Beard knew all this, but regretted it. After all, the things auctioned down could not be sent back. If he had not known that ye Wuxiang was not an auctioneer, he even suspected that he had hit the track of the auction house.

He was so furious that he smashed almost all the furniture.

But the attendant next to him didn't know why he was angry.

"You have already bought something? What's more, the savage boy has been suppressed by you and can't lift his head. Is there anything wrong with him? " Asked the attendant.

"If I don't see you, I'm not going to bring you two goods." Mustache scolded the retinue under his opponent.

The reaction of his subordinates is that they are too slow. He can't think of it. Obviously, he has achieved his wish, but why can't he be brilliant at all?

He also wanted to ask, but was angry beard ruthlessly white one eye, can only be very aggrieved to leave.

This is a disgrace that can't be washed away for a lifetime. After all, he has been spoiled since he was a child, and no one dares to tease him.

The money he spent was nothing to him. He couldn't accept being played like a monkey.

But everything has become a fact, even if he can't accept it, but after all, the auction is over, and the savage boy doesn't know where to go. He can't find anyone to revenge, so he is depressed at the moment, but there is no way.

However, he did not know that ye Wuque did not leave, but was looking for his trace. When his followers were angry, ye Wuque had already found them and saw all this in his eyes.

Ye Wumian's heart is secretly proud, he knows that the beard has understood that he is being teased, is in a rage, which is exactly what he wants to see.

When people are angry, they will not notice too much. It is impossible to think that the people who teased him at the auction will always follow him and want to hit his attention.

Therefore, ye Wuwei felt that even if he could not hide himself, the other party would not find him.

Of course, the beast pill is too important for him, so he must be careful, and never let mustache know that he is playing the idea of beast pill!

Ye Wuqi has never left since he found the trace of moustache, and has been staring at them in the dark.

He found that the bearded man and his entourage were arrogant masters. They didn't realize that someone would dare to trouble them. Therefore, when they were resting, there was no human realm at all. It seemed that this place was like their home.

Of course, ye Wuqian doesn't know that this moustache is not an ordinary person. In some big forces around him, no one doesn't know him. Therefore, in their consciousness, no one dares to attack them. The people who attack them are looking for death, so there is no need to guard against them.

After discovering such a situation, ye Wuqian is more and more happy, because this is an opportunity for him. As long as he seizes this opportunity, he can get the beast pill he wants.

Only the next day did they get out of town and walk all the way into the distance.

Ye Wuque didn't know where they were going, so he followed them all the time.

After following for a while, ye Wuque found that the beard had no sense of danger at all, and even his followers swaggered all the way, still humming songs.

Ye Wuxiang can't help shaking his head. This man is just looking for death. His performance at the auction is too dazzling. Almost everyone knows that he is a rich man. He is looking for death on his own.

However, ye Wuxiang didn't pay much attention to it, because he felt that no one would dare to do anything to moustache. After all, he knew from Wang Ken that the identity of the big beard was not simple and had a strong background. Therefore, no one should have the idea of moustache except him.

But only a moment later, he gave up the idea because he heard the rustle.

At the moment of hearing this sound, ye Wuqian knew that it must be the sound of footsteps, and it was made by people who deliberately hide in the dark.

Ye Wuqi felt strange and hid immediately.

Soon, he found a sneaky man, his eyes were firmly fixed on the bearded party.

Ye Wumian found that the man who followed the beard was just a martial arts master with high-level strength. He quickly made a judgment that this person would never be a person.

After all, he has a certain understanding of mustache and his party. Although they are very rampant, their strength is also good. Not to mention that moustache himself is the strength of the martial arts master. Even one of his attendants is also a high-level martial arts teacher. Now, the senior strength of the martial arts master is tracking them. If they do, it will not be robbery, but go To die.

So he is sure that the person in front of him must be a person in charge of investigation, so there must be more powerful opponents behind him.Ye Wuqi didn't think of it. In addition to him, someone really wanted to have a big beard.

However, such a thing has already happened, which makes me feel a little anxious. After all, what he has in his hands is something he must get. Now that someone is also eyeing moustache, he will have one more competitor.

He is just the strength of a martial arts master Da Yuanman level. Among the big beard group, he is an expert of the martial arts master Da Yuanman level. He even has many followers. Even if he only deals with them, he is not sure that he will win. What's more, there are competitors who don't know their strength. If the opponents are real, they will win More powerful, he did not have any opportunities, so now the leaves without lack of some do not know what to do.

If it is only for money, ye Wuqian will give up. After all, it is not worth fighting for money and two powerful enemies.

But in fact, ye Wuque is not for money, but for ten thousand beast pill. He has promised Zhu ruosi that he will find the beast pill. If he can't find it, it will be all right. But the ten thousand beast pill has already appeared. How can he give up?

Ye Wumian knows that if you want to get the beast pill eventually, you must have a full understanding of these people, and know their strength, then you can have a specific plan. Therefore, ye Wuqian decides to make a fool of the snake first, let the person in charge of the investigation expose their position, and have an overall evaluation of their strength.

Since he has made such a decision, ye Wuqian does not hesitate. He immediately picks up a stone and smashes it at the senior follower of the martial arts master.

A plop.

The senior follower of the martial arts teacher was hit by the stone of Ye Wuqian.

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