Yikefu, my father is a Chinese, but my mother is a real tsarist. There is also a Chinese named Deng Zhiwen. However, since his father disappeared at the age of seven, he followed his mother to his stepfather's house, and he no longer used this name!

When he was 12 years old, when he saw that his mother was insulted by his stepfather, he was very angry and killed his stepfather and son, and he killed his stepfather and his son, and his two brothers not only beat him but also his mother And cut their bodies into pieces and throw them into Volga!

His mother also died after that incident, and since then, ikov has embarked on another road from an honest and responsible man!

Over the years, he has become the largest smuggler near Mohe. If it had not been for the sudden arrival of moustache, it would have been under his control. However, in the face of a more powerful beard, what yikov could do was to surrender. However, even if he surrendered to moustache, it is now the most active violence in northern China Son!

At least Mohe generation, in his control, a lot of things that bearded inconvenient to do are also done by him!

If mustache is the emperor of Siberia, then ekov is the local emperor of this generation. No one has ever dared to directly say that he is looking for yikov!

Looking at the handsome man with endless domineering power in front of him, the four blondes quickly wrapped their bodies in their cloaks and looked at the two men in front of them with vigilance!

"Who are you?" One of the women who seemed to take the lead said, I don't know when, he actually had a small pistol in his hand, facing Ye Xiao's abdomen!

Other women also have this kind of small pistol, so they surround Ye Xiao and Bai Chou Fei!

Seeing these women who hide their pistols in their cloaks, a faint smile appears on the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth. Yi Kefu's men are really not simple. Even in such a small place, they can still hide a gun. When they stand in front of you naked, who will believe that they are armed?

"If you give this to yikov, you will say that your old friend is visiting." Ye Xiao didn't care about these people pointing at themselves with guns. Instead, he took out half a jade pendant from his arms and handed it to the woman who took the lead!

The woman who took the lead looked at Ye Xiao suspiciously. She took the jade pendant and turned to walk towards the tent. As for the other three girls, they still surrounded Ye Xiao and Bai Chou Fei, as if they were afraid that they might hurt others!

They don't know, no matter Ye Xiao or Bai Chou Fei, if they really want to hurt people, none of them can still stand!

At this time, in the huge tent, separate a room, the room decoration is very simple, but in the simple but revealed a luxury!

The ground is covered with thick fur, and there is a stove. The furnace is blazing with flames. I don't worry about lighting the fur around. The cold wind is howling outside, but it's warm in spring!

A naked man is lying in a pile of fur, and three beautiful blondes who are also wearing nothing are lying on his body to provide some special service for him. The man enjoys this feeling very much!

At this moment, the curtain of the small tent was lifted, and the blonde woman in the Cape came in!

"Loya, you're here. Come on, master ekoff needs you!" Seeing the woman come in, the man is not only not angry, but also has a rippling smile on his face!

"Uncle, there are two young boys outside looking for you. They asked me to give this to you!" Luo Ya knelt down in front of yikefu consciously, and first kisses the sole of ikov's foot, and then she presents the plate jade pendant with both hands!

Yikov was lazy at first. He had absolute power of life and death for the women he practiced by himself. In front of them, he was the emperor above all, and his will represented everything!

But when he saw the plate jade plate, it was "Shua!" A jump from the ground, directly kick Luo Ya to the ground!

"You whore, your guest is here, you know? You bitch, I hope you don't use the moves against those bastards on him He cursed in a low voice, grabbed his underpants and put them on his body. He grabbed a cloak and wrapped it in his body at will. He rushed out!

Being kicked by yikov, Luo Ya not only did not have a little anger, but also showed a look of horror. Not to mention her, even several other girls were also looking at the direction of ekov's departure in surprise. What's the matter? Even if it was the overlord of the north, big beard came in person, but he was not so respectful?

"Whoa, whoa, my dear ye, what brings you here? You bitches, you are my benefactor of Uncle ekov. What are you doing? Do you treat my benefactor like this? Go away As soon as he ran out of the tent and saw Ye Xiao surrounded by three blondes, Yi Kefu jumped on him like a wolf seeing a gorgeous beauty!It is a kick to one of the girls kick open, rushed to Ye Xiao's body, a toward Ye Xiao's hands to grab, that expression just call an excited!

"Hehe, ekov, I haven't seen you for years, but you're getting better and better!" Ye Xiao laughs, but avoids Yi Kefu's hands and pushes Bai Chou Fei up!

"This is my brother, Bai choufei!"

"Bai Chou Fei? The grandson of the white broken heart Yikov is stunned, and grabs the palm of Bai choufei's hands and starts to tremble constantly!

"Do you know me?" A little bit worried about being caught by Lennon!

"Ha ha ha ha, in the whole three provinces of Northeast China, who doesn't know the name of Bai's third youth? I didn't expect that I, Yi Kefu, had witnessed Bai San Shao's elegant demeanour. Young master Bai, ye, please, please come inside, you bitches, don't you hurry up to meet the guests!" Yi Kefu laughs, so he helps Bai choufei to go inside, while ye Xiao on one side just smiles and walks in behind him!

The other three blondes were equally shocked. When had ekov been so enthusiastic about people? One by one, they quickly followed up, pulled up the curtain of the big tent, and hung up the sign of stopping business today!

When Yi Kefu, who was enthusiastic, went ahead to arrange the arrangement, Bai choufei got close to Ye Xiao and asked, "why do I feel a strange smell on my hand?"

"Ha ha, is it the kind with a little fishy smell?" Ye Xiao's face showed a malicious smile!

"Well!" Bai choufei definitely nodded. It's really the taste!

"Don't you think you're familiar with it?" The smile on Ye Xiao's face is more and more weird!

White worry fly a Leng, familiar? The taste is quite familiar, but where is it?

"I forgot to tell you, ikov is a lecher. If I expect it well, he must have been engaged in some primitive human activity before he came here, and he didn't usually wash his hands." Ye Xiao smiles more brightly, but Bai Chou Fei's face suddenly changes when he hears this sentence

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