After hearing Wu Fangfang's angry words, ye Wuqi raised a corner of his mouth and laughed. Then he said to Wu Fangfang on the phone:

"no, I'm at the door now. When I leave, you told me that I must talk about him and let him agree to cooperate with our company. You know that I am not a person who gives up halfway, so I can't let go Abandoned. "

After saying that, she hung up the phone. When Wu Fangfang found out that her phone had been hung up, she got angry on the spot. After realizing what ye Wuqian was doing, she suddenly patted the table and stood up.

Then he continued to call ye Wumian, but he found that Wu Fangfang was simply too upset and kept calling himself, so he simply turned off the phone.

Wu Fangfang had no way to call ye Wumian. After that, she became more anxious. So she had to gnash her teeth and say to Tang Rou on the other side:

"no, I have to go there in person. Ye Wuque has really found a big trouble this time."

Wu Fangfang was very anxious here, but ye Wuqian didn't worry about it at all, so after hanging up the phone, he directly broke into Lin Tianshi's home.

Lin Tianshi just heard the noise at the door. He was worried, so he ran to the door to see what happened.

But just after he came out, he saw that ye Wuque had injured so many of their bodyguards, and then rushed in. Lin Tianshi's face turned strange on the spot.

Looking at ye Wumian's coming in, he angrily opened his mouth to him and said:

"who are you? Why break into my villa suddenly? What is your purpose

After hearing Lin Tianshi finished, ye Wuqi raised the corner of his mouth and laughed. He then sat on the sofa of Lin Tianshi's house. He ignored Lin Tianshi's anger, handed the contract in his hand to Lin Tianshi, and then said to him:

"don't be nervous. I'm here to talk about cooperation with you. Take a look at the contract and say goodbye After reading it, you will know everything in the future. "

Ye Wuqian no longer said anything more and handed the contract to Lin Tianshi.

Although Lin Tianshi was very angry in his heart, he saw the contract he was proposing to himself and finished reading it.

Lin Tianshi's face didn't change much after reading it. Instead, he threw the contract on the table angrily, and then said to ye Wumian:

"no, I won't cooperate with you. Don't bring this contract to me again. You can leave immediately, or I will call the police."

Lin Tianshi was really angry. She didn't expect that her heavily guarded villa was so easily broken in by a person. She didn't know what the use of keeping so many bodyguards was. After thinking about this, Lin Tianshi was very angry.

However, ye Wuxiang didn't mean to leave at all. Instead, he opened his mouth to Lin Tianshi with a smile:

"no way. When I came, I promised our boss that if I didn't sign this contract today, I would not be able to leave. "

After saying that, he looked at Lin Tianshi how to do, but ye Wuqian did not say a word.

Lin Tianshi has been patient to the limit. If ye Wuque is back now, it's OK, but who knows ye Wuque doesn't feel like going back. Naturally, he is not happy.

So he patted the table heavily, and then ye Wumian said:

"OK! You're not going out, are you? I'll call the police right now and let the police come to deal with this matter. "

After saying that, he picked up the mobile phone and was ready to dial 110. Ye Wuqian saw that he wanted to call the police. After that, he grabbed his mobile phone from Lin Tianshi's hand, and then shook his mobile phone in front of Lin Tianshi.

Lin Tianshi eye looked at the phone he was about to dial was robbed by Ye Wuque. After that, he became more angry in his heart, and then pointed out that ye Wuwu was very angry.

Finally, he spoke to ye wumi helplessly and said:

"what do you want to do? If you don't give me back my mobile phone soon, if you think I can sign a contract with you even if I don't return my mobile phone, I will tell you it's impossible. "

Lin Tianshi's words have not finished to see so low, has picked up the mobile phone and hit the ground in the past, the mobile phone was smashed into pieces, Lin Tianshi is completely stunned.

He thought the man was arrogant and decided to call the police to frighten the man to leave. However, he didn't expect that he was so brave and broke his mobile phone.

Lin Tianshi saw ye Wuque's appearance, and then he was completely angry. He pointed out his finger at ye Wuque and didn't know what to say for a long time.

Ye Wuqi saw Lin Tianshi pointing to his anger, and then he opened his mouth and said to him:

"I know that the reason why you don't want to sign a contract with us is to avoid disputes and not to let your company get involved. But have you ever thought that if you try to avoid it again and again, not only will you You can let your own company not be implicated. On the contrary, it may let other companies have no fear of you because of your concession. At that time, don't say that you want to avoid trouble. When the time comes, trouble will come to you naturally. Do you think you will come here as gently as you do now? "Lin Tianshi was originally very angry, but after ye Wuqian's words and words were finished, Lin Tianshi was rare to be quiet.

Ye Wuqian is right. The reason why he is not willing to cooperate with all the companies is to avoid disputes.

If you want to avoid the market, you will not have much energy to fight in the market.

I think those disputes will not disturb me any more. But who knows Ye Wuqian actually said such a thing? We all know that tomorrow will be completely stunned. After seeing Lin Tianshi's stupefied appearance, he is ready to continue to speak:

"if you really want to give yourself a clean word, you should eliminate all the noise, but if it is you And again and again, the noise will not stop, but will be more eager. I'm a living example

After saying that, he looked at Lin Tianshi with a smile. This time, Lin Tianshi was not angry. Instead, he looked at Ye Wuwei thoughtfully and didn't know what he was thinking.

Ye Wuxiang did not urge him to sit and wait.

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