Seeing the visitor, ye Wuqian didn't react, but Bai Lian was very happy. She jumped forward and cried out, "Daddy!"

Hearing this address, ye Wuque's heart coagulates. Since Bai Lian calls this name, then the identity of this person in front of him is natural. He is the city Lord he is looking for, Bai Wanliu.

However, after thinking about it, ye Wuqian immediately had no choice but to smile bitterly. It was obvious that all the situations just now had fallen into the eyes of the city Lord. He even bullied the other party's daughter in front of the other party.

Although, a series of things are initiated by Bailian, but ye Wuwu has no confidence at this time. After all, he and Bai Wanliu are ignorant, and Bailian is the apple of each other's eye.

This kind of intimacy is not reasonable and unreasonable can represent.

Sure enough, at the next moment, Bai Lian's voice sounded: "Dad, you have to make decisions for me, this stinky boy, he bullied me, you just saw it."

White lotus Jiao sound toward white Wanliu sajiao, no cover up to white Wanliu complain.

"You Bai Wanliu fondly touched Bai Lian's hair, and then turned to see ye Wuwu.

"Little brother, good skill, don't you know your name? Please forgive me if my daughter has offended me

Ye Wumian naturally will not follow Bai Wanliu's speech box to say.

At present, the tone of the city Lord Bai Liu seems to be unreasonable.

"I have met the Lord of the city. I took the liberty to offend Miss Bai. Please forgive me." Ye Wuque holds his fist with both hands, and says not humbly or haughtily.

Bai Wanliu nodded, he he said with a smile: "you don't have to be polite. I know my daughter's temper better than anyone else. She must have caused trouble again."

"Daddy The white lotus that hears in the side is momentarily disobeyed, quickly twisted Bai Wanliu's hand to cry: "Daddy, you wronged me, it is clear that this boy is not right, he also injured my Xiaohei."

"Oh?" Bai Wanliu raised her eyebrows and turned her head to see the black horse howling beside her.

"Little brother, can you tell me what happened?" Bai Wanliu looked up and asked ye Wuwu.

Ye Wuqi once again arched his hand and told the story of his meeting with Bailian, without concealing or adding fuel.

"Dad, you see, he said it himself. He did it to me first. You should avenge me and take him down!" Xiaolian waved her hand beside her.

Bai Wanliu smiles and shakes his head. Instead of paying attention to his daughter, he looks at Ye Wuqian and continues: "I already know everything. It is really my daughter who is wrong. I apologize for her to my little brother first."


Without paying attention to her daughter's exclamation, Bai Wanliu turned around again and calmly looked at several men in black who stood up again.

Since he knew that several of them were from the city Lord's mansion, ye Wuqian certainly would not kill him. When he started, he had deliberately left his hands. Therefore, he lost his ability to move in an instant before. In the past, there was no big obstacle.

After a few people who got up again, they did not dare to have the slightest audacity, because in front of them, Bai Wanliu was looking at them with a gloomy face.

"You bastards, I sent you here to protect the safety of the young lady, not to accompany him to commit crimes. Hum!" Bai Wanliu looked at several of his men and said angrily.

In the face of the city Lord's drinking and scolding, several people of course dare not have the slightest reaction, can only stand in place with their heads down.

When she saw her father's face, she could not find her father's face.

Looking at Ye Wuwei's eyes, he became more angry.

Ye Wuqi didn't expect that the eldest lady, after this, hated him even more. He was looking at Bai Wanliu in front of him at this time.

Judging from Bai Wanliu's performance after his appearance, ye Wuqian is indeed very satisfied. No wonder the city Lord is so loved by the people, and his style of conduct is very decent.

In my heart, there is hope for the burning desert.

"Ha ha, although the little girl is mischievous, I didn't expect to let me know a young hero? Why don't you go into my house and have a rest

Bai Wanliu laughs and sends out an invitation to ye Wuwu.

This invitation is undoubtedly the intention of Ye Wuwei. He is worried about how to enter the city Lord's house.

"I wish I could, but I dare not ask my ears!" Ye Wuxiang also laughs loudly.

"Good, great, brother ye, please!" Bai Wanliu said with a loud smile.

"Lord, please!"

Two people look at each other and smile, laughing and leaving, leaving only the white lotus standing in the same place, there is no reaction at all for a moment.

She did not expect that, suddenly, the stinky boy who made her gnash his teeth became a guest of honor in their family.This is simply a matter of breaking through the tolerance limit of Bailian.

"Damn it, how can this happen, daddy, daddy, wait for me!" White lotus face color a change, quickly catch up with.

In the original place, only a group of black samurai, look at each other bitterly smile.

Night falls!

In the banquet hall of the city Lord's mansion, bursts of hearty laughter came out.

At this time, on the dining table in the hall, there are all kinds of delicious food and wine, and the object of banquet on the table is exactly Ye wubu, who enters the mansion during the day.

On the dining table, the natural companion is Bai Wanliu and Bailian father and daughter.

It's just different from Bai Wanliu's smile from the heart. At this time, Bailian's expression can be said that the eyes are not the eyes, and the nose is not the nose.

Just look, let a person know, she has been unhappy to the extreme.

Different from her, Bai Wanliu and ye Wuqian had a good talk.

"Ha ha, little brother, I didn't expect that I met you today. It's a great pleasure in life that I met you as soon as I met you." Bai Wanliu laughed.

"It's a great honor to meet the city Lord." Ye Wuqi also chuckles.

"Lian'er, don't make amends to your elder brother Ye!" Bai Wanliu suddenly made a voice and looked at his daughter.

"What? To him? Delusion Bai Lian shouts loudly, as if hearing some joke.

"Well?" Bai Wan's eyebrows wrinkled and quickly stares at Bai Lian.

Under the strong pressure of her father, Bailian quickly flattened her mouth. She could only stand up with hatred and made an apology to Ye Wuwei with gnashing teeth.

"No! No Ye Wuque smiles and waves his hand, indicating that Bai Lian sits down.

Looking at Ye Wuqian sitting in the same place, even without getting up, she waved her hand toward herself, and Bai Lian felt more hatred.

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