Although Tang Wanrou was very angry in his heart, until now, if he refused directly, these people would be harmful to him.

And now that they are still in their hands, they must not do something that makes them angry.

It will be bad if they do it by themselves. After thinking about it, Tang Wanrou has an idea after blinking her eyes.

because now that she has been brought here by them, why don't you plan now? In this case, she is still safe.

Tang Wanrou sighed after thinking about this place, and then opened his mouth to the people in front of him:

"you can tell me what is the reason why you want me to come here. If I can do it, I will help you. If I really can't help you, then I can't. After all, I'm not the boss in the company. I have some things I still can't help. "

After hearing Tang Wanrou's words, the man's eyes lit up. He was afraid that Tang Wanrou would not agree, so he was worried all the time. But now that he heard Tang Wanrou's consent, he immediately raised a smile,

and then went to Tang Wanrou and said:

"ha ha, that's good, but you Just rest assured. As long as you are willing to help us, you can certainly help me. After that, you can tell Tang Wanrou everything. "

Tang Wanrou knew what it was to do to kidnap herself to me.

It turns out that the company will soon have a business to talk with them, so these people call themselves to come here to secretly steal the internal materials of the company to them, and then become their internal agents.

Tang Wanrou sneered at them and said to them:

"if you are serious about business, I can still talk to you, but if you play these tricks, you can say that I can't talk with you. You also know that Wu Fangfang and I are good friends, and you think I will do it Is there such a betrayal of your best friend? I don't have to tell you. I won't promise you. "

After that, she turned her head and ignored those people who thought Tang Wanrou had agreed. However, after hearing their explanation, Tang Wanrou turned her head in anger and was not happy.

If Tang Wanrou is not willing to agree with them this time, I'm afraid they will have some problems in the competition with Wu Fangfang company this time, so they are also unhappy.

After seeing Tang Wanrou's resolute disagreement, the leader snorted coldly, then walked up to Tang Wanrou, slapped the table angrily and said to Tang Wanrou:

"who do you think you are? Have you ever thought about the consequences of your refusal?"

Tang Wanrou sneered and then said to these people:

"Oh? Well, I really don't know. If I don't promise you to work in collusion with you, you can't forget that if I'm kidnapped by you now, if Wu Fangfang finds me missing, he will call the police. Do you think you will not be found? "

After hearing Tang Wanrou finished, the man was not in a hurry. Since he really kidnapped Tang Wanrou, he was already ready. Even if he kidnapped Tang Wanrou, he did not use his identity.

So he said that even if he solved Tang Wanrou's words, no one would find them, so he didn't care much after hearing Tang Wanrou said so.

After sneering at Tang Wanrou for a while, he said:

"I look at you. In fact, you are very smart. Why do you think that since I kidnapped you here, I will find it out for Wu Fangfang? Don't even think about it. Even if Wu Fangfang finds out that you are missing, he will never find us. Even if he finds out, there is no evidence to prove that I kidnapped you. So if you don't agree to my conditions, there is only one way to die. I think you are also a smart man. How to choose? You should be clear in your mind. ”

after that, Tang Wanrou gave Tang Wanrou a strange smile. Tang Wanrou didn't expect these people to be so shameless, but he had no way. If he could not promise them, he would die.

Therefore, Tang Ruo fell into a deep thought. He was determined that he would not betray Wu Fangfang. Because Wu Fangfang and his good friend, even if he was not an employee in the company, he was not willing to betray his good friend.

So after hearing these people say so, naturally I am very angry, but if I do not agree with them, my life may be threatened.

So Tang Wanrou hesitated at once, thinking whether he would like to temporarily agree to come down to them, and then after he went back, he would confess the matter to Wu Fangfang.

But when Tang Wanrou was thinking about this, the leader in front of him said to Tang Ruo with a smile:"Miss Tang, if you want to promise us to go back home for the time being, then you don't have to think about it at all. I'm not a fool. Naturally, I won't do such a thing. So now you have only two ways to go. Either promise us directly or you know the consequences. "

After that, he smiles at Tang Wanrou.

Tang Wanrou didn't think that these people actually knew what they thought in their hearts. All of a sudden, they had some accidents. After taking a look at these people, they stopped talking. These people are not good people at first sight, so Tang Wanrou is really angry after seeing them like this.

But even if Tang Wanrou is not happy, it is no use. He is still in their hands now, and they must think of how to escape. And these people seem to know that Tang Wanrou will not agree with them so easily, and they are not in a hurry.

After watching Tang Wanrou smile, this is to say to Tang Wanrou:

"Miss Tang, don't worry, I won't let you reply to us so soon. If you can, you can think about it carefully and think about what you should do. We don't worry. It's OK to tell us when you think clearly."

After that, she raised her mouth to Tang Wanrou, laughed and then turned away. Tang Wanrou was very angry when she saw them leave. However, she knew that she could not say anything. She could only watch them leave in anger.

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