To be sure, these two boxes are definitely not Warcraft's. after all, Warcraft will never make boxes, but someone put them here.

But why did someone put these two boxes here, and what was in them?

Ye Wuque became more and more curious. He felt vaguely that the box hidden in the powerful Warcraft cave must be very unusual. Maybe there are some wonderful treasures in it!

Thinking of this, he can't wait to open the box and see what's inside.

But when he was ready to open the box, he was depressed that the box had a lock, and it was a very complicated one, which could not be opened at all.

Ye Wumian is very depressed. He finally finds two boxes. He thought there must be some precious things in them. But he can't open them. He wants to break them.

"No, you don't want to think about it. It's a special lock. As long as you break the box, the contents will be destroyed." At the same time, ye Wuqian is ready to start, and the voice of the mysterious old man rings out in his mind.

"What, do you know what to do with this box?" Ye Wuqi asked excitedly.

"Of course, I can open one of the boxes. It's just a simple mechanical lock, and there won't be any good things in it. The other box, great, contains strong energy fluctuations, but it's guarded by an energy lock. With your current strength, you can't open it at all. Originally, I can open it, but now I can There is no body, so only one of the boxes can be opened! " The mysterious old man replied to Ye Wuqian.

"Well, it's good to open one box. It's no waste to come here. Since the other box can't be opened now, we'll take it. Sooner or later, I'll have the strength to open it!" Ye Wuwei said confidently to the mysterious old man.

With the help of the mysterious old man, ye Wuqian opens one of the boxes.

When the box was opened, ye Wuqian was stunned because there was a pair of boots in the box.

This pair of boots looks very unusual, golden, and there are many runes on them. I don't know what to do.

But as soon as he saw the boots, ye Wuqi knew that the boots must not be ordinary products, maybe a magic weapon, and he became more and more excited.

"The boots are OK, not as bad as I thought they were!" The mysterious old man said to Ye Wuxiang.

"Tell me, what's the use of that?" Ye asked the mysterious old man.

"You need to try it yourself. Put it on your feet and pour energy into your boots." The mysterious old man said to Ye Wuxiang.

Ye Wuli is about to put on his boots, and then immediately pour energy into them.

At the moment when the energy was infused, something that made Ye Wuqi happy happened, because he even rose out of thin air, like flying.

After feeling such a situation, ye Wuqian was more and more excited. He didn't expect that the boots would have such magical ability that they could make people fly.

With this pair of boots, he can escape with the help of boots even if he encounters a strong opponent in the future. This is a magic weapon to protect his life. He definitely made money this time.

"Don't be too happy too early. You can feel the energy in your body and see how much is left." The mysterious old man poured a basin of cold water down, so that ye Wuxiang gradually calmed down.

He carefully sensed a time, just a few minutes, he had the energy was consumed 7788, and then, the body uncontrolled fell down.

It seems that this boot is not omnipotent, and it is not as good as expected. Although it can give him the ability to fly for a short time, it consumes a lot of energy and can only support a few minutes.

However, ye Wumian turned to think about it. Only a few minutes' time can be regarded as flying. In a time of crisis, he can save his life in just a few minutes. Therefore, in any case, this is a rare magic weapon, which he needs now.

"Good thing, this is a good thing!" Ye Wuque said excitedly.

"Hum, I haven't seen the world. Such a rubbish thing is still a treasure!" The mysterious old man said to Ye Wuxiang in a disdainful tone.

However, ye Wuqian didn't care. The mysterious old man's strength was so strong that he naturally had a high vision. He would not pay attention to this kind of low-level magic weapon, but he was different. He was just a little martial arts master. For him, such things were just unimaginable. He believed that the boots were put in his hands, even if they were in his hands In front of the hostile forces of the two mercenary regiments, they will certainly break their heads and grab them.

However, he did not say this, otherwise he would be despised by the mysterious old man.

The mysterious old man didn't look up to the boots. He said it was rubbish. On the contrary, the mysterious old man attached great importance to the things in the other box. He could be sure that the things in the other box must be extraordinary. Maybe there will be more powerful treasures. So ye Wuxiang looked forward to it more and more.But even if he looks forward to it, he can't open the box with his current strength. Only when his strength is greatly improved can he have certain hope.

However, the thing that the mysterious old man looks at must be very unusual. Even if he gets it now, he may not have the strength to protect it. Instead, it is put in the box, which is safer.

At the same time, Zhu ruosi absorbed the energy from the snake egg.

Ye Wuqi can clearly feel that Zhu ruosi's strength has been greatly improved, and now it is equivalent to his own strength.

He never thought that there would be so much energy in a small snake egg.

Now that he has improved his strength, and Zhu ruosi's strength has been greatly improved, in this way, their combat effectiveness will be stronger, they can kill stronger Warcraft, and their strength will certainly be improved faster, so ye Wuxiang has some expectations.

"Let's go inside again. I think it's not just these things in it!" At this time, Zhu ruosi said to ye Wuwu.

Then they went to the inside of the snake hole. The more they went inside, the more they felt the hole narrowed.

Soon, they found that the temperature in the cave had dropped a little.

This strange discovery made Ye Wuxu nervous. He looked around to find out the reason for the temperature change.

Soon, a surprising discovery caught their attention. There were many black stones on the ground. When touched by hands, they felt very cool and felt like ice.

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