Of course, ye Wuqian didn't accept it. After all, it was a good thing he promised before. He was not a man who started the price, especially for his friends. He was a generous man.

Because of this, Wang Ken is more fond of him.

However, when he heard that the leader of the guard was Ye Wuqian, he immediately became angry. Instead of being angry with ye Wuwu, he was angry with the abandoned captain of the guard. He never thought that he had raised a white eyed wolf, and his strength was not good. He even wanted to take goods by himself. This time, if ye Wuwu was not there, even if there were no mountain bandits, his goods would be stolen It may not be able to protect it. Therefore, such a person can never be used again. What's more, the captain of the guard has been abandoned by Ye Wuqi and has no value.

"Get out of here, get out of here, I don't want to come to you again!" Wang Ken scolded Zhou He nu.

"Elder Wang, I beg you. For the sake of having been saddled for the exchange for so many years, don't drive me to leave. I'm a disabled man now. If I leave the exchange, I'll starve to death. I beg you!" Zhou he tried to beg for mercy from Wang Ken, but Wang Ken didn't nod.

After all, he can't decide this matter alone. He can forgive him for offending himself and the stock exchange. The only unforgivable thing is that he wants to harm Ye Wuqian. He must give ye Wuqian an account of this matter. If he keeps this person, he will not be able to explain it to him, so he can't stay.

What's more, he did such a thing. If he didn't kill him, it would be cheap for him. So Wang Keng thought there was no place for him to apologize to Zhou He.

After Zhou he was expelled, Wang Ken did not deal with the rest of the escort team. After all, the exchange still needs people. Otherwise, after ye Wumian left here, there would be no one in his exchange, and there would be no way to do business.

Although he no longer pursues this matter, but these self-defense forces people also know that they have done something too much, so they will not have any more ideas. They all feel that it is luck that they can stay this time, and that Wang Ken is kind.

"Brother ye, what you want is ready. Someone will deliver it tomorrow, but it needs to be a little later. You can attend the auction tomorrow. There are many good things at the auction. Maybe you need something!" Wang Ken said to Ye Wuwei.

"Well, I'll come tomorrow. I have something to deal with tonight. I'll see you tomorrow." Ye Wuwei said to Wang Ken.

After leaving the exchange, ye Wuqian went directly into the mountains. He had been away for several days. He was worried that Zhu ruosi would have an accident. After all, people from the two major mercenaries were looking for them all the time. What's more, even if the two mercenaries could not find Zhu Ruoxi, the snake she raised was a problem. When he left, the snake was in a state It's not normal. He is worried that he will be irritable and hurt Zhu ruosi, so he must rush back as soon as possible.

Ye Wumian's speed is faster than before, and with the help of boots, he only took an hour to get to the cave where they lived before.

When he came here, he found that there was no sign of fighting around. Maybe there were redundant footprints. No one from the mercenary regiment had ever been here. He gradually felt relieved.

But when he entered the cave, he found that Zhu ruosi was frowning, as if something bad had happened.

"What's the matter? Is there any trouble?" Ye Wuwei asked Zhu ruosi.

"There's something wrong with the little snake!" Zhurousi replied to him.

"What's the matter? Is it attacking you again Ye asked her.

"It's not that it attacked me, but it's getting more and more depressed. It seems that it's suffering from a serious illness. Even my blood doesn't eat. Look, it's already fainting now!" Zhu ruosi said, he took the snake out and gave it to Ye Wuwei to watch.

Ye Wuqi found that, as expected, as Zhu ruosi said, the little snake looked extremely dispirited. Now it looks like a rope, and it feels like it is dead.

Such a situation has not been encountered by Ye Wuwei. He has no experience at all. He has no idea what to do.

He didn't want to let Zhu ruosi raise snakes, but he did. As a result, he was in trouble. Not only did he have to eat human blood, but now there are problems.

He even wanted to throw away the snake, but he didn't say it after all.

"It seems that there is a gap between this little snake and what I expected. I thought it could absorb the blood of the black backed Tiger now, but I didn't expect that it was just born after all. It absorbed such overbearing blood, and there was something wrong with it!" At the same time, the voice of the mysterious old man appeared in his mind.

"What? Do you know what happened to the snake? Is there any help? " He asked the mysterious old man.

"Of course I know. It can't digest the blood of the black backed tiger, so it's in a dormant state and won't die!" He said to Ye Wuwei.

"How do you wake up?" Ye asked nervously."We need the beast pill to help him absorb. If we can find the beast pill, we can not only help it absorb the energy in the blood of the black backed tiger, but also improve its level and do more with one stone!" The old man replied to him.

But after hearing the old man say so, ye Wuqian is a little embarrassed, because he has heard about the ten thousand beast pill for the first time, and he has no idea where to look for it.

He still didn't give up the idea of abandoning the snake, but as soon as he saw Zhu ruosi's sad appearance, he decided that he must find the beast pill.

"It's OK. The snake just absorbs too much energy. It's going to be OK. I'll find a ten thousand beast pill. I'm sure it will get better." Ye Wuqian said to Zhu ruosi.

"Is that true?" After hearing ye Wuque say this, she didn't realize the value of the beast pill at all. She thought it was a pill available everywhere, so she asked ye Wuque with expectation.

"Of course it's true. You wait for me here. Be careful before I come back!" Ye Wuqian said to Zhu ruosi.

"Well, I'll wait for you. Be careful yourself!" She nodded at Ye Wuwei.

In order to catch up with the auction the next day, ye left.

This time, he did not return to the exchange at the fastest speed. After returning to the town, he secretly observed the two large mercenary regiments. He found that the two mercenaries were still very nervous. Therefore, he knew that they would not go out again in the near future, and the little snake was also dormant. Zhuruosi should not be in danger, so he was more and more relieved.

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