They did not know that ye Wuqian did not escape immediately, but concealed himself in secret. Since one can succeed in sneaking attack, he believes that he can succeed in sneaking attack again.

As long as the opponent and his own strength of the same master are killed, only a strong opponent, even if some risk, he also dare to fight with the other side, to say the least, even if it is not the opponent of the other side, he also has the possibility of escaping.

So now he's ready for another sneak attack.

Now, those mercenaries are not aware of the danger. They are still searching for the trace of this leaf in the dense forest, but they are totally unaware that they have been taken as prey and locked by Ye Wuque one by one.

"Ah..." All of a sudden, another master encountered Ye Wuqi's sneak attack and was killed by a blow and fell into a pool of blood.

This time, the mercenaries almost did not see the shadow of Ye Wumian, and one of them was killed.

At this time, almost all the mercenaries were aware of the danger. They thought it was incredible. The attacker was as terrible as a ghost. They didn't even see the shadow, and the man was dead.

What's more, the one who died was an expert. Among these mercenaries, he was more powerful.

They can be sure that no one here can escape such an attack except for their leaders. Almost everyone is likely to be attacked by stealth at any time, and they will face the threat of death at any time.

They were all nervous, aware of the danger, and even trembled.

As mercenaries, they live a life of licking blood with the tip of a knife. They are not afraid of death.

But in fact, such a death makes them fear in the bottom of their hearts. They have a chance to live. But when they are watched by ghost like opponents, they don't know when they will attack or from what direction they will appear. They have no chance to survive, so all of them are shaking and looking Abnormal panic, even legs began to shiver, some stand unsteadily.

"What are you doing? Is that what scares you? Everyone cheer me up. Although the other party is terrible, you can see that he is not fighting with us, but attacking us in such a despicable way as sneak attack. Therefore, his strength is not as terrible as we think, but just a little faster. As long as we are not afraid and always vigilant, he will not attack us It's your chance! " The mercenary leader saw that his men were flustered and immediately said to everyone.

Although he said so, in fact, everyone was afraid. After all, death was real, and the blood of the two bodies had not solidified.

"Ah..." All of a sudden, another mercenary died under Ye Wuque's sneak attack. Almost all the mercenaries had fried the pot, and they were aware of Ye Wuque's terror.

All of them were on guard just now, but they didn't expect to be attacked successfully by Ye Wuque. What's more, they still didn't find the shadow of Ye Wuque. They felt as if they had been killed by a ghost.

"Damn it, I'm going to kill you!" At this time, the mercenary leader finally realized that the other side was taking them as prey and was sniping them.

At this time, he had never encountered the situation, and now there are three masters died in the hands of each other, and he can be sure that the person who attacked them must not have left, is still hiding, and may launch another attack at any time.

His mercenaries, one by one, were flustered, trembling and afraid.

But after all, he is the leader, self-supporting strength, he certainly will not be as afraid as ordinary mercenary.

After all, he was an experienced master and soon came up with countermeasures.

"Four in a group, back to back defense!" He ordered his men.

After receiving his order, almost all of them did as he said, four people in a group, defending back to back. In this way, no matter what direction Ye Wuxiang launched an attack on them, they would have a certain defense opportunity.

Unexpectedly, their current defense methods are very effective. Ye Wuxiang is very depressed in the dark.

Now, he's not going to be found out in any personal way.

Of course, his speed has a certain advantage. Even if they adopt effective defense methods, they can certainly succeed in dealing with those who are weaker than him.

However, sneaking attack on an opponent who is weaker than him is of no use at all. On the contrary, it will expose his own trace, which is very unfavorable for him, so he will never sneak attack such an opponent.

He knows that if he goes on like this, he can't succeed in the sneak attack, but ye Wuqian is not a person willing to give up. Since he has decided to fight against each other, he must kill them all here.

Soon, he found an opportunity, because all the mercenaries were in a group of four, and only the leader was alone. Although his strength was stronger, ye Wuqian wanted to attack secretly. As long as he chose the right opportunity, he might kill the other party. Even if he could not, he would at least hurt the other party. As long as the other party was injured, his strength would certainly be At a discount, he will have a chance to kill all the mercenaries.Thinking of this, he approached the leader of the mercenary secretly, waiting for the opportunity.

As time went by, everyone thought that ye Wuwei would not have a chance to sneak in and leave, so everyone relaxed their vigilance.

Here comes the chance!

Ye Wuqi immediately flew out to attack the mercenary leader.

"Boom..." With a loud noise, ye Wuque's fist hit the mercenary leader's back heart.

To his dismay, the mercenary leader was not killed by him. He just staggered a few steps, and then began to fight back and rushed to ye Wuque.

Ye Wuqi also realized at the moment that this mercenary leader is not simple, his strength is quite strong.

Now that he has realized the strength of the other party, he will never fight with the other party. Besides him, there are other mercenaries. Once surrounded, he may die here.

So he ran away in the first place.

"Chase me!" Said the chief of the mercenary.

Then all the mercenaries went after ye Wuqian.

However, their speed is far from being comparable with that of Ye Wumian, and they are far less familiar with the terrain here, so they are soon left behind by Ye Wumian.

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