"Yes, that's what I'm like. I'm as elegant as ever!" The mad beggar replied to him.

Ye Wuqi's whole life is gone. He has never seen such narcissism. He has been crazy to such an extent that he still dares to say that he is romantic. If he is casual, he is afraid that the sows in the world can be said to be the most beautiful woman in the world.

But even if ye Wuque secretly despised in his heart, he did not dare to say it, because the old madman finally opened his mouth.

These days, he was tortured to death by helping the old madman to eat. Finally, he got the chance to speak. So he must be careful. Once he makes the old madman unhappy, he may lose all his previous achievements. He can't even point out how to torture him. So ye Wuwei doesn't dare to say a word at the moment.

And the lunatic beggar is still, although the momentum has changed, but still that pair of delicious appearance, still gnawing chicken bone.

"I want to ask, what is my mission this time?" After waiting for half an hour, the whole chicken was eaten by him, and even the hair was not left. Ye Wuwu asked him.

"Why are you in a hurry? I'm not in a hurry! " The old madman did not have a good breath of white leaves without a lack of an eye, very angry to say.

Ye Wuque has an impulse to scold his mother. He murmurs in his heart that this is the task of Laozi. Of course, Laozi is worried.

But he was just thinking about it in his heart, and he didn't dare to say it.

"How can you tell me what the mission is?" Ye Wuwu said helplessly.

"You boy, if you want to know the task is also very simple, you must let me eat more food ah, your roast pheasant is good, I still have enough to eat, wait on me for a few days, I am in a good mood, maybe I will tell you!" The old madman looked at the leaf with a smile and said triumphantly.

After hearing him say this, ye Wuqi almost died of anger. He had never seen such a shameless person. This feeling regarded him as a slave. But now, after all, there is a place to ask for others. There is no way but to listen to him.

"OK, I can help you make roast chicken, but you have to have a quota. How many broilers can I make for you before you tell me what the task is?" Ye Wuxiang could only bear to ask him.

"You're right to say that. It's good for you to serve me well. I have a big appetite. I've got a hundred and eighty roast chickens. I'll never say a word if I don't feed my stomach full!" The old madman said impolitely.

After hearing his unreasonable request, ye Wuwu's face turned pale. If it wasn't for his task, he would fight against the old madman. Even if he knew it was not his opponent, he would not let him go.

Fortunately, the old madman also gave a fixed number, as long as the examination of 100 chickens can be.

So, ye Wuwu immediately took action and caught pheasants all over the forest.

Although Ye Wuqian's own strength can not compare with the old madman, but with his current strength, catching pheasants is not any problem, but he can not meet the last golden pheasant.

After a day's crazy running in the woods, ye Wuhao finally caught a hundred pheasants.

After he had disposed of all the pheasants, he lit a lot of bonfires, and then divided the 100 pheasants into ten batches and baked them in batches.

There is enough seasoning for the leaves now, otherwise it will not be enough for a hundred pheasants.

After he roasted ten pheasants, the second batch was just half cooked, and the old madman had eaten up the first batch. With such speed, ye Wuwu could not feel that he was eating the roast chicken, but swallowing it. He could not taste anything at all.

This is just spoiling things. Ye Wuxiang's eyes are red. He didn't expect that his roasted chicken would be ruined by the pig Bajie.

But he didn't dare to say it. He could only hold it in his heart.

In any case, it would not take a night for the old madman to open his mouth. When the old madman told him what the task was, he would never serve the old madman any more.

He scolded secretly in his heart, old madman, old beggar, why don't you die.

The night passed, and the more than 100 roasted chickens were eaten by the old madman, and only chicken feathers were left. Ye Wuqian just smelled the smell.

But after all, it was to get the task, which was no way, so he could only look at the old madman eagerly.

"Well, now that you've finished the chicken, it's time to tell me what the task is?" Ye Wuqi asked the old madman feebly.

"Don't worry. Before I tell you the task, I have to give you some benefits. After all, if you eat so many roast chicken and don't give you any benefits, it seems that I am too old and disrespectful.

Here you are. Take a closer look at it. It's good for you The old madman said this, took out a book from his arms and put it in the hands of Ye Wuque.

At the moment when he saw the book, ye Wumian's eyes were bright. The book's selling appearance was not very good. But as soon as I saw the name, it must be a very powerful skill. I didn't expect that the old madman had such a good treasure and gave it to him.It seems that the old madman is not inhumane, nor does he eat him.

If he knew that the old madman had this good thing for him, he would not complain about anything. Let alone a hundred chickens, even a thousand chickens, he would be willing. After all, his strength has been improved, which is the wealth of his life.

"Thank you Thank you Ye Wuqi said gratefully.

"Are you in a good mood now? Ha ha, I won't eat your food for nothing, but I have to tell you that it's not so easy to practice, it needs chance. Some people can learn it in only one day, while others can't learn it all their life. Try it. If you can't learn it, don't say I cheat you! " The old madman looked at the leaf without lack of interest and said faintly.

Ye Wuqian has been completely attracted by the martial arts in the book. It seems that he has completely fallen into the martial arts. He has never heard what the old madman is saying.

This "four xiangjue" is also a wonderful book. As the old madman said, it needs a certain chance to practice this skill. There is no doubt that this so-called opportunity is possessed, because at the moment he saw the content of the book, he knew that it was a very powerful skill, and it was just as hard for him to practice it I got out of it.

At this time, ye Wuque had completely fallen into the state of practicing martial arts. He didn't care about the external affairs. Even if he was an old madman, he didn't hear it. He didn't even care what the task was.

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