Lin Fangqi watched as she finally caught a criminal. However, she did not expect that she had not been in the police station for long before she was released. Of course, Lin Fangqi was not convinced.

Although his father is a police chief, but he is not relying on his father, the relationship between the police chief.

Compared with some officials of the second generation, Lin Fangqi had better rely on his father, but on his own ability to enter the police station. Therefore, in his heart, he also disliked those people who used money and power to go through the back door.

So now I heard ye Wuque was released. Naturally, she was unconvinced. So she thought it must be because ye Wuque secretly gave him the back door, so she let her father release ye Wuque.

After thinking about this, Lin Fangqi is not satisfied with his father at all. He thinks about his father. As a policeman, how can he do such a thing? However, his father has already made a decision. Even if he has no way to change it, he can only sigh and watch ye Wuqian be released.

Although Lin Fang Qi met a criminal, he was not convinced by a person, so he was not convinced,.

Thinking that she can't watch such social ethos grow in any case, she decided to catch Ye Wuqian again. If she caught ye Wuque back again, even his father would not be able to let Ye Wuqian go again.

After Lin Fangqi thought of this idea, he felt that his idea was really too good on the spot, so he didn't think about anything else, and directly pursued ye Wuque gang.

Ye Wuqi is only thinking about how to catch Li Mingzhi, so he doesn't pay attention to Lin Fangqi for a while. Besides, she is just a woman. Even if ye Wuqian knows that Lin Fangqi is following him, he doesn't care about anything in his heart.

Ye Wuqi has just left the police station, thinking about how he can find Li Mingzhi. He doesn't know much about Li Mingzhi now. He can't go home now because he is a gangster, so he has already cut off all relations with his family, so he can only trace Li Mingzhi from other aspects 。

Therefore, after learning such a thing, Li Mingzhi must go to the Qinglong club as soon as possible, because only in this way can we protect Li Mingzhi's safety. When he thinks of this, ye Wuqian smiles and sneers.

As long as you go to the Qinglong club, you will find Li Mingzhi. When you think of this place, you will drive your car to the residence of qintian gang.

Naturally, Lin Fangqi has always been in Ye Wuqian's sight, because he knows that ye Wuqian must be a bad man, so he is always worried about ye Wuxiang, and he only wants to catch Ye Wuxiang back.

Moreover, he didn't like Ye Wuqian, a smooth person. Now he knows that ye Wuqian is a bad man, and later he is disgusted with him. Therefore, in order to catch Ye Wuqian, he can only follow Ye Wuqian secretly and want to see what kind of bad intentions Ye Wuqian has.

After Li Minglong went to the camp, he went to find the shadow of the camp.

However, ye Wuqian had already chased Li Mingzhi before he came. If Li Mingzhi kept it, he could only hide in the camp of Qinglong club. Besides, Li Mingzhi had no other place to go.

But who knows that he did not find Li Mingzhi after searching for a long time. He was not only a little strange in his mind, but also thought that he was wrong in his guess. Li Mingzhi was not here?

But how could this be possible? She really couldn't figure out where Li Mingzhi could go in addition to the camp of Qinglong club.

He knew that after Li Mingzhi's accident, there was no place to go except in the camp of the green dragon Association, so he had some in mind, but he thought that he could not have guessed wrong, so I would go to other places in the future.

Otherwise, why didn't I find Li Mingzhi all the time today? After thinking about this place, ye Wuque was also worried, but because there must be no other place to go, there was no worry in his heart.

So ye Wuqian thinks that he should find Li Mingzhi's place, because he believes that as long as he is looking carefully, he will find Li Mingzhi.

Therefore, he did not die to look for Li Mingzhi again in the base of the Qinglong club, but who knows that there is no trace of Li Mingzhi.

Ye Wuqian, this is some disappointment, helpless, can only leave.

However, there are still some unwilling in my heart. However, ye Wuqian doesn't find that Li Mingzhi is just about to leave when Lin Fangqi rushes in.

Because Lin Fangqi is now wearing a police uniform, ye Wuqian immediately recognizes Lin Fangqi. Seeing Lin Fangqi coming here, ye Wuqian frowns at once. How can he expect to see Lin Fangqi here.In my mind, how can I meet this woman every time I encounter bad things? I don't want to see Lin Fangqi even more when I think of this place.

So after a look at Lin Fangqi, just as she was about to brush past Lin Fangqi, Lin Fangqi grabbed ye Wumian and then said to him,

"where else do you want to go? Don't think you've just been released by my father. I can let you go. I've just said that I will never let go of bad people like you Come back to the police station with me

Ye Wuqi was upset and angry because he didn't find Li Mingzhi. He snorted angrily when he heard Lin Fangqi finish. Then he said to Lin Fangqi unhappily:

"what do you say? Now that you know that I have been released by your father, it proves that there is nothing wrong with me, but how can you arrest me now? "

When Lin Fangqi heard Ye Wuqian finish, she was also silent. Just before, because she wanted to catch Ye Wuqian, she forgot what reason to use to catch Ye Wuqian. After thinking about this, she was silent and didn't say anything after half a day.

Finally, he opened his mouth to Ye Wuwei and said, "hum, you have committed a crime by breaking into private houses. Of course, I can take you back."

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