The emperor stood in front of Ye Wuque: "ye Wuque, can you? If you kill my son, I'll kill you. "

Ye Wuque really felt speechless when he heard the emperor say so. If he could not, how could he say he would come to acupuncture for the prince.

Since he said that he wanted to be the crown prince, he really proved that he had this ability, but the emperor still slandered him like this. He had done his utmost to help the emperor treat the prince. He even dared to question him in this way.

However, although Ye Wuqian was very angry, he also suppressed it. Who asked the alchemist to help the emperor and who asked him to help the alchemist was a kind of relationship in the food chain. He was really angry, but there was no way.

So he could only suppress his anger in his heart, and then said to the emperor, "emperor, you can rest assured that I can definitely save the prince. If you stand in the way here and stop me here, the prince is really helpless."

The Emperor didn't dare to gamble on the prince's life. Even if he didn't believe Ye Wuqian, there was nothing he could do now. He could only trust him.

Although he was very worried, he still had to let Ye Wuqian go for treatment. Seeing that the emperor stood aside, he glared at the emperor, and with the help of the alchemist, he made acupuncture for the prince, but the prince suddenly vomited blood.

"Prince, what's the matter with you?" The emperor looked at the prince with heartache, and then pushed down ye Wuque. He felt that ye Wuque must have come to revenge on purpose.

Seeing that the prince vomited blood, the emperor was really worried. He felt that ye Wuqian was deliberately messing with the prince here. If ye Wuqian was allowed to continue to heal, it was estimated that the prince would not be able to recover.

The emperor rushed forward, and wanted to put Ye Wuqian in the right place, but the alchemist was quick in his eyes and quickly blocked the emperor's going to the roadside.

Furious, the emperor roared to the Alchemist: "alchemist, do you know what you are doing now? I am the son of heaven, and you are the minister. You must obey me. "

The alchemist naturally understood these reasons, but he could not bear to see the emperor do something that would make him regret. Let alone that ye Wuqian is his master, even if ye Wuqian is not his master, he must be on the side of justice.

If he doesn't stop the emperor now, the emperor will certainly regret it. He can't let the emperor regret it, so he will make such a choice now.

Unfortunately, the Emperor didn't seem to understand that he made such a choice. He was still furious and seemed to be waiting for an answer from the alchemist.

The alchemist sighed, and then said to the emperor, "emperor, I didn't say that you are poisoned in the prince's body now. If you want to discharge the toxins in your body, you must be sure to spit out some blood first. How can you discharge poison if you don't vomit blood?"

The emperor's eyes twinkled when he heard the alchemist's explanation. He could accept this statement, but he couldn't accept ye Wukui, who had no skill and didn't know how to cure at all.

In case the crown prince can still be alive, but he is cured by Ye Wumian, what should be done? Even if he heard the alchemist say so, he was still very worried.

"Alchemist, do you know what kind of person Ye Wuqian is? You can rest assured to give the prince to him. The prince is my son. He will inherit my throne in the future. In case something happens to the prince, can you shoulder this responsibility? "

Ye Wuqi stood up from the ground, he was very upset, because the emperor again and again obstructed, he would stop him to diagnose and treat the prince.

If there is something wrong with the prince, it is not his bad, but the emperor's pot. It is the emperor's fault. Ye Wuque is also very speechless.

He said directly to the emperor, "are you loving the prince or harming the prince? I said that I have a way, then I must have a way. The Alchemist is the most powerful one you leave the country. He believes me. What reason do you have and what excuse you don't believe me? "

When the emperor heard this, he was speechless. Yes, the alchemist believed him. What reason did he not believe? It is beyond reproach that ye Wuxu has indeed treated him.

In the other doctors also said that ye Wuwei's technique is indeed a little strange, but at any rate, he was transplanted successfully.

But even so, he was still very worried. He believed in alchemists, but he never believed in Ye Wuqian. Looking at Ye Wuqian's appearance, he felt that ye Wuqian could not cure at all.

Ye Wuqi also felt speechless. In the previous three tasks, everyone believed him very much and trusted him very much. How come to the fourth task, there was always a wall, either the lower limit of IQ or not being trusted.

Ye Wuxiang really thinks this time is too strange. In the previous task, everyone trusted him very much and begged him to help him.

But now how strange, ye Wuqian thinks that this may not be the emperor's pot, nor is it what the emperor did wrong. It is very likely that what mechanism he violated in the fourth mission.

This led to such a situation, but fortunately, although the emperor did not trust him, the alchemist did not reserve his trust, probably because he was the master of the family.So the alchemist would trust him without reservation, but for whatever reason, as long as the alchemist trusted him, he also felt very good.

It is difficult for him to prove his innocence in the next time, but he will always stick to his bottom line.

”Emperor, I know you don't trust me, but now I'm the only one who can save the prince. You can believe me or not.

If you are delaying the treatment of the prince, it is very likely that there is no way to make up for all the following things

When the emperor heard ye Wuque say this, he had some feelings in his heart. He didn't believe ye Wuque. He thought it was strange for him to do something.

But the crown prince and ye Wuque still have their relationship. Among them, he must have chosen the prince. If no one can save the prince, he can only let ye Wuque do it.

After ye Wuque got the emperor's consent, he continued to acupuncture for the crown prince. When ye Wuque put the last acupuncture, the prince woke up and his face was much better than before.

Ye Wuque saw this situation and knew that the prince had been rescued. The emperor was willing to believe that ye Wuque could really cure the prince after seeing the prince wake up.

But even so, he didn't feel that what he had said to ye Wumian was so bad. Anyway, as long as he could do it, it would be OK.

"Prince, how do you feel now? Is there any discomfort? If you have any discomfort, talk about it and let the alchemist diagnose and treat you. "

For a long time, the Prince did not speak. The emperor was afraid that the prince was not really good, so he called the doctor kneeling outside to diagnose and treat the prince.

"How about it? What about the prince? Is he all right? Is the toxin in the body all drained out? Are there any sequelae? "

The emperor asked several questions in succession, and the medical staff of the hospital quickly and respectfully replied: "if you go back to the emperor, the situation of your Highness has improved, and all the toxins in your body have been discharged. Don't worry about your highness. Next, just have a good rest."

The imperial doctors were also relieved. Before the emperor was poisoned, and then the prince was poisoned. Their heads were too dangerous. They moved their heads carelessly.

Fortunately, with the help of Ye Wuqian, the prince has successfully woken up. Otherwise, they are really worried about what will happen to them. The emperor is not at ease and asks other doctors to check the pulse for the prince in turn.

"Back to the emperor, the situation of his Highness has really improved, and the toxins in the body have been discharged from the body and body."

"The emperor, the situation of the diagnosis and treatment of Wei Chen is the same. His Highness has been completely cured. Next, as long as he has a good rest, he can recover."

Several imperial doctors have been renovated, and the results are the same. The toxin in the prince's body has been completely discharged. Now the emperor is at ease. Fortunately, ye Wuqian is doing these things correctly. Otherwise, he will surely let Ye Wuqian eat and go.

After all, the emperor looked at Ye Wuqian's languid appearance, and felt that ye Wuqian was incapable of treating the prince. He was worried about what would happen to the prince. Fortunately, the Prince did not have any kind of thing.

"Prince, how do you feel?"

The prince covered his head. He didn't know what had happened. Now he was still dizzy. He had been poisoned for a long time. Now he suddenly woke up and heard the emperor speak like this. He didn't respond.

When the emperor saw the prince like this, he was more anxious. Ye Wuqi was speechless. He said directly, "emperor, the prince just woke up. You shake him like this. Are you going to make him comatose again?"

Hearing this, the emperor quickly let go of the prince and did not dare to shake the prince again. It took a long time for the prince to stabilize. Then he looked at the emperor, the alchemist, and ye Wuqian.

"What's the matter?" he asked softly? Father, what happened to me? How could I... "

The emperor was very happy when he saw that the prince had recovered his ability to speak. He said quickly, "prince, you were poisoned by others. You have been in a coma for several days. Now it's hard to wake up. Don't say too much. Lie down and have a good rest."

After the emperor finished, he quickly supported the prince and continued to lie on the bed. Ye Wuqian and the alchemist looked at a pair of medicine together, and let the little eunuch go down and take it. After that, they went back to the alchemy room.

Anyway, now that the prince's illness has been solved and the prince's poison has been detoxified, it may be good.

In the alchemy room, ye Wuqian has been playing with ammunition there. He didn't feel any displeasure with the emperor's attitude towards him just now. Instead, it was the alchemist who was frightened here.

Because the alchemist felt that the emperor's attitude towards ye Wuque was really bad. If ye Wuque was very angry, what should he do? He was also very worried.

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