Dan thought that the alchemist was not happy, and he thought that he would not be angry even though he saw the master. He thinks ye Wuque is really good. It's really great that he has such a master.

"Master, I thought you would be angry. I didn't expect you to be so generous. I really don't know how to express this feeling in my heart. Thank you very much."

After all, ye Wuqian is the master of their family. In order to help him, ye Wuqian is involved in the imperial palace. Now he has to be involved in many battles for no reason. The Alchemist is also a little impatient.

But ye Wuqian has been involved in this, even if he felt that he couldn't bear it, there was no way to do it. He could only accept it and go on like this.

At this point, he was very worried that he could not change anything.

He took a look at ye Wuque and found that ye Wuque did not really mean to blame him, and ye Wuque always encouraged him and comforted him.

Now he is very uncomfortable, but he can also adjust his mood. No matter how hard he is, he must continue to go on, and he must insist on going on.

Otherwise, if it is because of such a small matter, it will cause other troubles. It is certainly impossible for ye Wuqian to wake up. He still hopes Ye Wuqian can take care of himself.

So the alchemist quickly put the prepared medicinal food to Ye Wuqian. Ye Wuqian was very moved when he saw the medicated food made by the alchemist himself.

Because he really felt the concern for him from the alchemist. He really cared about him and respected him.

Now that he has been in a coma for so many days, the alchemist has been with him all the time. He should be very tired to watch him up.

After he sat down and ate the medicated food, ye Wuqian said to the alchemist, "you should have had no rest for a long time. You should go back to have a rest. After a rest, we will think about other ways together."

The alchemist didn't refuse. After he confirmed that ye Wuqian had nothing to do, he went back to have a rest. Although the emperor was still in a coma, his condition did not continue to deteriorate.

They still had a little time to rest, and he believed that ye Wuqian had promised to help him heal the emperor.

Then there should be no problem with the emperor's illness. Anyway, the alchemist has an inexplicable sense of trust in ye Wuwu.

He felt that since Ye Wuqian had promised him, he could definitely do these things without thinking too much.

In fact, it is true, if it is before, ye Wuqian may not be sure, after all, he has no idea about pharmacology.

But after he got out of the dream, after he read those books, his mind was full of consolidation of those pharmacological knowledge.

Now he is also capable and confident. He believes that he must be able to do these things. He believes that he can always be a good emperor.

There are many herbs planted in the yard. Ye Wuwu wants to try to see if he can remember all the herbs when he sees them.

Every herb can clearly tell all the effects. He is really very happy. He didn't want to come to the fourth task. He can learn so much pharmacological knowledge in this field.

When you encounter these problems, you won't have any more trouble. Among other tasks, if you need him to rescue him, won't he be very good at that time?

Ye Wuque is really very happy because he is not under pressure. Xiaoyaotong has already returned from the emperor. He comes back soon after hearing the news.

Now he saw ye Wumian in the medicine garden. He was very happy to run to the side of Ye Wuqian. He blinked and looked at Ye Wuqian.

Ye Wuqi sees xiaoyaotong coming. He naturally knows that in addition to the alchemist, xiaoyaotong must be very worried about him these days.

He squatted down as high as the little medicine boy. Then he touched the head of the little medicine boy and said to him kindly, "little medicine boy, you and I have worried you these days. I'm really sorry."

The little medicine boy shook his head, and he looked at Ye Wuqian sincerely: "it's OK. Brother Ye Wuqian, as long as you have nothing to do, you don't know that the master is really worried about you. Fortunately, you wake up, otherwise master and I don't know what to do."

Although Ye Wuqian has only been here for a few days, xiaoyaotong has an inexplicable sense of closeness to Ye Wuqian and feels that ye Wuqian is a very good person.

Moreover, he always thought that the relationship between Ye Wuqian and his master was so good. As his apprentice, of course, he should be very good to ye Wuque.

Now looking at Ye Wuqian's recovery from health, ye Wuque has woken up. Of course, he is very happy and runs out of the emperor's bedroom.It is to confirm whether ye Wuqian is really good. Ye Wuqian certainly understands that Xiaoyao is really worried about him. He only sees Xiaoyao Tong's appearance like this. He thinks Xiaoyao Tongzhen is too cute.

Before, he thought that the little medicine boy had some bad opinions on him, but now he thinks it is true, that is, they treat the gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain.

He touched the head of the little medicine boy again, and then said to the little medicine boy, "I'm all right. You don't have to worry about me. I just practiced in a dream for a while, and then I forgot the time and didn't wake up. I really couldn't bear to let you two worry about me."

"Wow, brother ye Wuque, you can practice in your dream. You are really great. We don't all have problems practicing in reality. I didn't expect that you can practice easily in your dream. Do you want to be more powerful than normal people?"

He has heard that there is no medicine in the dream.

Even in reality, it is difficult to achieve cultivation, so in their departure from the country or in their entire plane, in fact, there are very few people who practice. I didn't expect that ye Wuwu was so powerful.

When ye Wuqian heard the little medicine boy say this, he immediately burst into laughter. He was not practicing in a dream, but he entered his own dream and learned some knowledge. It was not as exaggerated as they said or as good as they said.

But now he doesn't want to explain too much, because if someone knows that he has these abilities in his dreams, others will think too much.

He laughed and then explained to the little medicine boy: "actually, it's not a practice. It's just that I can have a better rest in my dream than usual, and then I can do a little bit of practice in my dream. It's no big deal."

Even if it's just a little bit more practice than ordinary people, it's better than ordinary people. Little medicine children admire Ye Wuqian more and feel that ye Wuxu is really powerful.

If he can, he also hopes that he can be like Ye Wuqian, who can practice in his dream and have such great ability as ye Wuqian.

Even the master admires Ye Wuqian so much, which proves that ye Wuqian has several brushes. Therefore, xiaoyaotong thinks Ye Wuqian should be a very powerful person.

He also hopes that he can learn some knowledge with Ye Wuqian by his side. In this way, he will certainly improve greatly and make great progress.

But he also understood that it was a little difficult if he really wanted to do it, so he did not put forward these ideas.

In the evening, ye Wuqian went to find the alchemist, and told the alchemist some things about seizing the emperor. Ye Wuqian combined the knowledge he had learned in his dream before.

He realized that the emperor had been very disappointed with his own sons, but fortunately, the son of the crown prince, his eldest grandson, was still a very capable man.

The emperor's intention is to support the emperor's eldest and grandson's succession. However, the emperor's health is getting worse and worse. There are indeed some difficulties and difficulties in supporting the emperor's eldest son.

Their most important thing is to help the emperor together to support, as for his other princes, including the crown prince, can not help the wall of mud. Ye Wuxiang also knows where he should go.

"Originally, I thought the emperor had other plans, but I didn't expect that he just wanted to support the prince's son. OK, I will follow you to support him. Don't worry."

The alchemists were not very optimistic about what they had done, but now ye Wuqian said so decisively that he could rest assured that he was suddenly relieved.

Since ye Wuxiang thinks that these things can be completed, there will be no problems and it can be done. The Alchemist is also very happy.

"Master, the emperor is still in a coma. We should not go and see him."

The emperor is still in a coma, but the situation is much better than before, which is due to the prescription given by Ye Wuque before. Therefore, the alchemist still admired ye Wuque very much.

Ye Wuqian can really save the emperor. The alchemist knows that ye Wuque's power is very strong, so he will invite Ye Wuqian to see the emperor now.

Ye Wuqi didn't refuse. He went to see the emperor in the emperor's bedroom with the alchemist. He carefully checked the pulse for the emperor, and then checked again from top to bottom.

He found that the emperor was still in a coma, and his condition was much better. He wrote a prescription again and asked the eunuch to fill the medicine and decoct it for the emperor.

Moreover, he told the eunuch that he must do it by himself. He could never borrow the hand of others for fear that others would poison him again.

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