He was dizzy by Gu Beichen. He was not carsick at all, but now Nie langxu's driving speed made him dizzy.

Ye wuqueben didn't want to say anything to Ximen Hao and Nie langxu, but now that he knew that Nie langxu was trying to get rid of him, he was very angry and said to Nie langxu:

"I don't understand. What are you doing against me? Even if you think I'm a spy, don't you have a chance to supervise me now? It's still making me dizzy

Nie langxu is on purpose. Now he sees that ye Wuqian is really uncomfortable with him. Nie langxu is happy in his heart and secretly happy in his heart.

Anyway, he has no way to let the period in a short time to let Ye Wuqian lose trust in Gu Beichen. The only thing he can do is to frustrate ye Wuque's spirit in these small matters.

Otherwise, ye Wuqian thought he was so great that he didn't speak after hearing ye Wuque said this, but his movements on his hands were not relaxed at all.

Sometimes fast and sometimes slow, where he has time to deliberately go where the road is not easy to go, he purposely to where to rush, so this way ye Wuque is really very sad.

Nie langxu looked at a big pit in front of him. He felt that ye Wuqian was very uncomfortable now. If he walked into the pit.

Ye Wuxiang falls down. Maybe he won't have much energy to report to those small gangs. Nie langxu thinks about it, and then looks at ye Wuque on the co pilot. Ye Wuque is resting there with his eyes closed.

Nie langxu was very happy. For his next prank, he thought it would be completed successfully. He stepped on the accelerator and the car fell into the pit immediately.

After that, he didn't want to get into the pit again, but he didn't want to get into the pit again.

Ye Wuqi was awakened by the sudden impact. He looked out of the window and found that half of the car body was in the pit. Although the pit was not deep, it was very big.

It's very difficult for the car to get in and out. Ye Wudai unfastens the seat belt directly. Very speechless looking at Nie langxu: "even if you want to deal with me, you don't have to make a loss to both sides?"

Looking around, there is no one at all in the wilderness. Now their car is in this big pit again, let alone ask others to help them.

Ye Wuque really thinks that Nie langxu is too naive. Even if he really wants to deal with him, he doesn't need to use such strange things or such inferior means.

Nie langxu didn't know that his prediction would be wrong. He thought that the car could come out of the pit. He just wanted to make ye Wumian ride uncomfortable. He didn't think so much about it.

Now he really can't get out. He doesn't dare to say anything. He continues to refuel and start the engine, but the car just can't get out. In the big pit, half of the body just now is in this pit.

Nie langxu has been there to start the car, but just can't rush out.

If you change to normal, how can you go directly to the door, but now the car can't move. Even if Nie langxu didn't turn off the engine, ye Wumian directly opened the door and walked down.

He walked around the car and found that although the pit was not deep, it was really difficult to rush out. If he had inertia when driving, he might still be able to rush out.

However, in order to get rid of him, Nie langxu's speed is faster and slower. The speed of the stone he rushes into the pit is the slowest. The car slowly rushes into the pit. Where there is any power to rush out to get it, ye Wuqian thinks that Nie langxu has sunk himself this time, but he doesn't care. Nie langxu is really stupid. Why should he do this directly.

Nie Lanxu knew that he was in the pit this time, so he didn't say anything. He kept starting the engine there and wanted to rush out of the pit, but obviously, he couldn't get out at all.

Ye Wuqian saw that Nie langxu had been doing useless work, and he was also speechless.

"All right, don't do it any more. When the car is damaged by you, you'd better get out of the car and come with me to get out of the car. You'll keep doing it until the car completely enters the pit, and you'll see what you can do."

Just now, only half of the car body was in the pit. It was because Nie langxu was working on it all the time. It was very difficult to come out again when the car fell into this pit.

Nie langxu also knew that he was really wrong in this matter. Although he said that he was very unconvinced and unwilling, he could only listen to what ye Wuque said.

Quickly get off to have a look, he found that the car really has no way to go out, but only by his and ye Wuqian two people's ability can push the car out of the pit?

Nie langxu said that he was very suspicious. He didn't believe Ye Wuqian's ability. He didn't believe that he could push the car out of the pit. When he went, he was thinking of Ye Wuqian asking him not to do any more useless work. How could he feel that ye Wuque had deliberately asked him to do some useless work.

"Something's wrong. The whole car is in the pit. How can we push it?""Don't you see that the entrance to the pit is a small slope? As long as we work hard, we still push him up. I know it's very difficult for you to have your little arms and legs, but now we have only this way. Are you going to wait here or go back? "

Ye Wumian came out to negotiate with Ximen Hao and those small gangs. He was supposed to solve the problem, but he was delayed on the way.

Ye Wuxiang doesn't blame Nie langxu, but Nie langxu thinks that he is in trouble. Nie langxu is too much. He didn't want to pay attention to Nie langxu's actions towards him.

However, Nie langxu estimated that he would become more and more serious if he kept shrinking his head. Anyway, they would have a lot of things to do next. He was not willing to have such a problem.

Ye Wuwei directly said to Nie langxu, "no matter how much complaint you have in front of me, shall we work together to push this car up first? I really don't understand how you became a popular man of Gu Beichen. I can't think of anything like this

After ye Wuqian finished, he did not want to waste his time on Nie langxu, regardless of how he refuted it.

He felt that it was a wrong decision to let Nie langxu come out to carry out the task with him. Nie langxu did not do business, but wanted to do something that made him speechless.

Now it's really difficult to do this. They can only do their best to push the car out of the village and the store.

I don't know what kind of brain Nie langxu really has. He even wants to get rid of him. Then both of them fall into the pit.

Although Nie langxu still has some complaints about ye Wuxiang, after all, it is because he did not do a good job. It is indeed his fault that led to such a problem.

He didn't say anything more. Although on the surface, he was still swearing all the time, but he also worked together with Ye Wuxiang to push the car out.

They worked very hard to push the cart, but they couldn't make the car move for half a minute. Instead, they let the car in. Nie Lanxu blew the hair directly.

"The car didn't push out at all. Instead, it came in. What the hell was your idea?"

"You think what I'm giving you is a ghost idea. Do you want to see it?"

Ye Wumian is in a bad mood. He clearly wants to solve the problem, but now he is delayed by Nie langxu. It's better if he doesn't lose his temper like Nie langxu.

Nie langxu seems to think that he made a mistake. Besides, do they have other abilities besides wheelbarrow?

However, ye Wuqian does have other ways to carry out these tasks. In different aspects, he has a strong ability and temperament.

But if he rashly uses special abilities in front of Nie langxu, how does Nie langxu answer when he asks? Nie langxu asked if he was going to say something wrong.

And even if he didn't use those special abilities in front of Nie langxu, even if he threw him away, Nie langxu would ask him how he got the car out. Could he say that it was blown by the wind?

Ye also knew that he could not use those special abilities. He could only do these things according to the normal rules and the normal process.

The more ye Wuque looks at Nie langxu, the more he thinks that Nie langxu is really speechless. If Gu Beichen doesn't let Nie langxu follow him, it is estimated that he has already arrived in Ximen haona and started negotiations with Ximen Hao.

It's strange that he has been dragged down by Nie langxu now, but fortunately, although Nie langxu is dragging down his journey, he doesn't feel like it.

He only thought that if Nie langxu could be more obedient and obedient, he would be afraid to let them take out the car. After that, Nie langxu was still talking there. He was really bored.

Ye wubu Ben is very angry here because of Nie langxu's disobedience. Now Nie langxu does not know what's wrong with him. Instead, he blames him.

Therefore, ye Wuxiang felt that if he continued to waste his time in this area, it would be impossible for him to save them. He must rely on his own ability now.

Now there is no time to do these things. If he continues to waste his time like this, it will be very bad for anyone.

"You're here now. I'll walk there." Ye is not joking.

It's a long way from downtown, but as long as Nie langxu is not around, he can use his special abilities.

After all, Nie xuye doesn't believe that it's impossible for him to get to the city by walking.

Nie langxu felt that ye Wuqian must be trying out on purpose. Ye Wuque wanted to be like this, but he didn't. why should he stay at the same place and wait for other people's rescue? Why can you leave without missing leaves?

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