After the car quieted down a little, ye Wumian went to the car to check the situation. Although the car was blown up, some places were still intact. He went to check the car, so he found that there were obvious traces of people moving on the brake.

What's more, ye Wuqian, who was just driving, naturally knew that the brake was broken. He had just seen the buildings and wanted to brake, but he felt that the brake had lost its function.

There was also no way to stop the car, so ye wumi knew that the brake had been moved.

After thinking about this, I decided to start with the brake to see who was the culprit.

After pacifying the good Wu Fangfang, ye Wuqian simply dealt with the wound on his arm, and then he walked towards an Internet cafe nearby.

Ye is in urgent need of a computer now, but his computer is not convenient to use, so he can only go to the Internet bar to use the computer inside.

After finding a computer in the corner of a wall, this is a careful look at the side of no suspicious people, this is to use the computer to enter a string of code, successfully hacked into the police station inside the monitoring system.

Then ye Wumian fell out in a hurry. At that time, some scenes were monitored by the car. However, just after the camera fell out, ye Wuqian thought about the possible time to move the car and then jumped to the place directly.

Sure enough, there was a thief in the monitoring room. The man came to Wu Fangfang's car and then walked around the car in the house. He didn't know what he was looking at.

Half a day later, he secretly hid under the car and put the brakes on the car. After that, the man ran away in a hurry.

If there was no monitor, no one would be able to find out that the car had been tampered with by someone. Fortunately, ye Wumian has now arrived at the person who did this thing. So after taking a look at those people, he felt that the person was familiar, so he inquired about the person.

Finally, ye Wuque really found out what the identity of the man was. Ye Wuque found out that the man's name was Li Mingzhi, who was a member of the Qinglong club.

Ye Wuqi became angry on the spot when he knew that this matter was related to the green dragon Association. Before the green dragon Association, he made trouble to himself more than once. At the beginning, the green dragon Association repeatedly came to find his own trouble, and he didn't have any trouble with Wu Fangfang. A Green Dragon Association took it to heart, so he didn't pay much attention to them.

But who knows that they actually do this kind of abusive means and cut the brake of their own car. If they didn't find out that there was a problem with the car today and let the house come alone, Wu Fangfang might have died.

After thinking of this, ye Wuque angrily smashed the table inside the Internet bar. Those people who played games in the Internet bar saw ye Wuque very angry. After that, they all shrank their necks but ignored ye Wuque.

Ye Wuqi left the Internet bar on the spot after knowing the identity of this person, and then went to the Qinglong club to look for Li Mingzhi. But who knows that Li Mingzhi seems to know that he will be found, so he has already driven in the car and left secretly.

Ye Wumian is very angry when he knows that Li Mingzhi has escaped. However, he has decided to deal with his stepfather. No one can do this.

So he drove to Li Mingzhi on the spot. He knew that Li Mingzhi was driving his own car, so he could not run too far by himself, so he might be able to catch up with him.

After thinking of this, ye Wuqian also drove his car to chase Li Mingzhi.

After Li Mingzhi finished this, he was always worried and afraid. He knew that his actions must have been captured by the monitor, but he did not expect that anyone would find out so soon.

He knew that the police were not very active at all, so when the police found out that they had done these things, they had already run far away, so they did not pay attention to their affairs at all.

He drove his car to escape, but he didn't expect that he found a car after he had just escaped half way. It seems that he has been following himself.

Li Mingzhi frowned. He was angry. He didn't know what kind of car was chasing him all the time. However, he still had a guilty conscience, so he took a look outside the car.

However, after seeing the people in the car, Li Mingzhi turned pale on the spot. He knew that ye Wuqian and Wu Fangfang got on the bus together.

If Wu Fangfang had an accident, ye Wuqian would have had an accident. Now ye Wuque has not had an accident. Instead, he has come by driving a car.

Li Mingzhi is also thinking about whether his own practice failed. Wu Fangfang and ye Wuqian did not have anything wrong. If so, he would be in trouble.

If Li MINGYE can't speed up here, he will not be able to speed up.Li Mingzhi thinks that if he runs away, ye Wuque can't keep up with himself. Moreover, Li Mingzhi knows that although ye Wuque beats people more severely, he may not be able to catch up with him if he is faster than the speed.

Therefore, Li Mingzhi still has some confidence in his own ability, but later he becomes more and more flustered, because Li Mingzhi didn't think of himself. No matter how fast he drove, ye Wuwei or chasing after him, he was only ten meters away from himself. If he was not careful, he might be caught.

Of course, if Li Mingzhi's subordinates can't imagine that they can't afford to be caught in the future, they will not be able to imagine that they can't do something without their own hands.

What's more, even if Lin Fei doesn't do anything to himself, as long as he turns himself over to the police station, he will commit a felony. Maybe he will spend his whole life in prison, and his good life has just passed for such a long time. Of course, Li Mingzhi is unwilling to go to prison.

thinking of this, Li Mingzhi certainly accelerated the speed of his car, and directly Towards the freeway.

Ye Wuqian saw Li Mingzhi's Dog Chicken jumping over the wall. After that, he snorted coldly, and then pursued Li Mingzhi.

At that time, the two cars were even, and the distance between them was only ten meters.

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