Wu Fangfang listened to Ye Wuqian and his own words, then slowly began to have a little hesitation.

"But I don't know how to solve the problem you told me, because my mind is blank now, because I feel very angry about this matter."

After thinking about it for a while, Wu Fangfang slowly and leisurely said such a sentence to Ye Wuqian.

Ye Wuqi saw that Tang Wanrou was still in this place, so he said, "Tang Wanrou, you go out first. I need to have a good chat with Wu Fangfang about some things now."

Tang Wanrou heard Ye Wuqian and his words, then quickly left the office.

"You'll sit around and wait for me for half an hour. I'll come up with a plan, and then you can solve it."

With a serious expression, ye Wuqi looked at Wu Fangfang, and then slowly and leisurely said such a sentence. Wu Fangfang listened to the man in front of him and what he said.

So the heart is in a state of doubt, because he does not believe that the man in front of him will come up with a plan.

"If that's the case, then I'm waiting for you now, but I hope you don't let me down, you must come up with a plan, because this matter is very urgent now."

Wu Fangfang hesitated in her heart for a while, then she said such a word to Ye Wuqian very quickly. After listening to the woman in front of her, she nodded in silence and did not say anything else. She went to write a plan with her head down.

Soon half an hour passed like water.

"Now that the plan has come out, what you need to do most is to go out and discuss it with my colleagues. I will do all the other things."

Ye Wuqi is very sure to look at the woman in front of him, and then said such a sentence to the woman in front of him.

Wu Fangfang slowly picked up the plan, after a general look at it, said: "are you sure you can solve this problem by yourself, and I don't know what you should do now?"

"Isn't your main thing now to discuss this plan with us?"

After hearing Wu Fangfang's question to himself, ye Wuqi really felt that Wu Fangfang was a bit silly.

The corner of his mouth rose slightly: "as long as you are to solve the matter I told you, you don't need to ask about other things, because these things must have my own thoughts in my heart."

After finishing such a sentence, ye Wuqian slowly sat down on his office chair.

When Wu Fangfang saw ye Wuque's self satisfied appearance, she felt that ye Wuqian should have her own measurement on this matter, so she didn't need to remind her again about this matter.

"In that case, then I won't disturb you here. I'll solve it first. No matter whether the project can be successful or not, as long as I try it, I believe I can do it well."

Wu Fangfang once said this to Ye Wuqian, so she left the place directly and went to discuss the plan with her colleagues.

Ye Wuqi did not hesitate again on this matter, but slowly picked up the tools he needed, and then walked out of the company, intending to investigate this matter.

After leaving the company, he came to an Internet cafe.

After taking a deep breath, I plan to do a big one. It quickly broke all the police surveillance videos.

Then he plans to observe carefully who actually stole the plan, because he thinks that what Wu Fangfang just said to himself is also quite reasonable.

If Wu Fangfang goes to design that plan now, then this person will certainly have an action. As long as he observes carefully, he will know the result.

At this time, ye Wumian was very sure of what he was going to do, and felt that these things were infallible.

As long as they find out the person who leaked the secret, everything will be planted in this place. No matter who cooperates with them, they will never find a person who is not trusted.

At the moment when ye Wuqian is going to do a big job, suddenly a man with a sense of justice appears in front of him.

Ye Wuqi saw that it was Lin Fangqi, so the whole person was muddled. He didn't expect this person to act so fast.

So quickly appeared in front of their own eyes, they have not observed this matter, but have been found by others, breaking the police monitoring things like this thing.

"I think you should know by now what you should be doing yourself? Now you should come with me as soon as possible, because all these things you do are illegal. "Lin Fangqi looked at Ye Wuqian with a serious expression, and said all the things he had done wrong with him.

Ye Wuqian looked at the situation in front of him, if he left this place now, then all the things would fall short.

So he thinks that he should delay the time well now. As long as he can know the truth, no matter what.

"I don't know what you're talking about just now. If there's nothing else, don't disturb me here. I have a lot of things to do."

Ye Wuque pretends to be indifferent and says such a sentence to Lin Fangqi.

Because now his heart is very sure, if he really follow the woman in front of him now, then all these things may fall short.

So he never allowed such things to happen to him.

"I know you know what I just said, so you don't want to talk to me about these tangled words here. You have to follow me to the police station. When you get there, you will know what you have done wrong."

Lin Fangqi did not use too much time and ye Wuqian to waste his time here. Instead, he tied Ye Wuqian directly.

Then he took ye Wuque to the police station and planned to ask ye Wuque what he was doing here before.

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