Although Zhu ruosi said it was ok, ye Wuqi could see that she had suffered severe internal injury. Even if her life was not in danger, it would take some time to recover.

Fortunately, people are still alive. As long as people are alive, there is hope that they can be cured. Therefore, ye Wuqian wants to take her back to the cave to cultivate and strive for her to get better as soon as possible.

"Let's go! Let's find a safe place to cultivate ourselves! " Ye Wuqian said to Zhu ruosi.

Zhu ruosi nodded weakly. She could feel that ye Wuque was a reliable person, so she had no heart to guard against it.

With the help of Ye Wumian, they came to the cave where ye Wuque lived.

Ye Wumian specially sought this cave. After all, he had to experience here for a period of time, but he could not leave a foothold. He chose this cave for a long time, and there was a mysterious old man's guidance. There was no senior Warcraft around, so it was relatively safe.

After Zhu ruosi was sent to the cave, ye Wuqian left Zhu ruosi alone in the cave, and he returned to the fighting place. After all, there was a leopard's body here, and the core had not been dug out. It was a rare good thing to see, which could enhance his strength.

He believed that if he had absorbed the energy in the core before the mercenaries appeared, perhaps zhurosi would not have been hurt.

But in fact, just as he killed the leopard, the mercenaries appeared, and they didn't give him the chance to absorb them. Even his physical strength was not recovered. If Zhu ruosi had not sacrificed his life to save him, he might have died in the hands of the mercenaries.

When ye Wuqian goes to dig the kernel of Warcraft, Zhu ruosi's heart becomes more and more grateful. She feels that ye Wuqian is a very intimate man.

After all, the kernel of Warcraft is too important for anyone, but he didn't dig it out before. Instead, he sent himself to the cave and settled down before digging the kernel.

In fact, she was able to live because of her excellent medical skills. Otherwise, ordinary people would not survive if they were attacked by the leader of the mercenary.

She has a lot of healing medicine on her body, but in fact, her wound is fatal. Such a serious injury is not a magic pill, and it has no effect at all. Even if she is a doctor with superb medical skills, she can do nothing.

After digging out the kernel of Warcraft, ye Wuqi was worried about the accident of zhuruosi in the cave, so he rushed back.

He believed that as long as it was not attacked by wild animals, zhuruosi would not be in danger. After all, he had learned zhuruosi's medicine, which was very serious. That wound should not be a big deal to her.

But he didn't expect that when he returned to the cave, zhurosi had completely fainted, and his whole body was shaking, which seemed to be very cold.

He did not expect that Zhu ruosi's injury would be so serious.

Ye Wuqi is very anxious at the moment, but even if he is anxious, there is no way to do it. After all, he is not a doctor and has no medicine. So he has no way to cure.

"Cold I'm so cold... " Zhu ruosi was in a coma and was shivering all over his body. He looked as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

Ye Wuwu has no choice but to cuddle Zhu ruosi in his arms and warm her with his body temperature.

Although there is no lack of leaves embrace, but he can clearly feel Zhu ruosi's delicate body shaking, she is still chilly.

Ye Wuwu is sweating, but there is no way. All he can do is wait. Only when Zhu ruosi wakes up, can he prepare drugs.

Although Zhu ruosi is still in a coma, she can clearly feel that the original cold feeling is gradually weakened, and seems to be wrapped in a mass of heating, and gradually feel better.

Two or three hours later, zhuruosi's temperature returned to normal and he fell asleep.

Ye Wuxu felt her normal temperature, and her nervous mood gradually relaxed. It was certain that she had passed the dangerous period and should not be in danger again.

And ye Wuque himself also fought many times, too tired, since he fell asleep beside Zhu ruosi.

The next morning, when Zhu ruosi woke up, he found that he was being held in his arms.

At this time, she finally understood that the reason why she felt warm last night was ye Wuhuo's question.

At this time, she did not feel a bit embarrassed, just feel warm in the heart.

At this time, ye Wuque also woke up and saw that he and Zhu ruosi were sleeping so close that he immediately became red.

"Last night Last night you... " Ye Wuxiang stammered a little and said to Zhu ruosi. He didn't even know how to explain it.

Thank you last night To the surprise of Ye Wuqi, Zhu ruosi is extremely calm at the moment, without a trace of waves in her tone. She feels like a very ordinary thing.

Since a girl can be open-minded, he is a man, there is nothing he can't look at.

"How about it? Are you feeling better? " Ye Wuwei asked Zhu ruosi."Much better, thank you. If it wasn't for you last night, I couldn't have gotten better so soon!" Zhu ruosi said quietly and gratefully.

"This This is what I should do. It's not you who help me resolve the crisis at the critical moment. I'm afraid I'm dead now! " Ye Wuqi smiles awkwardly and sincerely says to Zhu ruosi.

"Of course, I can't watch them stab people with back stabs. What's more, I want to be free. That's what I should do!" Zhu ruosi still looks at Ye Wuqian gratefully, making Ye Wuqian feel more and more ashamed.

"Now that I've got my freedom, some things have to be solved. I'm going to leave for a while." Zhu ruosi suddenly said to ye Wuwu.

When ye Wuqian heard that zhuruosi was about to leave, he felt a little reluctant. At the same time, he was also worried about his injury.

He could feel that zhuruosi's injury was fatal, but it was not good at all. Moreover, this is Hengduan Mountain, where there are Warcraft everywhere. There will be fatal danger at any time. He doesn't want Zhu ruosi to die here.

"No, you can't leave. It's death. Let alone whether you can walk out of the Hengduan Mountains. Even if you do, there are mercenaries in the town." Ye Wuqian said to Zhu ruosi.

"It's my own business. I have to deal with it myself. Don't worry! Since I am going to leave alone, I will not die! " Zhu ruosi insisted.

From her eyes, ye Wuqian saw the color of determination, and he knew that it was almost impossible to persuade her, so he did not persuade again.

Since she is determined to leave, can not persuade also not to persuade, it is better to follow far away, but when she is in danger, it is also good to rescue!

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