"Don't be happy too soon. Do you think it's all over?" At this time, the old madman suddenly said to ye Wuwu.

"What? Isn't it over yet Ye Wuwei looks at the old madman in surprise and asks.

Ye Wuqi's surprise is that the old madman has arrived, and none of the villagers here are dead, all of us are alive, and the evil world in the cocoon has disappeared. Therefore, he should feel that everything is over, there will be no more danger, and he should also leave.

Seeing the old Madman's expression, he realized that things were not so simple. After all, he didn't get the prompt to complete the task, and he didn't get any reward, which showed that it was not over.

Thinking of this, ye Wuqian realized that this task must be more difficult than ever before. Even the old madman who assigned him the task appeared, and he had not finished the task. This shows that the task is so difficult that it has never been done before.

However, since he has come here and is ready to accept the task, he will certainly complete it.

Moreover, now that the old madman has appeared, he should have told himself what the mission is.

"Of course it's not over. To tell you the truth, the goal of your mission this time is to purify the bloody world you saw before!" The old madman said to Ye Wuwei.

And ye Wuque heard the old madman say so, the whole person was stunned.

Although the former bloody world does not appear now, ye Wuxiang feels that the world and how powerful it is. The evil power is not what he can fight against. Even if he is not injured, even if his strength is increased by 10 times, it is impossible to purify the bloody world. This is almost impossible Can complete the task, so now he has no confidence, almost despair.

"What? Are you scared? I tell you, if the bloody world is not purified, the dead will not only be in this village, but will be a catastrophe. Therefore, your mission this time is quite difficult. If you give up now, you can leave here! " The old madman said to Ye Wuwei.

"This I won't leave. There's never a task I can't accomplish Ye Wuqi said firmly.

Although he knows the difficulty of this task, and although he has no confidence at all, he knows that ye Wuqian can never have an unfinished task or shrink back. This is the heart of a strong man. If this task can not be completed, I am afraid that he will not get peace in his whole life. The so-called heart of the strong will break through and his cultivation will stop forever Stagnant, this is not what he would like to see, so he immediately made a positive answer to the old madman.

"Well, I like you, but as you have just seen, your strength is too weak to purify the world. Therefore, what you have to do now is to enhance your own strength. Only when your strength is strong enough to purify the world can you carry out this task. Otherwise, you will have just realized Yes, I will only help you this time. If you are not sure next time and encounter danger because of impulse, I will not appear again! " The old madman is very indifferent to the leaf said.

At the moment, ye Wuqian, the whole person was in a daze. He never thought that his task this time would be so difficult that he needed to improve his strength here.

He knows that his current strength is only achieved by the old Madman's skill. It is not so simple to further enhance his strength. Moreover, it is absolutely not easy to improve his strength. Maybe in ten years, one hundred years, and one thousand years, he may not have this strength. Can't he accomplish this task, he has to be trapped here all the time Is that right?

Now ye Wuxiang is very lost. He really wants to give up, but in fact, he knows that he can never give up any task. Although the task is very difficult, if he completes this task, the reward he will get is unimaginable.

"Well, I must purify the world! If I don't purify the world, I will never leave, and I will never give up this task! " Ye wubu clapped his chest and promised to say.

"Ha ha, it seems that you really understand. In this case, I will leave!" After saying this, the old madman turned and left.

After the old madman left, ye Wuqian reacted and disappeared irresponsibly.

You know, even if you want Ye Wuqian to improve his strength, you should give him a goal or a place to practice. But now he doesn't know anything. If he only improves his strength in this village, he may not have the strength to purify the bloody world in ten thousand years. Therefore, he is very depressed and wants to kill the old madman to relieve his hatred.

But the old madman has left. Even if he hates and scolds again, he will never come back.

Fortunately, the old madman has dealt with the matter here for the time being. He and the villagers are safe and there will be no danger.

"Let's leave with me. Go back to the village first, and then make plans." At this time, village head Zhang Linshu said to everyone.The villagers dragged their tired and injured bodies and followed the village head back, and ye Wuqian followed them back to the village.

After returning to the village, ye Wuqian searched the village carefully and investigated the surrounding areas. He found that there was no foundation for his cultivation.

You know, to cultivate this thing, you must have enough aura, and also have certain experience, for example, to deal with beasts, and to fight with opponents of the same level.

However, no matter whether it is a beast or an opponent of the same level, the village is not equipped with a radius of hundreds of miles.

Ye Wuqi is very depressed and doesn't even know what to do.

"In fact, I have a suggestion to improve our strength, but this proposal is really too dangerous. I don't know whether to say it or not." The village head saw the melancholy leaf without lack, on the tentative said to him.

"If there is any danger, tell me quickly. I'm not afraid of anything!" Ye Wuliang answered the village head positively.

In fact, after hearing the village head's words, ye Wuqian was extremely happy. As long as he could find a place to practice, all the dangers were worth it.

moreover, one way of cultivation is to fight with heaven for life. If you are afraid of danger, you can not practice.

"There is a Hengduan Mountain range more than a thousand miles southeast of this place. It is said that there are fierce beasts there." Zhang Linshu, the village head, said to ye Wuwu.

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