After hearing this, ye Wuqian was stunned. He didn't expect that such a big thing happened in the village just one night after he left. But he didn't know at all. Now it seems that this is the task he is going to carry out.

No wonder the old madman didn't tell him what the task was before he left. It turned out that the task didn't need to be known by him, it just needed to wait. When the time came, it would appear naturally.

It seems that the main task of the old madman is not to release the task to him, but to bring him skills and enhance his strength. Only in this way can he complete the task.

Thinking of this leaf without a lack of heart some excited, because his strength has been enhanced, when carrying out the task, will be much simpler.

In the past, only when you have completed the task can you get certain rewards to improve your strength. But this time, it is totally different. First you get the skill reward, improve your strength, and then carry out the task.

This shows a problem, this task will be more difficult than he believed, and may even be fatal.

However, this is nothing to Ye Wuqian. After all, there are many dangerous tasks he has carried out, and even nearly lost his life several times. The more dangerous the task is, the more rewarding he will get. He believes that after the completion of this mission, he will surely have amazing achievements.

Now his main task is to help the villagers get rid of the danger as soon as possible.

"Come on, take me to the village head!" Ye Wuqian said to the villager eagerly.

And the villager just saw Ye Wuqian's power, so he didn't dare to hesitate and took him to see the village head immediately.

When ye Wuqian saw the village head, he was a cowardly village head. At this time, the whole body was covered with blood, which seemed to be rolling out of the blood. Moreover, his whole body was scratched wounds. Although these wounds were not fatal, they were frightening in the eyes.

"What's the matter? What happened? " Ye Wuqian asked Zhang Linshu, the village head.

"I don't know what happened, but some villagers suddenly became abnormal and started to run away and hurt people. I was injured all the time just to save everyone. Many people were injured, and many injured people seemed to be infected and began to become abnormal. I know you are not ordinary people. I hope you can save the people in our village! " Zhang Linshu, the head of the village, pleaded bitterly for the leaves.

"Don't worry, I will help you!" Now, ye Wuqian knows that this is his task, so he can only accept it. Even if there is no task reward, he will certainly help these people, because he can see that these are ordinary villagers. He can see that ordinary people are hurt, so he agreed without hesitation.

After seeing ye Wumian's promise, almost all the normal people in the village were looking at him eagerly. He could feel that almost all people put their hope on him, hoping that he could find a way to save people.

After that, ye Wuqi immediately went out to control all the abnormal people.

He found that there are dozens of people who have become abnormal, and almost all of them have been injured. It can be seen that Zhang Linshu, the village head, said that the madness is infectious to a certain extent, and any injured person may become the next one to hurt others.

"Now start immediately, control all the injured people, try to tie them up firmly, and don't let them hurt people any more!" Ye Wuqian told everyone.

Later, all the injured were bundled together, including the village head Zhang Linshu.

Ye Wuqi just controlled these people and didn't deal with them, because he felt that although these people hurt people, their hearts still beat and they were still breathing, indicating that they did not die, but were infected with a strange virus, which may be saved.

But he was not proficient in antidote methods. He didn't even know how they were poisoned or what they were poisoned. How could he find the antidote?

So ye Wuqian was a little confused at this time, but when he saw the villagers who were looking forward to it, he could not tell the story that he did not know the poison. He could only sigh and scratch his ears to find a way out.

"You're right. They're really poisoned, but it's not hard to save them!" Also at this time, a voice sounded in his mind, let Ye Wuwei for a while.

This voice is the mysterious old man who lives in his mind. The strength of the old man is very important. Even the old madman may not be the opponent of the old man. He is a real great power. As long as he says that there is help, there must be help.

"Tell me what you can do Ye Wuwei is very urgent in the mind of the old man asked.

"Need a kind of seven star grass to be able to detoxify!" The old man did not feel embarrassed and gave the answer directly.

"What is the seven star grass! Where can I find it? " Ye Wuqi asked blankly.

"I feel the smell of seven star grass. It's nearby. If I don't feel wrong, I should be in the back mountain of this village. As long as I find this kind of seven star grass, they will be saved!" The old man replied to Ye Wuwei."Well, then we'll go back to the mountain!" Human life is crucial, ye Wuwei does not dare to delay for a moment, immediately said to the old man.

Then he rushed to the back of the village.

"Oh..." But on the way back to the mountain, ye Wuqian had just arrived at the entrance of the village when he heard a shrill cry.

At the beginning of hearing this strange cry, ye Wuqian thought it was a beast, but when he saw it clearly, the whole person was stunned because it was not a beast, but a cow!

How could a cow make such a cry?

Curious, he looked carefully. The cow was staring at him with fierce eyes. The cow's eyes were completely blood red, just like the villagers who had gone mad before.

The mad cow, wheezing and panting, quickly rushed to the leaf.

Ye Wumian can be sure that the cow was also poisoned and became ferocious.

Although Ye Wuqian, a villager, would not kill him, he would not be polite to him.

At the moment when the mad cow rushed to him, he also shook his fist and smashed it hard at the head of the cow.

"Boom..." With a loud noise, the mad cow was smashed into his head by Ye Wuqi Shengsheng, and fell to the ground slowly and died.

Ye Wuqi looks at his fist with satisfaction. This is the first battle in the true sense after he has learned the "four xiangjue". He did not expect that this "four Xiang Jue" will be so powerful.

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