xiao, in the future, you have to compensate Haoyue a lot, and you can't let her suffer any injustice, understand?" Seeing ye Xiao soft, ye Tianlong continues to speak!

"I see, grandfather!" Ye Xiao didn't dare to say anything more, so he nodded again and again!

"Well, you two get up and come in with me!" Ye Tianlong is also one of the most important characters. Seeing that the marriage has been settled down, he no longer makes any explanation. He just leaves out such a sentence and turns to walk towards the room inside!

Ye Xiao and situ Haoyue looked at each other's eyes and saw the doubts in each other's eyes. However, they still stood up and walked with the old man towards the house!

"Situ Nan, this..." Seeing that the old man left, the mountain like pressure disappeared. Zhang muyue immediately stood up and asked his husband. His daughter said that he was not wronged, but she, a mother, felt extremely aggrieved. Not to mention that the situ family was a powerful family in Jinghai City, even ordinary families could not marry their daughters so rashly?

Just kneel down and have a cup of tea, and the marriage will be like this? What is this? I don't think my daughter is the same thing?

But before she had finished her words, she was interrupted by the cold hum of situ Nan: "shut up!"

Although Zhang muyue seems to be pressing on situ Nan's head on weekdays, in fact, it was situ Nan who let her, which really angered him, and Zhang muyue was not so good. Now when he heard his husband's cold hum, Zhang muyue didn't dare to say anything more!

"Ha ha, uncle, auntie, you sit down first, and I'll make you a cup of tea!" See the atmosphere of the scene some embarrassment, purple desert light smile, carrying a tray to go to another room!

At this time, under the leadership of Ye Tianlong, ye Xiao and situ Haoyue come to the innermost room. This is a bamboo house with only seven or eight square meters. There is a broad bamboo chair in the room. Above the bamboo chair, there is a knife and a purple curved knife that is like the moon

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