At the moment, Zhou he finally reflected that he had been defeated.

It was a humiliation he had never experienced before, and it almost drove him crazy.

After all, he is the captain of the escort team. He has been praised by others before. He has never experienced the humiliation of being beaten up. So now, he will not think rationally.

"Kill! Kill them with me. Don't let them go. I want revenge He yelled at his men at the top of his voice.

But he didn't realize that his men were no match for the mountain bandits. They had already been scared by the mountain bandits. His strength is the strongest here. Even he has been beaten up by others, let alone others.

Those subordinates were all stunned. They knew that even if all of them were on, they were definitely not their opponents.

But after all, they eat this bowl of rice. If they don't act, don't listen to the captain's order and lose the goods, they will not have a good life. Even if the people of the exchange can let them go, the narrow-minded captain will not let them go. So at the moment, they have no other choice but to go up.

"Wait, it's important to watch the goods!" Ye Wuqian reminded them at this time.

But they all know that ye Wuqian is just a useless waste man. They don't know ye Wuqian is an expert at the level of martial arts master, so none of them is listening to Ye Wuqian and is still rushing forward.

And ye Wuxiang is helpless. Since he has been fighting, he can't stay, so he also rushes up at the moment.

What ye Wuwei didn't think of was that the strength of the guard team was not so good, and it was obviously better than the mountain bandits.

But the mountain bandits were scattered by the guards. They even said that they didn't fight them at all. They all ran to the distance like crazy.

Ye Wuxiang felt that something was wrong. He thought that there must be a conspiracy among the mountain bandits, so he called out again to stop the guards and stop pursuing them.

But now no one is listening to them. They all think that only the mountain bandits who duel with Zhou he have some skills. The others are all mobs. This is a good opportunity to make contributions.

But they never thought that, just when they went after the mountain bandits, another group of mountain bandits hidden in the dark appeared, and they took all the goods away with no effort.

It was a trick to pull the tiger away from the mountain, and everyone was taken in.

Naturally, it goes without saying that these guards did not catch any mountain bandits at all. When they came back, they were all stupid. The goods they protected were not left, and they were taken away by the mountain bandits.

Ye Wuqi had expected such a result, so he just sighed in a low voice and didn't say anything.

And those guards were all sad because they knew that the goods were more precious than any of the ones they had transported before. If they lost the goods, they would have lost their lives.

In fact, Zhou he is the most regretful person now. He regrets not listening to ye Wumian. If he doesn't let everyone chase those mountain bandits together, such a thing will not happen. Even if they are not strong enough to protect the goods, they can kill at least one or two mountain bandits. In this way, they will have an account after they go back.

But now none of the mountain bandits have been caught, and their goods have disappeared. Such a result is unacceptable to him. When he returns to the exchange, he can't even be suspected. All the goods were stolen by him, so he regrets it at the moment.

He knew that such a fault was not something that a small captain of the guard could bear, so he had to find a way to shirk the responsibility, and only in this way could he save his life.

Thinking of this, he turned his eyes to Ye Wuqian. He knew that ye Wuqian had a good relationship with Wang Ken. Maybe he shifted the responsibility to him, and everything had nothing to do with him.

"Brothers, don't panic, I have a way!" At this time, Zhou he said to everyone.

"Captain, do you have any good idea? Tell us quickly, we all listen to you!" The guards asked Zhou He.

"Well, in that case, I'll tell you, but since we all listen to me, if we want to save our lives, we must have the same caliber. In this way, we all say that the savage colluded with the outsider and robbed our goods, and all the responsibility is shifted to him alone, so that we will not be in danger." He whispered to everyone.

However, he did not know that his so-called low voice could not escape ye Wuque's ears. After all, ye Wuqian was a martial arts master at the level of Da Yuanman. He could hear what he said clearly.

Ye Wumian's only good feeling for Zhou he was gone. At this time, he was extremely disappointed. He did not expect that there would be such a shameless person in the world. It was clearly his own responsibility, but he had to shift it to others. Such a person is a shameless little man, and he is not willing to keep company with such a person.

According to ye Wuque's previous character, he will never let go of the person who framed him like this, and he will surely be killed.However, ye Wumian would not attack Wang Ken for his face. Moreover, after killing him, he had no way to explain to Wang Ken, and even could not explain clearly. Therefore, he could only leave now and not be associated with these people.

"Captain, isn't it a little bad for us to do this? That person and we have no grievances, for no reason to help us carry the black pot, do not do a good life can not be saved One of the guards said to Zhou He.

"His life can't be saved, but our brother's life can be saved. Do you want to die by yourself or let him die? Besides, the relationship between him and elder Wang Ken is extraordinary. Even if all the responsibility is on him alone, he may not die. But if we lose the goods, we will certainly not live! " Zhou he said to his men.

After hearing what he said, his men lost all their sympathy. After all, it was better for others to die than for themselves. Who would want to die?

All of this was heard by Ye Wuque. He didn't expect that it would be such a result. There was no one who insisted on opposing, so he had already despaired of these guards.

If these people do not make such a choice, ye Wuqian has the strength to take back the goods, and everyone is not willing to bear such responsibility. However, they have made such a choice, and ye Wuqian will not have to help them.

Ye Wumian knows that even if the goods are lost, Wang Ken will not do anything to him. After all, he still has a lot of stones, and only one piece makes Wang Ken love him. Therefore, there will be no loss for him, and he does not want to tangle in this matter.

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