Ye Wumian called out the monitor and checked it for a long time. This is a clue that he found Li Mingzhi in the monitor.

But I did not see Li Mingzhi there when I just went to check it. It can be imagined that the reason is that the people of the green dragon Association knew that they would definitely go to find Li Mingzhi, so they hid Li Mingzhi.

After thinking about this, ye Wuqian felt a little annoyed. If Lin Fangqi hadn't come out to make trouble, he might have caught Li Mingzhi now. It was because of Lin Fangqi's disturbance that he didn't catch Li Mingzhi.

After thinking of being here, Li Mingzhi felt a little angry, so he could only make another trip.

Ye Wuqi has been waiting until the night after dark, this is to take advantage of the night to come here.

Today, I just came to the camp of the Qinglong club from the inside. I saw Li Mingzhi sneaking out of it. They saw Li Mingzhi strolling out of the club. Ye Wuqian sneered at him on the spot.

As expected, his guess was right. Li Mingzhi had no other place to go except the residence of the green dragon Association, so he really had foresight when he came here this time.

So ye Wumian's heart was relieved. As long as he caught Li Mingzhi, everything would be easy to say, but he didn't intend to scare the snake, because as long as he caught Li Mingzhi, all the things could be solved.

It's just that Li Mingzhi is smart and ruthless now. I don't know for sure. If I can catch Li Mingzhi at once, I'm afraid he will be scared and run away again. Moreover, he hasn't found the person behind the divorce. So he doesn't plan to catch the divorce so early, but he wants to put it into confusion Look at what he thinks and where he wants to go. As long as he knows where Li Mingzhi is going, he can rest assured.

Ye Wuqian doesn't believe that Li Mingzhi took the initiative to frame them, because Li Mingzhi risked his life to cut off their brakes, which was impossible to think about.

So there must be some people behind Li Mingzhi. Li Mingzhi came to cut their brakes in order to frame himself or Wu Fangfang. Therefore, ye Wuwei is trying to find out the murderer behind the scenes.

After finding the murderer behind the scenes, he and Wu Fangfang can be safe, because he does not know whether the murderer came for himself or for Wu Fangfang. However, no matter whether it is for himself or for Wu Fangfang, he is not willing to let them go.

Ye Wuque has been following Li Mingzhi in the night, but he sees Li Mingzhi in a furtive manner and runs out of the camp of the green dragon Association.

Ye Wuqian's anti reconnaissance ability is naturally very strong, so Li Mingzhi can't directly find ye Wuque is tracking him.

After Li Mingzhi ran out alone, ye Wuque has been following Li Mingzhi. Ye Wuque followed Li Mingzhi. He originally wanted to find something, but there was no flaw along the way.

Who knows that Li Mingzhi is directly toward the famous red light district in China. After seeing Li Mingzhi running towards such a place, he was still surprised.

Can't Li Mingzhi find a place to connect with a murderer at this time? I don't know why he went to such a red light district.

Ye Wuqi was really puzzled, but after seeing Li Mingzhi, he knew that Li Mingzhi could not go to such a place at this dangerous time, so he thought that there must be his reason, so he followed him.

But who knows just after arriving at the red light district, he saw Li Mingzhi skillfully walk past, and then found a beautiful woman, and then the two people are tired of moving around together.

Ye Wumian has no choice but to turn his eyes when he sees Li Mingzhi like this. Originally, Li Mingzhi still has some expectations. He hopes that through Li Mingzhi, who is the murderer behind the scenes can be found out. But who knows that Li Mingzhi spent so much time running out of the base of the Qinglong club and secretly running here is actually for the sake of her We're dating a couple of women.

At the thought of this, ye Wuqian was helpless, so he didn't have the patience to say anything to Li Mingzhi. He snorted angrily and ran towards Li Mingzhi.

Then, when he arrived at the door, he kicked open Li Mingzhi's door. Li Mingzhi was still doing some indescribable things, but who knew he heard someone break into the door.

After hearing the sound of breaking the door from outside, Li Mingzhi ran towards the door in a hurry. However, he didn't expect to see that there was a person at the door, that is, ye Wuque.

When Li Mingzhi saw Ye Wuqian, he had been hiding from ye Wumian. He thought that ye Wuqian could finally escape. He thought Ye Wuqian would not find himself. He also did not believe that he could find himself in the red light district at once, so he came out unscrupulously.But who knows ye Wuque actually came to the door. After seeing ye Wuqian at the door, Li Mingzhi didn't think of anything else in his mind. He was so scared that he felt his hair on the spot, and then rushed to the door with his back in a hurry.

However, ye Wuqian certainly won't give him this opportunity. He has spent a lot of effort to find Li Mingzhi. If he wants to run away, he can't find him. Now he has finally caught him, and naturally he won't be able to leave so easily.

Fortunately, there are no windows in the room, so Li Mingzhi can't jump out of the window. The only way is to get out of the door.

But now ye Wuque is a gift coming in from the door. Of course, there is no way to escape from the door, so ye Wuque snorts coldly on the spot. This is to say to them: "did not expect, even if you ran away, I can find you."

Li Mingzhi also frowned after hearing ye Wuque's words. He looked at all places and didn't care. Then he quickly hid behind ye Wuque and wanted to break out of the door.

However, ye Wuque didn't give Li Mingzhi this opportunity at all, so he wrestled with Li Mingzhi. Of course, Li Mingzhi couldn't resist Ye Wuqian, so he was overwhelmed by Ye Wuque.

After ye Wuqi finally catches Li Mingzhi, he is relieved to clap his hands, and then he is ready to ask who sent Li Mingzhi to frame them.

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