Sister Zhou just saw Ye Wuqi, so all the attraction is in Ye Wuqi's body. After seeing Wu Fangfang, she is surprised. I didn't expect Ye Wuqian to have two beautiful girls around him, so some smiling people said to him:

"who is this? Can't it be your girlfriend? You told me last time that you don't have a girlfriend. You didn't expect to find a girlfriend so soon. It's really quick. "

Ye Wuxiang couldn't help laughing after hearing what sister Zhou said. He shook his head at Wu Fangfang and said to sister Zhou:

"you misunderstood me. This is not my girlfriend. She said that my last time, because my work was very smooth, he asked me to come to dinner. You should not speculate about anything."

Ye Wuque knows that Zhou Jie is such a person, so he doesn't care about what she says to her. She just smiles and responds.

After hearing this, sister Zhou couldn't help laughing, and then she said to the three of them:

"OK, well, since we met and it's also a fate, let's go out for dinner together."

After that, he followed Ye Wuqian and Wu Fangfang and Tang Wanrou to the fixed position.

Wu Fangfang and Tang Wanrou are not happy when they see sister Zhou's rebellious attitude towards guests. Especially when Wu Fangfang sees Ye Wuqian and sister Zhou, they are especially unhappy when they talk to each other.

And just when sister Zhou asked if she was his girlfriend, Wu Fangfang was still expecting something. She didn't know how to answer.

But I didn't expect Ye Wuqian to deny it directly, and said that he was his boss. After thinking about this, Wu Fangfang seemed to have some unhappiness, so he glared at Ye Wuqian and returned to his seat angrily.

Just now that all the food has been served, Wu Fangfang felt that she had worked all day and was hungry, so she sat down in her seat and ate more.

After seeing Wu Fangfang's ferocious manner towards him, ye Wumian was puzzled. After rubbing his head, he felt confused. He didn't seem to provoke Wu Fangfang today. He just didn't know why Wu Fangfang didn't wait to see himself.

I can't tell where she made Wu Fangfang unhappy, but after thinking about it for a while, he still found that he didn't do anything at all.

In the end, I was puzzled, so I just shook my head and stopped thinking about it.

Anyway, women's heart needle, even if it is their own guess also guess wrong, it is better not to think simply.

If Wu Fangfang really had any opinion, she would have said it, so she didn't care about anything.

After seeing Wu Fangfang and ye Wuqian, sister Zhou has already guessed what the relationship between Wu Fangfang and ye Wuque is.

She can see now that Wu Fangfang has some thoughts on Ye Wuqian, but ye Wumian has never seen what Wu Fangfang thinks of him.

seeing ye Wumian's appearance that he is still in the dark, sister Zhou shakes her head and has some trickery in her heart, so she smiles at Ye Wuqian and says:

"By the way, didn't I tell you that day that you would often come to see me in the future when you have time. My room has been cleaned up for you. Why don't you come here?"

After hearing this, ye Wuqi always felt that what he said seemed to be a little strange. I thought that what he said was not wrong. He had indeed made a room for himself, so that he could talk to him when he had time. If it was late, he could live there.

So I didn't pay attention to the meaning of sister Zhou all the time. After smiling at her, she said:

"I also want to come here, but there are many things in the company that are busy now, so I can't get away from it for a while. I can only delay it. If I have time in the future, I will come to see you, or hope you don't write about me It is. "

Ye Wuqi thinks that he and sister Zhou still have a lot of topics to talk about. He feels very happy when he chats with sister Zhou, so he will go to see sister Zhou if he has time in the future.

Now, after hearing that sister Zhou specially invited him, ye Wuqian immediately agreed. However, Wu Fangfang on the other side didn't think so. He thought Ye Wuqian and sister Zhou were just because of their work, so there was some intersection.

But I didn't expect them to say so. Sister Zhou was even ready for ye Wuqian's room.

After thinking of this place, Wu Fangfang suddenly felt a little unhappy, so she patted the table heavily, then turned her head and looked at Ye Wuxiang. After that, she thought, ha ha, I still didn't see it. You are so familiar now.But Wu Fangfang didn't say it now. She was just thinking about it in her heart. So ye Wuxiang didn't know what Wu Fangfang was thinking. She was really shocked when she heard Ye Wuqian just patting the table.

After turning around to see Wu Fangfang's gloomy face, she was still confused. She frowned, but she didn't ask him any more.

Tang Wanrou, sitting next to her, also found that Wu Fangfang was in a bad mood. However, Tang Wanrou did not know how to comfort Wu Fangfang.

After all, no matter how to say this, it's not easy to enlighten Wu Fangfang. Ye Wuqian did something wrong. He knew Wu Fangfang liked him, but he didn't expect to meet such a woman and invite her to sit with him for dinner.

Even in order to chat with that woman, she ignored Wu Fangfang. If she did, she would be angry.

But now, after all, that woman is with Ye Wuqian. Wu Fangfang knows that she can't turn over with that woman, so she can only stare at Ye Wuqian angrily.

After Tang Wanrou reaches out and pinches the palm of your Wu Fangfang's hand, this is to wink at Wu Fangfang.

Wu Fangfang was still a little unhappy when she saw the way of scalding her head and comforting herself. However, she thought how a leaf without defect was worth spending her mind for her. So after a cold hum, she turned her head and no longer looked at Ye Wuqian.

Since ye Wuque really likes to be with this sister Zhou, let them chat together. Anyway, it has nothing to do with myself.

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