"Stop, who are you?" Ye Wuqi's eyes have not opened, and his body has not yet stood firm, he hears a very sharp voice.

Ye Wumian knows that he has entered the fourth task. He does not know where he is now in this plane. He must act according to circumstances.

He did not continue to move forward, but in the same place. He did not know that he had just stopped when a large group of people came up. Seeing the clothes on these people, ye Wuqian knew that he had come to ancient times.

He is now in this plane is in ancient times, ye Wuqian sighed in his heart, he really did not like to come to this place.

With so many planes, why did he break into the ancient times? He remembered that he knew all the ancient etiquette in the first task.

But fortunately, he has now had the experience, even if he came to the place he didn't like very much, he would adjust.

Seeing so many bodyguards around him, ye Wumian is also up and down in his heart. Fortunately, his ability is not weak. He has the weapons prepared for him by the owner of the mechanical voice.

Ye Wumian took out the weapon, did not hand it back, because he knew that he was not here to cause trouble.

He had to find the person to help in the fourth plane as soon as possible. He somehow broke into the place and didn't know where it was.

With so many bodyguards around him, it is obvious that the guards in front of him think he is an assassin. At least he can let others know that he is not an assassin.

So he quickly put down the weapon and raised his hands. The guards did not know what kind of idea ye Wuque was playing. They saw that ye Wuqian did not resist, so they felt a little relieved.

The chief bodyguard saw that ye Wuque was more cooperative with them. He came to the front to examine ye Wuque and did not know where ye Wuque came from.

"Who are you? How can you break into the palace at night

The palace? This is the palace! If this is the palace, then prove that this time his mission is related to the palace?

Ye Wuqian thought for a while, then he quickly replied, "I have something important to see the emperor, so I come here. Can you introduce me?"

The bodyguard leader laughed when he heard ye Wuque say so. No wonder he looked at ye Wuque in such strange clothes. Was his brain abnormal?

Even their bodyguards didn't have much chance to see the emperor. How could ye Wuqian meet the emperor? So they thought Ye Wuqian was a thief. They would sneak into the palace in order to admire the emperor's face.

They are very angry now, especially the leader of the bodyguard. He knows that it is his dereliction of duty to let ye Wuque in, and he must solve it.

"Joke, Lord, but you can see it if you want? Even our bodyguards with knives can't face the saint, let alone you, a little man

After the leader of the bodyguard finished, he gave his men a wink, and immediately they rushed to catch ye Wuque, who did not resist.

He felt that since he could come to the palace, he had to find the person he wanted to help as soon as possible. He could only play tricks.

"I'd rather believe it or not, brother. If you don't believe it, you can prove it. If you take me out now, if I am punished, it will not be me but your Holy Father who will offend me."

Originally, the leader of the bodyguard didn't believe what ye Wuque said, but he was very keen to hear ye Wuque say that when he said the emperor, he claimed to be "your holy master". Is ye not the one who left the country? Can ye Wuque not come to the palace to see the emperor?

Otherwise, why did he say that! The leader of the guard had some doubts. Although he would rather kill a hundred people by mistake, he would have lost his head if he killed an important person by mistake.

To be cautious, the leader of the bodyguard motioned to his men to tie ye Wuque up, and did not immediately take ye Wuque's life. Although he did not let go of him, but ye Wuqian knows that at least he has temporarily escaped the robbery in front of him.

Then he was able to adapt to circumstances. As long as the guards could listen to him and hear what he said in his ears, he would have a way to escape such a dangerous situation.

The leader of the guard personally escorts ye Wuque, intending to put ye Wuque in the prison. Ye Wuque doesn't resist. He feels very strange when he sees ye Wuque so obedient.

Along the way is also with a very strange look at ye Wuque, ye Wuque is calm, without any sense of uneasiness.

The bodyguard leader guessed in his heart, is it really the same as what ye Wuque said? Ye Wuque is really the emperor who has something to look for, and is not a thief who sneaks into the palace?

The leader of the guard couldn't help his curiosity. He patted ye Wuque on the shoulder. Ye Wuque turned his head and looked at the guard leader kindly. He didn't get angry because he was a thief.The bodyguard leader saw ye Wukui's kind-hearted appearance and didn't know how to speak for a while, but he was able to get rid of these thoughts in his heart.

He said to Ye Wuqian, "do you know, if I put you in the prison, you may not have a good life, and you may die in the prison."

He was very worried and didn't smile at all. When the guard leader saw ye Wuque's appearance, the more he felt strange.

Is it stupid that this leaf has no defect? Otherwise, why is it like this? The chief bodyguard thought it strange, but it was strange. He still knew the duty on his shoulders and would never let ye wumi go because of his curiosity.

"Who are you? Why are you wearing such strange clothes? Aren't you our expatriate? "

"Of course, I'm not from your country. I'm afraid you don't know who I am." And there is no sense of fear.

The more the leader of the bodyguard felt that ye Wuque's words were very credible. He did not take ye Wuque directly to the prison, but bypassed the imperial garden and went directly to the place where the emperor was.

Although he usually does not have many opportunities to see the emperor, he is the leader of the bodyguard. In case of emergency, he can also visit the emperor.

He planned to take advantage of this opportunity. It would be better if he was prepared for him and he might be useful to the emperor as ye Wuqian said.

Far away, ye Wuqi saw a man in yellow and a man in black standing in front of a big alchemy stove.

Ye Wuque quickly distinguished that the man who was born in dark yellow was the emperor in the neckline of the bodyguard. As for the leaf Wuque beside him, he couldn't think of it.

Ye Wuxiang felt very strange that how could the emperor point at a similar alchemy furnace in front of him. The more he thought about it, the better he felt, the more he laughed.

The bodyguard heard ye Wuque's laughter in his hand. He was very upset. He might have been disrespectful to their emperor, so he yelled: "what are you laughing at? Can you be presumptuous in front of the emperor? "

Ye Wuliang immediately turned away his smile, not because he was afraid, but because he felt that his way was really too impolite. The emperor and the alchemist looked at ye Wuque when they heard the voice.

The emperor's expression was obviously a little displeased. He felt that it was too late for the leader of the bodyguard to come with a stranger and disturb his elegance.

The emperor said in a direct voice, "who are you? Why are you visiting at night?"

The chief bodyguard heard that the emperor was already angry, so he quickly knelt down to plead guilty: "report to the emperor, when his subordinates were patrolling just now, they saw this man sneaking around in the palace, so they arrested him.

He wanted to take him to the prison, but he said that he wanted to see the emperor for something. So his subordinates took the courage to bring him to the emperor. Please make it clear to the emperor. "

Ye Wuqi is a little angry. He never said such a thing, OK? He really wants to have this plan. At least he must come to this plane to deal with the most powerful person, that is, the emperor.

But he did not say that he must see the emperor. The leader of the bodyguard should be playing for himself. However, ye Wuqian also knows that even if the leader of the bodyguard plays for himself, what can he do?

He was not only able to accept it well, he quickly echoed the words of the leader of the bodyguard. He was very polite and respectful to the emperor and did not kneel down.

The emperor's eyebrows wrinkled, it seemed that he was not happy, but he also resisted. He wanted to see what the sacred leaf was.

Although it is night to break into the palace, but to see ye Wuque's spirit, it should not be a thief or something like that. So the emperor actually has some research on ye Wuque. He doesn't know why ye Wuque visited the palace at night.

Ye Wuqi also did not sell photons, "the emperor's blessing is golden." The Emperor didn't have a good face, and felt that ye Wuwu's identity was really a doubtful point.

"The emperor is probably strange. How did I get into the palace and how I got into the palace? The so-called encounter is fate. Since I came to the palace, I naturally had my own purpose. If I have not guessed wrong, you should have troubles. You have worried things for a long time.

And the one next to you is also worried about this matter with you. If the emperor doesn't dislike it, he can tell me about your trouble and I will share it for you. "

Although the emperor felt that ye Wuqian was exaggerating here and deliberately said how good he was, he still had a glimmer of hope. He waved his hand and called down the leader of the bodyguard.

Now only the emperor, ye Wuqian and alchemists are left. The emperor looks at Ye Wuqian with a sneer on his face. He looks at Ye Wuqian with thin arms and legs. He has no power to bind a chicken, and he has no way to assassinate the emperor.

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