Mercenaries perform all kinds of dangerous tasks, so their chances of injury are great. For them, the doctor is the one who can't offend them. Almost every doctor is worthy of respect in their eyes, so he is very polite to Zhu ruosi.

"I'm with him, you can't hurt him!" Zhu ruosi said firmly to the mercenary.

"It's impossible that he hit me. No one dares to beat me since I was young. So he must pay the price of his life for this. But I will never hurt you. You can leave. There is no business for you. If you feel that you are in danger here alone, you can leave with us. We will protect your safety." Said the mercenary to Zhu ruosi.

However, Zhu ruosi hesitated because she knew that no matter what the purpose of these mercenaries was, they would not be harmful to her, but ye Wuqian's life would not be preserved.

"You go, it's a personal grudge between him and me. It has nothing to do with you! Get out of here at once Ye Wuqi also said to Zhu ruosi at this time.

"I I will never leave! " Zhu ruosi almost cried and said to Ye Wuwei.

"Listen to me and go!" Ye Wumian knows that even if Zhu ruosi stays, it will not help. No one can save him. Even if she insists, it is likely to anger the other party and make the other party kill her. In this way, the gain is not worth the loss, and there is no need to pay homage to a human life.

Zhu ruosi looks at Ye Wuqian with tears, but ye Wuqian's determination makes her unable to make a choice. She leaves crying.

Looking at the back of her leaving, ye Wuqian is still a little disappointed. After all, they are sharing weal and woe. Even if Zhu ruosi insists, he still leaves.

However, now that he is a dying man, there is nothing to tangle with. When a man dies, he knows nothing.

"I'll give you a chance to live. As long as you make a confession to me and get through my crotch, I can give you a way to live, but surely you won't leave your hands and feet. You can be a waste man from now on!" The mercenary said sarcastically to Ye Wuqian.

"I won't admit that I'm wrong. If you want to kill me, don't talk so much nonsense!" He said in a brusque response.

His words infuriated the mercenary. He never thought that ye Wuque would scold him at this time and didn't take him seriously. This is what he absolutely can't tolerate. Therefore, he didn't want ye Wuque to survive and decided to kill him. Only in this way can he relieve his hatred.

"I gave you a chance, but you don't know how to cherish it. Don't blame me for being rude. Today is your death date!" He said that he was going to start on leaf.

But now the leaf has no strength to fight back, he has to close his eyes and wait for death.

"Wait!" At this time, zhuruosi came back and called to the mercenary.

"Do you have to get involved in it?" The mercenary could revenge immediately, but he was stopped, so he was also a little angry. He must kill ye Wumian, and he also made a decision. If Zhu ruosi must stop her, Jiujiu will kill her together. Anyway, all the mercenaries here are his people! Even if he killed Zhu ruosi, no one would say it!

But if the bamboo leaves are absent, they just say nothing.

Then she even cut her wrist and let the blood flow into the mouth of Ye Wuwei.

Ye Wuqian knows that her blood has a strong recovery effect. The last time she drank her blood, ye Wuqian would exert her super strength. Zhu ruosi did not give up on him, but came to save him.

Ye Wumian knows that bleeding may do harm to Zhu ruosi, but he does not hesitate to drink the blood into his stomach. Only in this way can they have a chance of life.

After drinking Zhu ruosi's blood, ye Wuqian felt that his injury was even a little painful. Moreover, he could clearly feel that his body suddenly had the surging energy, and even was out of his control. He felt that his chest was heating, like a fire.


Ye Wuqi suddenly stood up and stared at those mercenaries who surrounded him with blood red eyes. The eyes were like wounded beasts, which made everyone subconsciously step back. Even those experts also felt that what they were facing was a wild animal.

"You You are helping him, you are looking for death After feeling the change of Ye Wuque, the mercenary also knew that it was all because of Zhu ruosi's help, so he glared at Zhu ruosi and said fiercely.

"It's not him, it's you who are looking for death!" Ye Wuque responded coldly.

At the moment, all the people are in danger of Ye Wuque, but they know that ye Wuqian's strength is not their opponent at all. Therefore, at the moment, they are not retreating, but approaching ye Wuque.

"Kill, kill them!" Cried the mercenary to his men.

As a result, all mercenaries began to attack ye Wuque.But they never thought that the present ye Wuque is not just ye Wumian. Now ye Wuqi is not only at a very high speed, but also has a substantial increase in strength. Compared with just now, ye Wuque is not a person at all.


Ye Wuwei shouts at the top of his voice and rushes to the mercenaries.

Now ye Wuqian is like a tiger. Almost all the mercenaries he chased are dead in his hands.

In less than a quarter of an hour, he killed almost half of the mercenaries.

At the moment, they are too scared to think that all of them are too scared to be promoted.

What makes them even more afraid is that ye Wuqi, like a wild animal, even uses his hand to tear and bite with his teeth. There is no human characteristic at all.

This vicious way of attack is something they have never seen. In their eyes, ye Wuqian is already a devil, not a person.

Half of the people died in Ye Wuqian's hands, including several masters, which made everyone lose their consciousness of fighting. They felt that ye Wuque was invincible. If they fought again, all of them would be torn up by Ye Wuqi.

"Run Run for your life, he is a beast Someone yelled in fear.

Then, almost all of them ran for their lives, but their speed was far from being able to compare with Ye Wuqi. On the contrary, they wanted to run for their lives, which led to panic and even forgot their defense.

Ye Wumian killed them, just like killing mole ants.

Only a quarter of an hour, almost all the mercenaries died in the hands of Ye Wuque, leaving only the mercenary who was beaten by Ye Wuque before and was still stupidly alive.

He did not expect Ye Wuqian to be so cruel that he could kill all his men.

You know, just ye Wuque is still half dead. How can you have such a strong fighting capacity in a blink of an eye? This is too evil.

Now, he has no hatred for ye Wuque, because he has seen ye Wuque's ferocity, and he also knows that ye Wuque is a person he can't provoke. He regrets and wishes to slap himself in the face.

But things have happened, and now it is too late to regret. All he wants is to live. Even if the other party puts forward any conditions, he will certainly agree.

"I You let me go, OK? You put forward any conditions, I will certainly agree, I am a person of status, let me go, you will get unexpected benefits, I will never fight against you again, I beg you The mercenary was really afraid. He didn't care about anything. He knelt on the ground and buckled ye Wuwu.

But ye Wuque, without expression, came to him and looked down at him.

"Just like you said, you must die today. No one can save you. In addition, I must tell you that your so-called identity is great to others, but to me, it's just shit!" Ye Wuque said to him in a gloomy tone.

After hearing this, the mercenary realized that there was absolutely no possibility of his life today, so he was already in despair.

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