In order to help him, the old gang leader left so many scars on his body, but those elders did not give up. Instead, they intensified their efforts and criticized him one after another.

I hope the old leader can hand him over and kill him.

In order to help him, the old leader passed on the position of the leader. At the beginning, not all the members of the gang helped him, so that the old leader's thoughts could not be stigmatized.

Therefore, he washed the families of several elders of Qinglong sect with blood at that time. Because of this, his hands were covered with blood, and he felt very guilty in the dead of night.

And he and ye Wuque look like that old friend, in fact, is the last leader of the gang.

Ye Wuxiang sighs after hearing this. No wonder there are so few elders of Qinglong sect. Even if there are elders, Gu Beichen was promoted later.

Ye Wuque doesn't know how to evaluate it, but ye feels that Gu Beichen is not wrong. Gu Beichen's thought is correct.

Because Gu Beichen didn't want to keep the green dragon gang in the position of a gangster all the time, he wanted to change it. It was just because the elders before were stubborn here.

The old leaders of the Qinglong sect are all standing beside Gu Beichen. They are all helping Gu Beichen all the time!

Ye Wuque really felt that Gu Beichen was not wrong. He hoped Gu Beichen would not punish himself for other people's mistakes.

Ye Wuqi saw Gu Beichen so lonely, he had some heartache, he came to Gu Beichen's side, gently hugged Gu Beichen.

He said to Gu Beichen: "because our world is colorful, everyone's thoughts are different. Although I can't evaluate your thoughts with those elders, I think you are right.

If you think about it, the old leader of the green dragon gang has been standing behind you all the time, which proves that he still attaches great importance to your ideas. You don't have to feel so guilty. "

It would be better if they could go on, but if they were really in the middle of this guilt, they would certainly suffer.

Ye Wuqi doesn't want Gu Beichen to feel guilty all the time because of these situations.

As long as Gu Beichen can successfully solve some problems, there may not be so many difficulties. Anyway, he now knows these difficulties in Gu Beichen's mouth.

The "old man" in his mouth refers to the leader of the Qinglong gang. Ye Wuqian also knows that these things must have been hidden in Gu Beichen's heart for a long time.

There is no way to bear, so he will be called over, ye Wuque of course also feel very proud.

Gu Beichen is willing to share these things. He has reason to believe that he is the first person to know Gu Beichen's life experience, and he has not done anything.

After all, he came to Gu Beichen for the third task. He came to help Gu Beichen. Now Gu Beichen takes the initiative to talk about these things to him, and takes the initiative to bring up his inner affairs.

He can come to help Gu Beichen finish these things, and help Gu Beichen eliminate some sense of guilt, so ye Wuxiang decides, no matter what will happen next.

He must help Gu Beichen well. He must let Gu Beichen eliminate the feeling of guilt before. Gu Beichen was very uncomfortable.

Today, I think of my old friends, and then think of those things that I did before, so I can feel and feel so sad.

As soon as ye Wuque came back, he called Ye Wuque here. Gu Beichen didn't know why he trusted ye Wuque so much, and why he was willing to Tell ye Wuque everything that had been hidden in his heart for decades.

But after he told ye Wuqian about all the things, he felt that the burden on his shoulders was less and his whole body was very comfortable.

He also knew that he was carrying a lot of lives on his back, and now that he said it, he really felt very good.

"I was very sad at first, but now that I hear you say these words, I think it should be nothing. Ye Wuwei, I always feel that you have abilities that others can't match. I believe you will have a long way to go in the future. "

Gu Beichen wants to pass on the position of the leader of the Qinglong sect to Ye Wuqian, but he also sees that ye Wuque will not be here.

Even if he insists on passing on the status of the leader of the green dragon sect to Ye Wuxiang, it may also cause Ye Wuqian's dissatisfaction. Since ye Wuque doesn't like it, he doesn't need to force Ye Wuqian to do these things.

He just hopes Ye Wuqian can accompany him more. In this way, he can choose the right person to be the leader of the green dragon sect.

The new gangs did not want to take care of them for the time being. Anyway, they will eventually find out the gangs and punish them well.

Before that, he still wanted to solve their own affairs first. He had always intended to cultivate Nie langxu.

However, it is because Nie langxu is always immature mentally, and he is still a little naive when doing some things. Therefore, Gu Beichen has been considering whether to pass on the position of leader of Qinglong Gang to Nie langxu.

Now ye Wuque happens to come here. He and ye Wuque are discussing about Nie langxu.Ye Wuqian of course knew that Gu Beichen had intended to cultivate Nie langxu as the successor of their Qinglong gang. Now that he heard Gu Beichen say so, he would speak out the advantages and disadvantages of Nie langxu fairly and strictly.

"In fact, I think Nie langxu is a very good person. Although he is a little emotional in dealing with some problems, he may not have done very well.

But he is dedicated to the Qinglong Gang, and he has never been selfish. I think many people can't compare with him. "

Gu Beichen was surprised to hear ye Wuqian speak for Nie langxu. He had just brought Ye Wuqian to the Qinglong gang. Nie langxu was very targeted at Ye Wuqian.

More or less, they will cooperate with other brothers to deal with Ye Wuqian. Unexpectedly, ye Wuqian not only ignores the past suspicion, but also helps Nie langxu speak here.

Gu Beichen also feels very curious about the reason. When ye Wuqian sees Gu Beichen's curious eyes, he naturally understands what Gu Beichen is thinking.

He didn't think it was any surprise or surprise at all. Although he was targeted by Nie langxu before, and because of Nie langxu, he was not very comfortable in Qinglong gang.

But because of this, he thinks Nie langxu is a very good person.

Nie langxu is worried that he is a spy of other gangs and that he will do something harmful to the Qinglong Gang, so that he will always target him.

After that, he just said his position to Nie langxu, as well as his intention. Although Nie langxu did not believe him, he slowly put down his resentment.

Ye Wuqian still thinks that even though he has been treated unfairly, he still thinks that Nie langxu is a very excellent person.

He said to Gu Beichen: "although Nie langxu was very bad to me before, it is because of this that I think he is really suitable for the position of leader of Qinglong gang. He only cares for the Qinglong Gang wholeheartedly, so he doesn't like me. "

If Nie langxu had come to flatter him and talked to him flatteringly, he would not have done so, and he would not have thought that Nie langxu was so good.

The reason why he chose to reconcile with Nie langxu and why he would take the initiative to talk about these things with Nie langxu is that he has this ability completely.

In order to help Gu Beichen, he will also help Nie langxu by the way, asking Nie langxu to replace Gu Beichen's gang. While helping Gu Beichen, he can also reassure Gu Beichen.

For his task, in fact, there is no harm, why not.

Gu Beichen heard Ye Wuqian say these words, only then knew that there was such a source.

Gu Beichen had thought Ye Wuqian and Nie langxu seemed more peaceful on the surface, but they might still struggle or have internal strife under the peaceful ground.

But now I heard Ye Wuqian say that, it turned out that he thought too much, and they would certainly not fight internally.

He took Nie langxu with him for so many years. Of course, he knew what kind of person Nie langxu was. He loved and hated him clearly.

Of course, it's also because he thinks Ye Wuqian will do some harm to their green dragon sect, so he has been very unhappy with Ye Wuqian.

It's not pleasant to see ye Wuque, but also wants people to fight against ye Wuque. Now he sees ye Wuque so good, they will surely slowly settle the past.

Then he will help his Qinglong Gang get better and better. Gu Beichen doesn't know when ye Wuqian will leave Qinglong gang.

But he also knew that although Ye Wuqian said that he had come to their Qinglong Gang, he would do these things with him and manage the Qinglong gang with him.

He also understood that ye Wuqian would leave one day. He knew that ye Wuque would not stay in Qinglong Gang all the time. As long as ye Wuqian was there, he would cherish his day.

Moreover, Dao Nie langxu certainly needs a lot of training. Although he said that he had intended to pass the position of leader to Nie langxu, he also knew that Nie langxu's self-control was not fully competent.

He must sharpen Nie langxu to be able to pass on the position of the leader to him.

He hoped that ye Wuqian could help Nie langxu and train him well before he left, so that Nie langxu could be prepared psychologically and take corresponding responsibilities.

Don't let Nie langxu become the leader of the Qinglong Gang, and then slowly start to learn. It will take a lot of time.

"Ye Wuqian, in fact, I wanted to tell you that I intended to give the position of leader to Nie langxu. Now I hope you can help him as much as possible in the next time."

Even if Gu Beichen doesn't say that, ye Wuqian will try his best to help Nie langxu. After all, this is Gu Beichen's wish, and he will do his best to help you finish it to Gu Beichen.

It's also his task. Even if Gu Beichen doesn't say so, he will try very hard to help Nie langxu.

After Gu Beichen and ye Wuqian finished these, they did not continue the topic.

Today, ye Wuqian went out to carry out a mission. He went to the small house in the north to see what the new gang really meant and what kind of things would happen next.

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