Bathed in the breeze, the moonlight is soft. In the small gully in the west of Jinxian County, Rongcheng City, there are still crickets and frogs from time to time. Of course, there are also the voices of humming and humming. In the valley, there are too few entertainment programs in the evening. In addition to doing things to reproduce, what kind of entertainment activities can we have?

In the small garden at the end of the village, ye Xiao and situ Haoyue are staring at each other in a room of less than 10 square meters. In addition to a bamboo bed covered with bedding, there is only a wooden clothes hanger for knocking clothes. In addition, there is no other object!

Originally, this other courtyard is not big. In addition to a living room, there are only three rooms left in it. Ye Tianlong had one room, ye Xiao and other little guys were one room, and the remaining one was used as guest room. Now Murong Mingyan and Zhang Mu live in the guest room. The old man gives his room to situ Nan and sleeps in the living room with Zimo. As for ye Xiao and situ Haoyue Well, in the old man's words, you are all married. Naturally, you should do what should be done between husband and wife. They will not make trouble in the bridal chamber, but you two have to make trouble!

Of course, there are a group of bodyguards, but situ Nan arranged to go to the county, let them come to pick them up tomorrow!

Now, ye Xiao and situ Haoyue just stay in this small room less than ten square meters. You look at me, I look at you!

Chengdu is located in the southwest, although it is not as cold as the north, but because of the terrain, it is also chilly. The old man is strong and never needs to turn on any air conditioning. When ye Xiaoxiao was young, in order to train his physique, he often threw it into the ice water to soak in the winter. Under such circumstances, where would there be any heating equipment!

Ye Xiao doesn't feel cold when he was trained by the old man since he was young. However, situ Haoyue is different. It's not convenient to take a bath here. She just cleans her body every day. Now she changes into a light blue dress. The skirt is very thin, and the whole person shivers in the air!

"It's cold. Why don't you go to bed and cover yourself?" Seeing that situ Haoyue's face was a little pale, ye Xiao took the lead in opening his mouth and said, "in a cold day, even if two people don't feel that way, it's not the same thing to sit so light!

"And you?" Situ Haoyue's bright eyes twinkled and her heart was constantly fluctuating. Obviously, such a situation made her very nervous. For more than 20 years, she had never been alone with a boy in such a small room. The most important thing was that the man in front of her was his nominal husband, and he was also the husband he recognized in his heart. But the problem is, identification belongs to identity, No On behalf of the two people really have that feeling!

Don't say ye Xiao, even situ Haoyue himself, that feeling is not very strong, isn't it? For ye Xiao's recognition, more is a kind of rational recognition!

"I'll sit here. It's OK. When I was a child, I was often punished by the old man in winter. I won't be cold!" Ye Xiao said with a smile!

It's not that he has become a gentleman now, but the atmosphere of the scene is really a little awkward. Although it is not the first time that they met, they have been treating each other as friends. Now they suddenly want to sleep together and do the things that only happen between husband and wife. It's not easy for them to let go! Most importantly, he didn't know what situ Haoyue thought of him?

What if situ Haoyue only married him under the pressure of his elders?

"The bed is so big, why don't you go to bed together?" Situ Haoyue was also embarrassed, but he thought that they were already husband and wife. If he was alone in bed, he could not sleep well. When he finished this sentence, he hung down his head shyly and did not dare to look at Ye Xiao again!

"Well, all right." Ye Xiao nodded. Since situ Haoyue had said so, he would have been a bit pretentious if he pushed back. He did not take off his clothes at the moment, so he sat on the bed and fell down with the trend!

Seeing that ye Xiao didn't intend to undress, situ Haoyue didn't say much, so she got into the bed and even her head went in, showing only a long black hair!

As for ye Xiao, she had to turn off the light. In a moment, the room was dark and quiet. Both of them could hear each other's breathing clearly!

The breath sounds up and down, constantly fluctuating, but no matter Ye Xiao or situ Haoyue, they didn't mean to speak!

Ye Xiao is lying on the bed with clothes on, and her body is almost close to this side of the bamboo bed. She doesn't want to let situ Haoyue misunderstand her intention. However, there is such a beautiful woman beside her, and she is also her wife. If she doesn't do anything, is that too unkind?

But what should I do? Is that what you're going to do? Isn't this too animal? Especially if situ Haoyue doesn't agree, isn't it too shameless?

Ye Xiao is tangled here, and situ Haoyue is even more unbearable. Such a big man sleeping next to him can even clearly hear the heartbeat of the other party. This silent feeling makes her heart beat faster and her face blushes. Fortunately, the room is dark and she is not afraid to be seen by Ye Xiao!

In my heart, I wonder if ye Xiao will catch a cold if he does not cover his quilt in such a cold weather. Although his body is far stronger than ordinary people, he is not a God after all. Moreover, people fall asleep and have the worst resistance. What if he has a cold?Two people have thought, but have been unable to sleep, full of the past dozens of minutes, the rapid heartbeat did not reduce how much!

"Ye Xiao..." At this time, situ Haoyue finally couldn't bear the silence and broke the silence first!

"Well!" Ye Xiaoying, who was sleeping on the other side of the bed, answered!

"Are you cold?" Situ Haoyue asked softly!

"No, it's not cold at all!" Ye Xiao shakes his head, this cold air is really nothing to him!

"But I'm cold..." Situ Haoyue was a little aggrieved. This idiot, you say that you are cold to death. Then I can let you in!

"Oh, wait a minute. I'll get you a bed and mattress again." Ye Xiao said that he really wanted to get up to give situ Haoyue a bed and mattress again. He had to say that in some aspects, ye Xiao's understanding was really poor!

"No, grandfather. They are all asleep. It will disturb them when they go there at this time." Situ Haoyue almost stamped his feet with anger. This idiot, this idiot, said so clearly himself. How could he still be like a fool? But do you want to ask him to get into the quilt?

"But you are cold?" Ye Xiao also some puzzled asked, clearly you said very cold, why don't you add quilt?

"You You come in Hold Just hold me... " The last word of situ Haoyue was faint, but it was quiet in the room, which made Ye Xiao hear clearly. She was stunned on the spot. She invited me to hold her. Didn't she hear her wrong?

"Is that not appropriate?" Ye Xiao is not sure whether he heard the wrong thing, so he asked a question at the moment!

"What's wrong? We are husband and wife Situ Haoyue really has the impulse to kill this guy with a knife. His daughter's house has been completely released. How could he still be so squeamish?

Well, husband and wife, yes, they are husband and wife. Isn't it normal for husband and wife to sleep together and sleep together? At the thought of this, ye Xiao opened the quilt and went in

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